Senior anxiety: How do you manage new on-set anxiety as you age?

Posted by pvctom2021 @pvctom2021, Nov 24, 2023

I am back at this forum as a 77 yr old recently THR patient…recently I have had morning anxiety and just horrible feelings that concern the future and my horrible fear of being alone…these feelings are intense and may subside once I get up and start moving around..any input or feedback would be appreciated

Thanks Tom

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Hi somebody,

Just wanted to check in ..morning fears still plague me but once I’m up they the dreaded PVCs are back, worse at night …bad digestion doesn’t help…get to see the psychiatrist on Wednesday…I’ll see how that goes…wish you all a peaceful week and Christmas 👍


I reread your reply and really want to thank you again for sharing your family story and about you mother and children…it makes me realize how delicate our lives and thanks for the thoughts on Effexor..I will certainly look into this meditation and ask my psychiatrist on the 20th…good luck to you

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Before you take Effexor, you need to be aware that getting off this medication can be hell. I have been there, and am still trying to wean myself off the lowest dose (37.5mg) of this drug. Most of the comments on this site about Effexor are quite negative. Please do your research first.


Hi somebody,

Just wanted to check in ..morning fears still plague me but once I’m up they the dreaded PVCs are back, worse at night …bad digestion doesn’t help…get to see the psychiatrist on Wednesday…I’ll see how that goes…wish you all a peaceful week and Christmas 👍

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Have you tried "therapy in a nutshell" on YouTube? She has great suggestions for manage anxiety. Wishing you peace.


Have you tried "therapy in a nutshell" on YouTube? She has great suggestions for manage anxiety. Wishing you peace.

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Thanks so much for replying…yes, I will try her and I’ve heard of this YouTube and will give it a look…again many thanks 🙏


Before you take Effexor, you need to be aware that getting off this medication can be hell. I have been there, and am still trying to wean myself off the lowest dose (37.5mg) of this drug. Most of the comments on this site about Effexor are quite negative. Please do your research first.

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Thank you 🙏 for the information and your helpful reply…👍


Hi somebody,

Just wanted to check in ..morning fears still plague me but once I’m up they the dreaded PVCs are back, worse at night …bad digestion doesn’t help…get to see the psychiatrist on Wednesday…I’ll see how that goes…wish you all a peaceful week and Christmas 👍

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@pvctom2021 Good morning back to you!

Are the PVCs having a connection to your morning fears, do you think? Hmm, it might be worth thinking about. Especially if there is an anxiety issue. Would getting up and getting some gentle exercise help? It might get the serotonin moving! Perhaps journaling or writing out your fears? Working on a hobby or pasttime that interests you first thing in the morning, to set the tone for the balance of your day?

Do any of these sound doable?


@pvctom2021 Good morning back to you!

Are the PVCs having a connection to your morning fears, do you think? Hmm, it might be worth thinking about. Especially if there is an anxiety issue. Would getting up and getting some gentle exercise help? It might get the serotonin moving! Perhaps journaling or writing out your fears? Working on a hobby or pasttime that interests you first thing in the morning, to set the tone for the balance of your day?

Do any of these sound doable?

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Thank you Ginger,

Yes they are doable and some I do…getting up and moving certainly helps..making a guitar jam track helps…although it’s something I like to do in the evening…and it’s the evening later on that they really come on…but everything you’ve mentioned is right on the money..and all of the other nice replies as well…gosh it’s good to have a place to go to and post …thanks so much 🙏 Tom


Hi Tom,
I've been reading about you for many weeks now...and have shed my opinions on anxiety. Yes I'd a serious attack that blocked my airways making me jump out of bed while asleep at night ... and was essentially told I'm stressing about something too much, which I was and I still believe it was a 'Rational reaction' on my part because what was staring at was ZERO return on my many years of accumulated effort to understand lifestyle-diseases from non-medical perspective. Yes sometimes we think we know what life is at least as seniors. Glad I was wisened!

So here's how I think what has helped me. I know my days are numbered as a longtime retired person. But am I useless? NO. So what good I'm for -- after all I've lived a Looong life? THIS is how I get my jolt my inspiration for living my days with optimal health SO THAT I could deliver my value, my goodness to the world. Heard of Rollo May (existential psychologist) of many books, mine favourite is, Man's Search For Himself, where he says basically we can't LIVE without Growing.

Each day I already have in plan how to spend my life toward that end. Nowadays it happens to be finding friends with whom I could discuss and debate and tease and laugh and arrive at something which we together might find amazing or at least interesting. I am going to try Tinder even tho chances are very slim. But other ways have not yet borne fruit so far. It is this Urgency that leaves no room for anxiety that is common among us, along with some other mental issues.

If you'd like to talk, I'd be glad to. Wish u well Tom


Thanks for your reply and the same to you.. I would like to talk and appreciate the open offer…wish you well likewise and will send a private message if that is agreeable tomorrow…take care 👍


Hello group

I just want to say that this morning upon awakening, my feeling of worry and some apprehension about what lies ahead was back again..I got up and made some coffee, took my morning meds, then said a quick prayer…and I went to do some last minute shopping…mostly for Christmas cards…and the nighttime PVCs and pacs were mostly gone…I hope that the holidays are good for all here and that the New Year will be good for us all…😀

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