Anyone taking GIP or GLP-1 meds with Camzyos

Posted by suzy1111 @suzy1111, Jan 16, 2024

Been on Camzyos for almost 3 months now. Don’t really see much change although echos do show improvement. Think the biggest issue is weight that even though I have always been active just seemed to keep gaining and no success with losing no matter how hard I try. Want to start taking ozempic or mounjaro or something like. Anyone here taking these meds and have any success or bad side effects when using with Camzyos?

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I'm taking 1mg Ozempic and I think it helps because my wife takes the other 1mg and it helps her not be as hungry as often. I visited an old college buddy who had lost 60 lb in 6 months and looked great. His knee replacement doctor told him titanium wears out and if he lost weight his new knees would last longer. Seeing him was motivation I lost 10 lb/month for 2 months and I want to keep that pace for 12-16 months. That's better than gaining 1 lb/month for 10 years. My doctor told me if I eat 1200 cal I WILL lose weight. When I buy breakfast sandwich (not Baconator) at Wendy's I throw away half the bun and with Coke Zero that is my 400 cal breakfast.

Hello there @suzy1111,
It looks like this is your first post, so Welcome Aboard Mayo Connect! I posted a link to another post from a member @galevin who found some interesting things about semaglutide/Ozempic. There seems to be more information coming out about this drug and it's potential for other uses. I would definitely run this by your cardiologist for their opinion.
I totally get where you're coming from. My heart was so bad and I could no longer walk/run/hike/dance like I used to and the weight came on. And now that I have had a septal myectomy I am able to do close to what I could before, but the weight won't go away. No matter what! It's like the scale went up thirty pounds and stuck there. And I don't like it! Menopause, age, diet, maybe even the controversial "leaky gut syndrome" all seem to play a role. And if that were not enough...there's also HCM!
There are side effects to pretty much everything we take, so my advice is be your own advocate, educate yourself to the fullest extent possible and follow your doctors advice after discussing your concerns with him/her. One thing is for can't hurt to ask!
When do you see your cardiologist again?


I'm taking 1mg Ozempic and I think it helps because my wife takes the other 1mg and it helps her not be as hungry as often. I visited an old college buddy who had lost 60 lb in 6 months and looked great. His knee replacement doctor told him titanium wears out and if he lost weight his new knees would last longer. Seeing him was motivation I lost 10 lb/month for 2 months and I want to keep that pace for 12-16 months. That's better than gaining 1 lb/month for 10 years. My doctor told me if I eat 1200 cal I WILL lose weight. When I buy breakfast sandwich (not Baconator) at Wendy's I throw away half the bun and with Coke Zero that is my 400 cal breakfast.

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Thank you for your input. Are you taking Camzyos at the same time? I am trying to see if anyone is taking both and how they are doing. I appreciate you taking the time to reply.

Hello there @suzy1111,
It looks like this is your first post, so Welcome Aboard Mayo Connect! I posted a link to another post from a member @galevin who found some interesting things about semaglutide/Ozempic. There seems to be more information coming out about this drug and it's potential for other uses. I would definitely run this by your cardiologist for their opinion.
I totally get where you're coming from. My heart was so bad and I could no longer walk/run/hike/dance like I used to and the weight came on. And now that I have had a septal myectomy I am able to do close to what I could before, but the weight won't go away. No matter what! It's like the scale went up thirty pounds and stuck there. And I don't like it! Menopause, age, diet, maybe even the controversial "leaky gut syndrome" all seem to play a role. And if that were not enough...there's also HCM!
There are side effects to pretty much everything we take, so my advice is be your own advocate, educate yourself to the fullest extent possible and follow your doctors advice after discussing your concerns with him/her. One thing is for can't hurt to ask!
When do you see your cardiologist again?

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Thank you Debra for your response. Yes that was my first post. I have been a stalker on here for a few months now 😀. I have been on Camzyos since late October. I have not seen much improvement with my shortness of breath upon exertion and I seem to be much more fatigued as well. The weight just keeps piling on and I have no energy to do much because of the fatigue. I am post menopausal and I get what you are saying in that respect completely. I have seen my Dr very recently and she actually gave me the script for the GLP-1 but I am fearful of taking it. I was apprehensive about the Camzyos as well. The drug being so new and not
having much history of interactions with other drugs especially newer ones is concerning. Reading all the posts here has really helped me. I had so much depression and anxiety in the beginning. I thank you so much for mentoring this group. It is really appreciated. I read that you had the septal myectomy. You are brave! My dr really hasn’t discussed that much with me yet. I guess the Camzyos is the first try. I really am not very brave thinking about having to undergo any surgery. I was actually diagnosed years ago but the cardiologist at that time never told me. I had specifically gone to find that out since my mother had been diagnosed as she was going through cancer treatments. I knew it was highly hereditary. It wasn’t until about 7 years later when I was having many unexplained symptoms that another cardiologist reviewed my previous records and asked me if I knew I had HOCM. That explained a lot of my past issues with labored breathing and pain in the chest. I finally am under care of now a 3rd different cardiologist that seems to be really a good dr and fit for me. I think I am going to give the GLO-1 a chance because the extra weight plus some more now is hindering any progress I do make on the Camzyos. I recently had an echo as well which so showed a little set back. I have had all three echos now since staring. Just so Others have a reference point 1st one showed very little improvement, 2nd showed substantial improvement, 3rd showed small set back. I am still hopeful for the future. I started on 5mg and am still on 5. Just fyi to any interested I had no side effects except increased fatigue until month 3 when I started getting really dizzy. As someone else mentioned it is like vertigo not just a dizziness you get from lightheadedness. Sorry I am writing so much. For someone who doesn’t participate in these chat things usually I really talked a lot 😀. Good luck to all and thanks again Debra for being here❤️


Thank you Debra for your response. Yes that was my first post. I have been a stalker on here for a few months now 😀. I have been on Camzyos since late October. I have not seen much improvement with my shortness of breath upon exertion and I seem to be much more fatigued as well. The weight just keeps piling on and I have no energy to do much because of the fatigue. I am post menopausal and I get what you are saying in that respect completely. I have seen my Dr very recently and she actually gave me the script for the GLP-1 but I am fearful of taking it. I was apprehensive about the Camzyos as well. The drug being so new and not
having much history of interactions with other drugs especially newer ones is concerning. Reading all the posts here has really helped me. I had so much depression and anxiety in the beginning. I thank you so much for mentoring this group. It is really appreciated. I read that you had the septal myectomy. You are brave! My dr really hasn’t discussed that much with me yet. I guess the Camzyos is the first try. I really am not very brave thinking about having to undergo any surgery. I was actually diagnosed years ago but the cardiologist at that time never told me. I had specifically gone to find that out since my mother had been diagnosed as she was going through cancer treatments. I knew it was highly hereditary. It wasn’t until about 7 years later when I was having many unexplained symptoms that another cardiologist reviewed my previous records and asked me if I knew I had HOCM. That explained a lot of my past issues with labored breathing and pain in the chest. I finally am under care of now a 3rd different cardiologist that seems to be really a good dr and fit for me. I think I am going to give the GLO-1 a chance because the extra weight plus some more now is hindering any progress I do make on the Camzyos. I recently had an echo as well which so showed a little set back. I have had all three echos now since staring. Just so Others have a reference point 1st one showed very little improvement, 2nd showed substantial improvement, 3rd showed small set back. I am still hopeful for the future. I started on 5mg and am still on 5. Just fyi to any interested I had no side effects except increased fatigue until month 3 when I started getting really dizzy. As someone else mentioned it is like vertigo not just a dizziness you get from lightheadedness. Sorry I am writing so much. For someone who doesn’t participate in these chat things usually I really talked a lot 😀. Good luck to all and thanks again Debra for being here❤️

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A fellow Stalker!!
I stalked for four months before making my first post.
Welcome! And fyi, my first post makes yours look teeny, tiny! No worries! I think it's good for us to get things out. Nobody but the HOCM/HCM folks know what it is like to live with this hideous thing...and Mayo Connect offers us a way to share and know we are not alone.
Thank you for sharing all you did. You have no idea how much you shared may help someone else. Especially it tells others and two people are alike and everyone has different responses to anything. Drug. Surgery. Etc.
I call it "Mental-pause" because it's a cruel joke for women. more periods. But oh boy! What we get next! I am so HOT now. But in a really BAD way 🙂
I hope you keep our little group posted on your progress. Like you know now, there is so much you gain from being here on Connect. This is your way of giving back!
When is your next appointment?


Thank you for your input. Are you taking Camzyos at the same time? I am trying to see if anyone is taking both and how they are doing. I appreciate you taking the time to reply.

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I have been on Wegovy for over a year and on Camzyos since October. lost 25 pounds last year and my weight has been stable since then as I am no longer loosing 😢). I have had no problems taking them both and there should be no real interaction that’s reported in the literature (but both are newer agents). The only issue is my Camzyos dose has been going between 2.5mg and 5mg and has not quite stabilized yet. The true benefit of Wegovy is it helped stop the weight gain that was occurring since my exercise tolerance has decreased. My gradient has improved significantly but still haven’t noticed a big improvement in my exercise tolerance as of yet. I am hoping this will improve over time. Good luck to you.


I haven't been on this site for awhile, but I am taking Ozempic and am having success with the weight loss. I have lost 25 pounds so far. I started in late June. I am taking 1 mg. I am still feeling great on Camzyos as well. I am so very thankful. I think things will be even better when I lose all of the weight I put on when I couldn't be active. I want to lose about 50 more. I am anxious for it to come off, but my brother said-you are running a marathon, not a sprint, so be patient! I am so happy to see other peoples' posts about being on this! I also have been eating just until I feel full, many times less than half of whatever it is, and then save the rest for the next day. I just had my echo and will do the follow-up with my doctor on the 25th. Hopefully everything still looks good! 🙂


I have been on Wegovy for over a year and on Camzyos since October. lost 25 pounds last year and my weight has been stable since then as I am no longer loosing 😢). I have had no problems taking them both and there should be no real interaction that’s reported in the literature (but both are newer agents). The only issue is my Camzyos dose has been going between 2.5mg and 5mg and has not quite stabilized yet. The true benefit of Wegovy is it helped stop the weight gain that was occurring since my exercise tolerance has decreased. My gradient has improved significantly but still haven’t noticed a big improvement in my exercise tolerance as of yet. I am hoping this will improve over time. Good luck to you.

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Thank you. That was very helpful information for me especially since I seem to be in a similar situation as you. I will update you on my progress. Just picked up Mounjaro today. Will start it in a few days. Please keep in touch on your progress as well. Best Wishes!


I haven't been on this site for awhile, but I am taking Ozempic and am having success with the weight loss. I have lost 25 pounds so far. I started in late June. I am taking 1 mg. I am still feeling great on Camzyos as well. I am so very thankful. I think things will be even better when I lose all of the weight I put on when I couldn't be active. I want to lose about 50 more. I am anxious for it to come off, but my brother said-you are running a marathon, not a sprint, so be patient! I am so happy to see other peoples' posts about being on this! I also have been eating just until I feel full, many times less than half of whatever it is, and then save the rest for the next day. I just had my echo and will do the follow-up with my doctor on the 25th. Hopefully everything still looks good! 🙂

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That is great to hear. I appreciate you taking the time to write. Good luck with your follow-up! Keep in touch and let me know how things progress. I am very interested. 🙂


I haven't been on this site for awhile, but I am taking Ozempic and am having success with the weight loss. I have lost 25 pounds so far. I started in late June. I am taking 1 mg. I am still feeling great on Camzyos as well. I am so very thankful. I think things will be even better when I lose all of the weight I put on when I couldn't be active. I want to lose about 50 more. I am anxious for it to come off, but my brother said-you are running a marathon, not a sprint, so be patient! I am so happy to see other peoples' posts about being on this! I also have been eating just until I feel full, many times less than half of whatever it is, and then save the rest for the next day. I just had my echo and will do the follow-up with my doctor on the 25th. Hopefully everything still looks good! 🙂

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Thank you @kelliw for sharing with @suzy1111... you were able to give her some really good feedback, and that is so important for others to hear. I appreciate your wonderful incite and your positive attitude! You are a super helper!
I'm glad to hear the Ozempic is helping, and you use it along with Camzyos without problems. That's good to know. I gained 30 pounds not being able to walk/hike be active and even after the open heart surgery I still can't get it to budge! Grrr! I'm working on it, but it's frustrating to say the least when I work at it and get so little reward. Thanks again for sharing, I do so appreciate you! 🙂

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