Is restless leg (RLS) related to serotonin syndrome? Tips for relief?

Posted by rockrod @rockrod, Sep 5, 2020

Hi folks, I frequently suffer with restless leg syndrome, drives me crazy. Can’t sit still, can’t sleep, it’s ruining my life. Any tips for relieving would be gratefully received. Another question, is restless leg syndrome related in any way to seratonin syndrome?

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I am not sure what serotonin syndrome is, but I am very familiar with RLS, you might say we’ve been bedmates since childhood ( I’m now 67😩) Long story short- have your iron ferritin level checked- should be between 75-100, far outside what is considered normal. RLS is a dopamine dysfunction, if iron level is low, it can’t pass the blood brain barrier, therefore lack of dopamine which we need for sleep is lacking. Please check out RLS foundation for valuable information. Membership is not required for basic information. As a member, I just did a webinar on non medication alternatives. Good luck!


Yes, my PC ordered bloodwork and now take magnesium at bedtime along with Ropinerol and B Vitamins in am. I am checking on serotonin. Thanks for your helpful reply.

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I may have missed it, how much magnesium do you take?


I may have missed it, how much magnesium do you take?

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500mg but I just looked and the pills are Mag Oxide which is the wrong kind ?


My nights are becoming nightmares while one leg or the other jerk, twist or move uncontrollably often along with my whole body convulsing. Before it starts I get jabs of pain in my feet or legs that feels like someone somewhere has a voodoo doll of me and they are sticking pins in me. Often the crawly spidery feeling creeps around my feet and legs. It is always just one leg at a time that tortures me or sometimes one arm. I take Ropinerol at 8:30 pm with 500 mg of Magnesium and hope I can get to sleep but it lasts until 4:30 am then starts in again, jabbing first. A Heating pad sometimes is effective at staving off the worst of it. It all got much worse after a bout of Co Vid last January along with a diagnosis of Long CoVid with brain fog, some memory loss , vision changes, headaches and fatigue and a general feeling of being unwell. I had a TBI after a car accident in 2015 and have been treating that in one way or another ever since. Help me!

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The crawly spidery feelings, brain fog, and pins sound familiar - I was diagnosed with fbromyalgia in 2006, and a combination of Lyrica, Tramadol, and Buproprion helped immensely! Have you seen a rheumatologist for possible fibromyalgia?
I am getting relief for my leg spasms with Baclofen and Gabapentin. When they just won't stop, walking seems to help. Also I take Trazodone for sleep, and that's been a big help.
I hope you can find some relief and get some sleep!


From my personal experience, I believe RLS is brought on by med side effects or shortage of meds.

Ropinerol works the best fir me.
I did a clinical trial in the 90’s.


Ropinerol works for me unless I take it too early in evening and wake up with jerky legs ,one or the other, never both at once, at 4am which is murderous. Starts with needle stabbing pains in leg, toe or bottom of feet and then soon the RLS starts full bore. I take B Vitamins and Magnesium along with cardio and BP meds. Stent in LAD after infarction in 2015. Not overweight but have sleep apnea. Walking and stretching seem to help.

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