Why is a torn celiac vessel aneurysm ignored?

Posted by andytheman @andytheman, Dec 12, 2023

I have had this issue for 1 year. It existed for more than a year. I’ve had it for about 6 years total. I visited an ER for Coumadin poisoning, while there the CT's can revealed an abdominal aneurysm but it wasn’t bleeding. Nevertheless their doctor said “we are going to transfer you to another hospital." A trauma hospital because a CAT can showed that I had a torn Aortic artery aneurysm in my abdomen.

The hospital I went to debated amongst the team to admit me or discharge me. The decision to discharge me was the recommendation because it wasn’t bleeding. ( do I need to wait until it bleeds?) They felt that I needed surgery but not right away from the emergency room setting.

“But contact your cardiovascular surgeon ASAP." I contacted my cardiovascular surgeon and he was clearly annoyed because he didn’t want to see me unless the hospital said I needed surgery to repair it. He was taking care of the patients who had previously made an appointment and I was rushed into the sonogram room to see how bad it was or wasn’t.
My cardiovascular surgeon said “I don’t see anything “. That was a surprise to me because he’s been taking care of it for 2 years. He was in a rush and made light of it. How com 2 cardiovascular surgeons found a torn one and this guy said he didn’t see anything ? On his way out of the exam room I said “could it burst?”
Didn’t forget I am also on blood thinners for my mechanical heart valve.
Isn’t that a scary thought? A torn aneurysm plus thin blood ? He responded that it could but “we have ways of dealing with that “.
My question was “are we going to wait until it bursts?" He didn’t answer me but told me that he didn’t see anything. My question was “have you been billing my health insurance for something you just said I didn’t have?” 2 surgeons from 2 different hospitals acknowledging that I had one verses my doctor? Who do I believe? The hospital surgeon said ASAP and my surgeon says “all hospitals say that “ and he rushed out of the exam room saying “see you next year!” I didn’t like being rushed like that so I asked my PCP if he knew anybody and he referred me to the same quack.
Am I a walking time bomb or not?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Aortic Aneurysms Support Group.

Seems like a lot of cardiologist to chose from
Maybe go to a new one explain the situation
good luck


I have really thought of doing that. But my cardiovascular surgeon is top notch at what he does plus he has hospital admitting rights at the three local hospitals. How do I go about getting a new one?


I don't like walking around saying I'm a walking time bomb like your doing
I would think these surgeons know what their doing on when to fix things


I agree I’m making an appointment with Mayo Clinic cross fingers they except me


I agree I’m making an appointment with Mayo Clinic cross fingers they except me

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I'm getting it done there , They're watching it
At the San Fran Veteran's hospital
Mayo don't seem like bad choice to me
But I'm close to San Fran

Good luck Connierush


I don't like walking around saying I'm a walking time bomb like your doing
I would think these surgeons know what their doing on when to fix things

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Ok. I’ll refrain from using “a time bomb”. Because it doesn’t change anything in the aneurysm no matter what I call it.

Actually I got that from another guy who said he
felt like he was walking around with a time bomb because he didn’t know the size of it and he wanted to know how to measure it.


I did go to a regular doctor , since Army doctors are a bit of a hassle to see
I asked her should I get a 2nd take on all this with a heart doctor ?
She said San Fran surgeons are all you need
So just take care of your health and be on the watch and wait at 5cm


I would go to someone at a heart center (another one) and tell them your dilemma. Put it out there that you aren’t comfortable with what you are being told. Good luck! And be persistent. I ended up with an emergency. But doing well.


Good point. There are a few cardiovascular surgeons in my state and I feel I should get another opinion. I am seeing the one that wrote me off last year because I dared interrupting his patients who had appointments already. I’ll see what happens tomorrow thanks !


Good point. There are a few cardiovascular surgeons in my state and I feel I should get another opinion. I am seeing the one that wrote me off last year because I dared interrupting his patients who had appointments already. I’ll see what happens tomorrow thanks !

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Well. I finally seen my cardiovascular surgeon today. I boldly asked him about what size it is. His response put my “freaking out” to rest. He answered my questions and this time he wasn’t rushed. He’s retiring soon.
Anyway he said that “I’ve been seeing you for 6 years and your aneurysm is 1.7 cm and it has stayed that size every year.” So don’t worry about it. It’s not going anywhere.
He also told me that “I don't see any tear in it and" I don’t know why the hospital put you through all that”.
So I rest my case and will move on to the ENT group because I have a paralyzed right vocal cord that doctors call “folds”. I’ve gone through many MRI’s and a cat scan and 2 swallowing X-rays to see if I’m in a chocking situation.
It’s not over yet but I’ve been getting great satisfaction in knowing other people going through the same thing in the mayo connect Support groups and how have they dealt with it.
Cancer is my most feared result. It may be something entirely different. I feel better having a chat with my cardiovascular surgeon.

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