12 mm Spiculated Nodule upper right lobe
May 2022- they found an incidental nodule in my right upper lobe. The CT impression said 8 mm ground-glass could be a low-grade malignancy. A month later, I had another CT which said that there was no significant interval change 6 mm upper lobe pulmonary nodule.
July 2023-I had a follow up CT scan. Impression 12x7 mm slightly spiculated. Malignancy cannot be excluded. I was referred to a thoracic surgeon who also couldn’t rule out cancer and said that it would be very difficult to get a biopsy because of the location. The test could come back negative, but they wouldn’t be sure that they really got it from the right area. He recommended removing it and biopsy it. Probably a partial lobectomy but he wouldn’t know for sure till he got in there. He could end up removing the entire upper lobe. Does anyone have experience with this? I decided to wait.
February 2024--I just had another CT scan about 2 weeks ago. 1.2 x 0.7 x 0.8 cm spiculated nodule in the right upper lobe not significantly changed since July 2023 but has increased in size since May 2022. This nodule remains suspicious, and PET/CT may be considered for further evaluation.
I’m having a PET/CT scan done next week. I’m so scared about everything. Most people say, just have it removed. Is this really the best option? What will the PET/CT scan show. How long does it take to get back to “normal” after having a surgery like this? It would be a minimally invasive procedure.
Also, I’m reading that there is a much higher chance of it being malignant when it’s found in the upper lobe?
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I’m only a week out from surgery, so I’m not sure if it gets worse. So far so good, feeling a little
nerve tweaking here and there but I guess that’s what to expected. No big deal yet. They did give me a nerve block before the surgery. Gabapentin is supposed to help with that too. That medication wasn’t for me though. I didn’t like it and only had it twice during my hospital stay.
Thank you, you eased my mind. Yes it is going to be a Vats surgery. What has concerned me are some comments I've read how some have seemed to have had such trouble with prolonged nerved pain after their surgery. I'm assuming that is pain in the chest/rib area. Is this so even with Vats surgery that you know of?
Thank you,
Hugs to you too! I know this is not an easy time for you, there is nothing easy about any of this. Just know, that there are so many great people in here who has been a tremendous support.
Do you know if you are having VATS? That's what mine was and recovery time is about 2-4 weeks before I can go back to work. However, it all depends on what kind of work you do. You can usually drive after 1 week as long as you are of the pain medication. I was able to make/cook meals right away after getting home from hospital, it took a lot of effort though. I recommend having some easy meals ready in the freezer ahead of time. Make some big batches of soup and freeze if you can. Best of wishes for a speedy recovery ❤️
I had my upper left lobe taken out seven years ago in one month I was back in the gym. In three weeks, I was driving. Don’t worry, you’re You’re going to Do great. Are you getting robotic surgery? That’s what I had.
Hugs to all,
I was in a car accident on 1-2-24 and after complaining about some mid-back pain to my pain doctor in February, he ordered a CT scan and a 26 x 11 mm very suspicious nodule for lung cancer was found in the LLL. My surgery is on 4-17-24. When I met with the surgeon I forgot to ask a lot of questions, I was nervous. Like how long is the recovery time? How long until I can make/cook dinner? Usually how long until I can drive? I would appreciate any tips you can offer to a newbie.
Thanks, Joanie
It was a regular screening. I don’t smoke. I don’t know why these nodules are growing. I have two nodules. One is 7mm & the other one is 8mm. I’m not worried I really don’t think it’s cancer
@babs1956, Sorry to hear that you are dealing with this so many years after your lung surgery. Was the CT a regularly scheduled screening check, or was it related to another condition?
@joannamountain24, I'm pleased that you are doing so well, and that you were able to catch this early. When facing a diagnosis such as cancer, it's common for our minds to try to protect us from the scary possibilities. It often takes information and the experiences of others to make things 'real' for us. Knowledge is power.
The hospital gave me a pillow for coughing. The pain meds help one cough. 30 min walk was good. I am in Minnesota and it is so nice when we can walk outside - lungs love the fresh air. But last year we had smoke from Canada fires so air quality was not good. They told me walk inside if I can't walk outside. In fact my Pulmonologist put "probable deconditioning" in his notes one time because I wasn't walking in the beginning! Walking is the solution for world peace.