Any longhaulers noticing vision changes?

Posted by holly1972 @holly197205, Aug 24, 2022

Has anyone noticed vision changes who are long haulers ? I have astigmatism and have worn contacts for probably 25 years,however I was just beginnig to need a weak OTC reading lense to read, I was 48 at the time I had covid. In OTC readers I wore a +1.50 my eye doctor had told me not to buy anything stronger than a +1.75 until I seen him again the following year. About 6 months after having covid in a period of about 2 months my reading vision began rapidly deteriorating. I had to buy a +2.75 ! I went to my eye doctor and began explaining to him what happened & the first thing he asked me was if I'd had covid & if I was sick longer than a couple of weeks (I will sick for 4 months). He said it had happened with other patients. He dialated my eyes & checked them out & said he couldn't see any damage to my eyes. However, now it seems as if my fat away vision isn't exactly as it should be. It's only been 4 months since I went to the eye doctor but I'm thinking I may have to go back before April of 2023 for my next visit.
Has anyone else had this happen to them & if so what were you told by your doctor? This is just one of the slew of problems I have from covid. Any information would be greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance and God bless us all and may we all get thru this together.

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Yes. I, too experienced vision changes (blurring, double vision, eye fatigue) in addition to migraine and tension and sinus-related headaches. My cataract went from level 1 to level 3 within 9 months. I had good results with cataract surgery and IOL in both eyes. Thanks to Mayoclinic connect, I am having good luck with Pepcid AC. I’ve been getting allergy shots for years, and recently increased my serum doses and frequency to weekly. I get dry needling and do PT exercises for headaches, muscle aches, and vestibular-related dizziness. At the YMCA, I do swimming and Les Mills Body balance classes that include Tai Chi. My hypothyroidism got worse, and my Endocrinologist increased my thyroid dose to 75mcg. I also take MucinexD 600mg. once or twice a week when my eyes and sinuses feel like they are producing mucus.


Thank you for posting this. I am having a terrible time seeing. I got a new prescription maybe the end of last year or so. That is all a blur and so is my eyesight. I had covid 3 years ago and my body and brains have been haywire ever since. I have the same issues that you are talking about. The confusion, brain fog, fatigue, unable to communicate what you mean, lack of memory all of it and more. You are not alone. It sounds like your doctors are taking very good care of you and that is a very, very big piece of this oddly shaped puzzle!
To better days and good health -XO


Yes definite vision changes among other things too. I agree, may we all get through this and make it out better on the other side


Yes definite vision changes among other things too. I agree, may we all get through this and make it out better on the other side

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Yes - seems like I should have cataract surgery but eye exams do not indicate I need it.


Vision is only one thing thar has changed and contues to change at times daily. I will have catarac surgery next week. At this time my optometrist cannot see my retina and will be unable to determine the cause of the eye changes until he can do so. But I do see changes constantly and battle to have any sight.

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I had cataract surgery after Covid.
My cataracts had been very mild, but after Covid they ramped up quickly. I had the cataract surgery as prescribed, but my eyes continue to worsen anyway. I have new glasses (wasn’t supposed to need any after surgery) and just months later the prescription isn’t right. I have an appointment with retinologist to try to determine damage to my eyes. I sure hope this is something that will resolve over time. Like everything else! (Many other symptoms) light sensitivity, floaters, and loss of peripheral vision part of the eye issues.
Good luck.


Thank you for posting this. I am having a terrible time seeing. I got a new prescription maybe the end of last year or so. That is all a blur and so is my eyesight. I had covid 3 years ago and my body and brains have been haywire ever since. I have the same issues that you are talking about. The confusion, brain fog, fatigue, unable to communicate what you mean, lack of memory all of it and more. You are not alone. It sounds like your doctors are taking very good care of you and that is a very, very big piece of this oddly shaped puzzle!
To better days and good health -XO

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I; too, suffer all the brain-related issues you mentioned and more. Anything you do or take help any of it, by chance? Would love to hear what others are doing to treat themselves. Thanks in advance!!


I had Covid in March 2020. A few months later in June 2020 my Long Covid symptoms began to develop. The most debilitating symptom has been light sensitivity for both sunlight and artificial. When I try to read electronics, symptoms of dizziness/nausea and occipital migraines begin in my right eye. I have been to Neuro ophthalmologists and multiple optometrists who all state my eyes look healthy, but my symptoms are similar to someone with post concussive syndrome, or basically brain damage. All the symptoms I experience aside from vision changes are neurological.
I’ve been prescribed multiple medications/eyedrops, and even vision therapy for several months. Unfortunately none provided any improvement, and they are now just focusing on ways to assist me with coping until more research is done to come up with answers. I’ve been able unable to work for over two year, and am still fighting to get disability. I so hope for you that it doesn’t follow the same path. Best of luck to you.

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I am just seeing this now, but we have very similar symptoms. I was wondering if anything has helped you yet?


I posted back in January before going to see a retinologist. No problems were found, yet my vision gets worse.
I am now seeing a Neuro-ophthalmologist. I didn’t know there was such a thing until recently!
He says I have tunnel vision and double vision similar to a stroke patient.
I’m being fitted with prism glasses. I have no idea if this will help me, but that’s where I am now with treatment.
I will post when I know more about this treatment.


I too have noticed severe vision changes since I became a long hauler. Prior to becoming ill with Covid in late 2020, I didn’t have the need to wear glasses. I sometimes used over-the-counter weak readers, but didn’t really need them and oftentimes forgot to wear them. After Covid I started to have bouts of blurry vision, and my vision itself declined significantly. My prescription for reading is now 3.5 and my far vision is 2.0. I have no doubt that my change in vision is connected to Long Covid. I continue to have problems with blurry vision along with the many other health problems that others suffer and suspect that my vision will continue to decline. I checked with my ophthalmologist and she said that my eyes are healthy and suggested I talk to my neurologist; he felt it was coincidental and connected to natural aging.

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