Any longhaulers noticing vision changes?

Posted by holly1972 @holly197205, Aug 24, 2022

Has anyone noticed vision changes who are long haulers ? I have astigmatism and have worn contacts for probably 25 years,however I was just beginnig to need a weak OTC reading lense to read, I was 48 at the time I had covid. In OTC readers I wore a +1.50 my eye doctor had told me not to buy anything stronger than a +1.75 until I seen him again the following year. About 6 months after having covid in a period of about 2 months my reading vision began rapidly deteriorating. I had to buy a +2.75 ! I went to my eye doctor and began explaining to him what happened & the first thing he asked me was if I'd had covid & if I was sick longer than a couple of weeks (I will sick for 4 months). He said it had happened with other patients. He dialated my eyes & checked them out & said he couldn't see any damage to my eyes. However, now it seems as if my fat away vision isn't exactly as it should be. It's only been 4 months since I went to the eye doctor but I'm thinking I may have to go back before April of 2023 for my next visit.
Has anyone else had this happen to them & if so what were you told by your doctor? This is just one of the slew of problems I have from covid. Any information would be greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance and God bless us all and may we all get thru this together.

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This gives me hope. My ENT diagnosed my post covid syndrome. Apparently, he sees a lot of it.

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Did you lose hearing? Do you have stuffed clogged feeling? What did your ENT prescribe as treatment?

I have seen several ENTs, though some of them acknowledge long Covid, none of their ideas have helped me. I now have hearing aids, and had the balloon inflation procedure on my Eustachian tubes, but nothing has changed my stuffed up feeling ears. Now I also have tinnitus and hyperacusis.

I’m considering looking for someone who does Lenire therapy. I’d be interested to know if anyone out there has tried that.
My experience with ENT’s has been most of them are not up to date on the latest treatments.


Did you lose hearing? Do you have stuffed clogged feeling? What did your ENT prescribe as treatment?

I have seen several ENTs, though some of them acknowledge long Covid, none of their ideas have helped me. I now have hearing aids, and had the balloon inflation procedure on my Eustachian tubes, but nothing has changed my stuffed up feeling ears. Now I also have tinnitus and hyperacusis.

I’m considering looking for someone who does Lenire therapy. I’d be interested to know if anyone out there has tried that.
My experience with ENT’s has been most of them are not up to date on the latest treatments.

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I haven’t noticed any hearing issues, though I have nasal congestion most of the time, intermittent stuffy nose, watery nose, phlegm in throat most of the time. I went in for taste issue (constant metallic turned bitter taste) and discovered to have Smell/taste disorder.

He examined my sinuses, ears and throat and found nothing unusual. I have a follow up soon. This is at Duke. I didn’t get the impression there was much he could do. I did start taking Zinc and smell retraining.


Did you lose hearing? Do you have stuffed clogged feeling? What did your ENT prescribe as treatment?

I have seen several ENTs, though some of them acknowledge long Covid, none of their ideas have helped me. I now have hearing aids, and had the balloon inflation procedure on my Eustachian tubes, but nothing has changed my stuffed up feeling ears. Now I also have tinnitus and hyperacusis.

I’m considering looking for someone who does Lenire therapy. I’d be interested to know if anyone out there has tried that.
My experience with ENT’s has been most of them are not up to date on the latest treatments.

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I also have what I call "airplane ears", as that is how my ears feel as well as intermittent buzzing. This mainly happens when I am in a major crash. I was reading something yesterday about this and that they believe that there is some kind of inflammation putting pressure on the estuation tubes. I also get constant eye throbbing behind my eyes and migraines. I have had these things for over 2 years. I just keep trying new things. I go to the Darmouth Hitchcock Long Covid Clinic. They seem to be up to date on the latest research and hopeful treatments for the symptoms. Unfortunately, no one has an answer as to why our bodies are doing what they do yet. I hope this helps. I will try to find where I saw this article. I can't remember if it was on the NIH website or somewhere else.


My eyes and ears are greatly affected. It makes me feel drunk all the time. I’m very dizzy. I have seen all kinds of doctors and specialists, but still have no real diagnosis, and no treatment has helped.

I believe it’s all related to having had Covid, as I never had any of these symptoms before.

I have prism glasses ordered, so maybe that will help.
Also looking into another audiology group that offers Lenire treatment.
My condition continues to get worse, and it’s harder and harder to seek new treatments, but what else can we do? I guess I’m pretty stubborn. I just can’t give up.


We had very mild cases of COVID in November 2022. One system was an intense case of conjunctivitis. Our eyes have never been the same. This will be the 4th prescription change. At one point I could see better without my glasses because of the pressure. I also think that it may have triggered Sjögren’s Syndrome, because my mouth and eyes are extraordinarily dry. Trying to get that diagnosed is tough.


We had very mild cases of COVID in November 2022. One system was an intense case of conjunctivitis. Our eyes have never been the same. This will be the 4th prescription change. At one point I could see better without my glasses because of the pressure. I also think that it may have triggered Sjögren’s Syndrome, because my mouth and eyes are extraordinarily dry. Trying to get that diagnosed is tough.

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What did you do for the conjunctivitis? My Dad is dealing with that now. First diagnosed with bacterial, then allergic. Nothing is helping it. He had regular, tough case if covid in Feb. this year.


What did you do for the conjunctivitis? My Dad is dealing with that now. First diagnosed with bacterial, then allergic. Nothing is helping it. He had regular, tough case if covid in Feb. this year.

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The doctors couldn’t tell if it was viral or bacterial. Steroids helped some, but my eyes are still problematic. There may be new information on it now m


I had Covid in October,2021. My eyesight has steadily gotten worse. I am so light sensitive I must wear sunglasses not only outside but inside on bright days that allows sunlight inside. Bright lights are extremely insulting to my eyes. My eyesight becomes foggy to the point I cannot read. My ophthalmologist has no answer.
Extremely dry eyes. I use various wetting drops throughout the day and night. Finally got a new Rx drug that is sprayed into the inside of my nostrils that really helps. The name is Tyrvava. Doc gave me a sample to try and I went the whole night without waking with my lids glued shut. I have been using it over six months with great relief. I still have the sensitivity to light.
Since Covid, I am so fatigued I keep falling asleep throughout the day and can only walk short distance’s without resting.
My Cardiologist told me they are seeing a lot of this among their patients who are in their 80s and had Covid. I am almost 85.

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I tried to get Tyrvaya prescribed, but at a cost of $600-$1,000 a bottle it was not recommended. I’m wondering if the price has come down. I’d sure like to
try it and will ask my doctor again at my next appointment. My eyes feel like red hot dry cinders most of the time. No eye drops have worked very well and I have tried MANY.


I tried to get Tyrvaya prescribed, but at a cost of $600-$1,000 a bottle it was not recommended. I’m wondering if the price has come down. I’d sure like to
try it and will ask my doctor again at my next appointment. My eyes feel like red hot dry cinders most of the time. No eye drops have worked very well and I have tried MANY.

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Neither Tyvaya or Xydra have worked for me .

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