Chronic Pain members - Welcome, please introduce yourself

Posted by Kelsey Mohring @kelseydm, Apr 27, 2016

Welcome to the new Chronic Pain group.

I’m Kelsey and I’m the moderator of the group. I look forwarding to welcoming you and introducing you to other members. Feel free to browse the topics or start a new one.

Why not take a minute and introduce yourself.

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Hi All!
The last couple of weeks have been unbelievable!
Last week I was walking with my hubby and i almost fell. He was able to catch me before I went down, but it was difficult to get my footing back. For sure, if he wasn't there, down I would have gone.
Then two days ago, we were walking out of the store. I felt myself going down and I grabbed my hubby the same time he grabbed me. Not only did I go down, but I took him down with me.
The next day he was sore, especially in his hip. Thank goodness his hip is not broken.
As for me, not only was I sore, but my headaches have returned and my neck is sore all over.
I go to the neurosurgeon in a week for my 12 week post-op check-up. Before I go, I'll have an x-ray to be sure everything is healed from my disc replacement surgery. I am worried I might have done some damage.
My PT therapist feels, by the way I walk, that the fall is due to my lower back issues. I tend to agree. She said it is time to use a walking device, a cane. So I -got one. I haven't felt any different walking, but I haven't fallen either. She also said no flip- flops type of sandals. She wants me to wear a closed shoe like I sneaker. I live in Florida and haven't worn closed anything in almost 4 years. But I have 1 pair of sneakers and just ordered 2 more.
This Tuesday I go to my pain doc for a shot in my lumbar spine. The last 2 have not helped my right side, which is where I get the most pain. I am trying one more time. If it does not work, I will be discussing alternatives with the neurosurgeon in 2 weeks.
I am certainly happy that neither of us have broken any bones, but I feel horrible about my hubby!!!!
Ronnie (GRANDMAr)

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I have had experience with the ART techniques. One day wt. work about 15 year ago at lunch they had some health related demos. I came to a table and I couldn't identify what that person was offering. She came up to me and said I'm a chiropractor, and I immediately said, thank you, but no thank I was just recovering from a bad experience with one even after a very successful run for several years with one. . She asked what was my problem and after I explained, she said, she could give me exercises that can do what surgery could do. I figured that was worth a try, and she was right. Then she explained the ART technique to me. I am thoroughly sold on ART but I found that each can and do modify it slightly, but regardless the technique is a Godsend! I walked in bent like a pretzel and out straight!! And no pain during the procedure. I've been using ART now for about 15 year's now with two different practitioners as I moved and found the second one.. . gailfaith here.


Where is the place for me to start writing?

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@otherwaytolive . If you scroll down to end of page where you will see "write your reply here. If you are repkying to a peaeticular person use @and their username so they get a message for them to view it. You call also directly reply to a person by using the reply function after a particular post. I hope this helps and please if anyone had more advice for @otherwaytolive pease respond. Looking forward to your poats, JULIE


Hi All!
The last couple of weeks have been unbelievable!
Last week I was walking with my hubby and i almost fell. He was able to catch me before I went down, but it was difficult to get my footing back. For sure, if he wasn't there, down I would have gone.
Then two days ago, we were walking out of the store. I felt myself going down and I grabbed my hubby the same time he grabbed me. Not only did I go down, but I took him down with me.
The next day he was sore, especially in his hip. Thank goodness his hip is not broken.
As for me, not only was I sore, but my headaches have returned and my neck is sore all over.
I go to the neurosurgeon in a week for my 12 week post-op check-up. Before I go, I'll have an x-ray to be sure everything is healed from my disc replacement surgery. I am worried I might have done some damage.
My PT therapist feels, by the way I walk, that the fall is due to my lower back issues. I tend to agree. She said it is time to use a walking device, a cane. So I -got one. I haven't felt any different walking, but I haven't fallen either. She also said no flip- flops type of sandals. She wants me to wear a closed shoe like I sneaker. I live in Florida and haven't worn closed anything in almost 4 years. But I have 1 pair of sneakers and just ordered 2 more.
This Tuesday I go to my pain doc for a shot in my lumbar spine. The last 2 have not helped my right side, which is where I get the most pain. I am trying one more time. If it does not work, I will be discussing alternatives with the neurosurgeon in 2 weeks.
I am certainly happy that neither of us have broken any bones, but I feel horrible about my hubby!!!!
Ronnie (GRANDMAr)

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Thank you for sharing. I am very interested in ART. I have found a doc near me. I will discuss it with my surgeon before I let any work be done.
Thanks for sharing
Ronnie (GRANDMAr)


Hi! I am Diane. I have chronic pain in many areas of my body. I was in a severe car accident many years ago, which I was ejected out of the car. I crushed my shoulder and collar bone. Years later, I got rear-ended in another car accident. That led to a ruptured disc in neck, then a fusion in 1991. Chronic Pain started! Now degenerated disc diseases, pinched nerve, sick migraines and chronic pain always. Many procedures have been done with little relief! No income and am married with a 13 year old. Never talked to others like this. Been trying to deal with everything, but getting very stressed!

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I am so sorry for all that you have endured.
We are here to support each other and to listen to those things we find difficult to discuss with other.
We are all going through the same things in some form or another.

It sounds like it is time to do some research to find new docs that might be able to help you.
You said that you do not have any income. Are you on disability Medicare or Medicaid?

I am sure there must be docs around where you live who can help with giving you some relief.
It takes time to research, but it can be done.
Also, sounds like you can use a therapist who specializes in the emotional side of people who suffer from chronic pain.
Many of these pain docs and therapists are covered.

I am not in the medical field but I am a person with chronic pain.
If I can be of any help and you would like to do some research, let me know. I'd be happy to assist you.

Good luck!
Ronnie (GRANDMAr)


Hi All!
The last couple of weeks have been unbelievable!
Last week I was walking with my hubby and i almost fell. He was able to catch me before I went down, but it was difficult to get my footing back. For sure, if he wasn't there, down I would have gone.
Then two days ago, we were walking out of the store. I felt myself going down and I grabbed my hubby the same time he grabbed me. Not only did I go down, but I took him down with me.
The next day he was sore, especially in his hip. Thank goodness his hip is not broken.
As for me, not only was I sore, but my headaches have returned and my neck is sore all over.
I go to the neurosurgeon in a week for my 12 week post-op check-up. Before I go, I'll have an x-ray to be sure everything is healed from my disc replacement surgery. I am worried I might have done some damage.
My PT therapist feels, by the way I walk, that the fall is due to my lower back issues. I tend to agree. She said it is time to use a walking device, a cane. So I -got one. I haven't felt any different walking, but I haven't fallen either. She also said no flip- flops type of sandals. She wants me to wear a closed shoe like I sneaker. I live in Florida and haven't worn closed anything in almost 4 years. But I have 1 pair of sneakers and just ordered 2 more.
This Tuesday I go to my pain doc for a shot in my lumbar spine. The last 2 have not helped my right side, which is where I get the most pain. I am trying one more time. If it does not work, I will be discussing alternatives with the neurosurgeon in 2 weeks.
I am certainly happy that neither of us have broken any bones, but I feel horrible about my hubby!!!!
Ronnie (GRANDMAr)

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I was getting aquatic PT, which is usually the most gentle of all the PT methods.
I'd done it before with no issues.
Most recently, I did it at the hospital where I had surgery. I actually travelled to get there.
After the first session, I was on my ass for days. The pain was horrible.
The following week I told the therapist what happened so he dialed things down.
He felt that he wasn't really doing anything worthwhile to help me because "everything bothered me."
I certainly learned I needed to be my own advocate!

I am now in land PT for post-op therapy. I had 2 discs replaced in my cervical spine 11 weeks ago.
I have a fantastic therapist that my husband found for his use.
Everything is normal now but I still have 4 sessions left.
We use the time to do some occupational therapy for things I need to be able to do everyday.

If and when I have additional surgery on my lumbar spine, I will return to this therapist.
I am NEVER in pain!.
It is NOT unusual to be achy after a session, but to be in the kind of pain you experienced is NOT normal.
Time you looked for a new PT therapist.

Good luck!
Ronnie (GRANDMAr)


Hi All!
The last couple of weeks have been unbelievable!
Last week I was walking with my hubby and i almost fell. He was able to catch me before I went down, but it was difficult to get my footing back. For sure, if he wasn't there, down I would have gone.
Then two days ago, we were walking out of the store. I felt myself going down and I grabbed my hubby the same time he grabbed me. Not only did I go down, but I took him down with me.
The next day he was sore, especially in his hip. Thank goodness his hip is not broken.
As for me, not only was I sore, but my headaches have returned and my neck is sore all over.
I go to the neurosurgeon in a week for my 12 week post-op check-up. Before I go, I'll have an x-ray to be sure everything is healed from my disc replacement surgery. I am worried I might have done some damage.
My PT therapist feels, by the way I walk, that the fall is due to my lower back issues. I tend to agree. She said it is time to use a walking device, a cane. So I -got one. I haven't felt any different walking, but I haven't fallen either. She also said no flip- flops type of sandals. She wants me to wear a closed shoe like I sneaker. I live in Florida and haven't worn closed anything in almost 4 years. But I have 1 pair of sneakers and just ordered 2 more.
This Tuesday I go to my pain doc for a shot in my lumbar spine. The last 2 have not helped my right side, which is where I get the most pain. I am trying one more time. If it does not work, I will be discussing alternatives with the neurosurgeon in 2 weeks.
I am certainly happy that neither of us have broken any bones, but I feel horrible about my hubby!!!!
Ronnie (GRANDMAr)

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I am also interested in ART so I did some research.
This is a special technique that the chiropractor needs to learn.
When I did a query on ART, I found a website that not only trains ART, but also gives a list of docs who use this technique.
I'm sorry I don't have the site, but maybe you can find it.

Good luck!
Ronnie (GRANDMAr)


Hi All!
The last couple of weeks have been unbelievable!
Last week I was walking with my hubby and i almost fell. He was able to catch me before I went down, but it was difficult to get my footing back. For sure, if he wasn't there, down I would have gone.
Then two days ago, we were walking out of the store. I felt myself going down and I grabbed my hubby the same time he grabbed me. Not only did I go down, but I took him down with me.
The next day he was sore, especially in his hip. Thank goodness his hip is not broken.
As for me, not only was I sore, but my headaches have returned and my neck is sore all over.
I go to the neurosurgeon in a week for my 12 week post-op check-up. Before I go, I'll have an x-ray to be sure everything is healed from my disc replacement surgery. I am worried I might have done some damage.
My PT therapist feels, by the way I walk, that the fall is due to my lower back issues. I tend to agree. She said it is time to use a walking device, a cane. So I -got one. I haven't felt any different walking, but I haven't fallen either. She also said no flip- flops type of sandals. She wants me to wear a closed shoe like I sneaker. I live in Florida and haven't worn closed anything in almost 4 years. But I have 1 pair of sneakers and just ordered 2 more.
This Tuesday I go to my pain doc for a shot in my lumbar spine. The last 2 have not helped my right side, which is where I get the most pain. I am trying one more time. If it does not work, I will be discussing alternatives with the neurosurgeon in 2 weeks.
I am certainly happy that neither of us have broken any bones, but I feel horrible about my hubby!!!!
Ronnie (GRANDMAr)

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Thank you!
I found out that information when I started my research. I also found someone in my neighborhood who uses the technique.
Ronnie (GRANDMAr)


Hi All!
The last couple of weeks have been unbelievable!
Last week I was walking with my hubby and i almost fell. He was able to catch me before I went down, but it was difficult to get my footing back. For sure, if he wasn't there, down I would have gone.
Then two days ago, we were walking out of the store. I felt myself going down and I grabbed my hubby the same time he grabbed me. Not only did I go down, but I took him down with me.
The next day he was sore, especially in his hip. Thank goodness his hip is not broken.
As for me, not only was I sore, but my headaches have returned and my neck is sore all over.
I go to the neurosurgeon in a week for my 12 week post-op check-up. Before I go, I'll have an x-ray to be sure everything is healed from my disc replacement surgery. I am worried I might have done some damage.
My PT therapist feels, by the way I walk, that the fall is due to my lower back issues. I tend to agree. She said it is time to use a walking device, a cane. So I -got one. I haven't felt any different walking, but I haven't fallen either. She also said no flip- flops type of sandals. She wants me to wear a closed shoe like I sneaker. I live in Florida and haven't worn closed anything in almost 4 years. But I have 1 pair of sneakers and just ordered 2 more.
This Tuesday I go to my pain doc for a shot in my lumbar spine. The last 2 have not helped my right side, which is where I get the most pain. I am trying one more time. If it does not work, I will be discussing alternatives with the neurosurgeon in 2 weeks.
I am certainly happy that neither of us have broken any bones, but I feel horrible about my hubby!!!!
Ronnie (GRANDMAr)

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@grandmar. Hoping this shot does its job for you. I noticed improved symptoms for first three days too and then downhill. I now off and on methotrexate for tb and might be part of problem since the split was week before the be meds. I will certainly look into art therapy and discuss at next appointments thank you for the suggestion. Take care and hoping you have a fabulous night.



Okay. Suffering the effects of a new attack of osteoarthritis that is here and there and just about anywhere. I do not have pain in my knees thankfully ... Want to get some advice from members if such precautions are suggested ... Or does this condition simply get worse as time goes by. Oh- oh just list a massive inclusion about the pills I must use to maintain a happy state fighting to keep within the measures of 50-80 beats perminute fighting aFib.

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I understand the need for medications and finally found a team of Drs. Who are trying their best to make me comfortsble. Am reluctant to mention I may need to increase or change, and need an MRI because the pain is so very different and more severe. I do not like needing a higher dosage.and it may not have the desired outcome I need. I wAnt to be able to enjoy life again and willing to try anything to help. I am looking into Art therapy now.


Hi All!
The last couple of weeks have been unbelievable!
Last week I was walking with my hubby and i almost fell. He was able to catch me before I went down, but it was difficult to get my footing back. For sure, if he wasn't there, down I would have gone.
Then two days ago, we were walking out of the store. I felt myself going down and I grabbed my hubby the same time he grabbed me. Not only did I go down, but I took him down with me.
The next day he was sore, especially in his hip. Thank goodness his hip is not broken.
As for me, not only was I sore, but my headaches have returned and my neck is sore all over.
I go to the neurosurgeon in a week for my 12 week post-op check-up. Before I go, I'll have an x-ray to be sure everything is healed from my disc replacement surgery. I am worried I might have done some damage.
My PT therapist feels, by the way I walk, that the fall is due to my lower back issues. I tend to agree. She said it is time to use a walking device, a cane. So I -got one. I haven't felt any different walking, but I haven't fallen either. She also said no flip- flops type of sandals. She wants me to wear a closed shoe like I sneaker. I live in Florida and haven't worn closed anything in almost 4 years. But I have 1 pair of sneakers and just ordered 2 more.
This Tuesday I go to my pain doc for a shot in my lumbar spine. The last 2 have not helped my right side, which is where I get the most pain. I am trying one more time. If it does not work, I will be discussing alternatives with the neurosurgeon in 2 weeks.
I am certainly happy that neither of us have broken any bones, but I feel horrible about my hubby!!!!
Ronnie (GRANDMAr)

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Hope all goes well with you!

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