Ascending Aortic Aneurysm with Bicuspid Valve

Posted by Fighter @niravani, Jan 3 10:18am

I have accidently diagnosed with Ascending Aortic Aneurysm through a CT test in December 2023. Post TEE test confirmed that I have bicuspid valve as well. My ascending aorta size in CT scan is define as 4.4 X 4.5. I am 50 years of age and overall healthy with daily workout (Aerobic exercises). I do not know of anyone in my family with this condition from genetics perspective. Cardiologist asked for another CT scan in 6 months to see the growth rate and define next steps.

My BP remains in overall good control (AVG 125/83).

1. Anyone have similar experience and how fast that Aorta size will increase over time?
2. Once this size becomes 5.5 and surgery is the only option, what are the risk for 50 year old male?
3. Is there anything I can do that can help reduce or eliminate this speed of Aorta growth?

This is certainly a concerning discovery but at least happy that I found out before it was too late!

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Aortic Aneurysms Support Group.

Do ever have chest pain ? , yes when i talk to doctors


The doctor said cut down on stress , I told him loan me 500,000

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😂 what did they say? Seems like a genuine ask for $500k!

What is keeping me up at the night is how long it will take for my Ascending Aortic Aneurysm to go from 4.5cm to 5.5cm with my bicuspid valve? I just found 4.5cm through CT scan in December, next scan not till June 2024.

Is there anyone in a same boat with history of how much this progress and if there is anyway to stop this progress?


😂 what did they say? Seems like a genuine ask for $500k!

What is keeping me up at the night is how long it will take for my Ascending Aortic Aneurysm to go from 4.5cm to 5.5cm with my bicuspid valve? I just found 4.5cm through CT scan in December, next scan not till June 2024.

Is there anyone in a same boat with history of how much this progress and if there is anyway to stop this progress?

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I give 2 bucks a month to Wikimedia Foundation:
I was feeling guilty reading about how many actors died of heart attacks


Robin Williams said he was attracted to cows after heart surgery with a valve replacement


I hear if your rich , you get a water bed with your private room


Do you think medicare will pay for recover at the Playboy Mansion


Mine was 5.2 when I had it fixed at 54 (I’m 58 now), according to my surgeon, my good physical health and fitness, not having ever smoked, gave me almost 0 risk in surgery, I had the surgery, out of the hospital in less than a week, back to work in 3. Not going to minimize it, it’s painful and I felt awful at times. I am back at full workouts and normal life, my only restrictions come from a leg fracture prior to heart surgery (how they found the aneurysm)

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I was just recently diagnosed with Deviated Septum Test…. 4.3 Ascending Aorta Aneurysm…..Non Smoker… 170 Cholesterol …. Good Blood Pressure…. 63 year old…. They told me to Modify my Gym workouts with Weight Training…. I love exercise for Mental Therapy…… I just want to just get this repaired & behind me….. I wish you Well….. I appreciate your Positive & Honest update…. Have a Great Future…. Thx Ken

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