Lions mane does it work? Not for us

Posted by slysi @slysi, Aug 13, 2023

My wife has DEMENTIA ( with uncontrolled bowel movement problems ) . We were told by a LPN that she heard great reports about LIONS MANE MUSROOM uses for COGNIZANCE problems. The supplement did not help at all with her Demetia ,BUT her bowel movements got more frequent and much worse than before using the LIONS MANE JUNK! We are done with that stuff!

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@slysi Oh, you’ve having problems. I just googled Lion’s Mane Mushrooms and the site claims to have great results for all sorts of problems, but in small print it says that studies have been done on mice only . When you’re looking for medications or treatments, check all the resources first. Resources include scholarly articles, expert doctors, and sites like Mayo Clinic.
Have you discussed the diarrhea with the doctor or asked for a referral to a gastroenterologist? Just this past year i had severe diarrhea caused by a reaction to the main medications i was on. It’s been a year and it’s finally clearing up. The gastroenterologist did a colonoscopy and took specimens. It was not fun, but I’m better now. So, I’m suggesting you talk with a doctor. Other members may have some good suggestions also.
Will you be sure to let us know if your wife gets better?


I wrote a more detailed reply But it disappeared?? I did do much much research before we tried lions mane . It all looked safe , so we tried it . Gerri did not have diarrhea just very frequent bowel movements . We prayed for help and answers to the problem! I started going over all changes in food or anything that we did differently ! Gerri has also been on the same meds for years.I was getting mad that GOD was not helping us !! THEN .... I remembered the word that kept coming into my mind ...mushrooms!! I apologized to GOD and we quit the lions mane supplement.... problem GONE ! BTW the lions mane did nothing for her dementia problems


@slysi. I’m really glad your wife is better!Frequently, alternative and natural medications can have strong side effects, or do nothing at all. I remember when I worked as a nurse on a cancer unit, we asked all of our patients to have their supplements reviewed by the pharmacist. Some of these supplements contained the same elements as the chemotherapy drugs we gave! This gave all of us a wake up call.
I’m sorry if I upset you. I just wanted the best for your wife.


@slysi. I’m really glad your wife is better!Frequently, alternative and natural medications can have strong side effects, or do nothing at all. I remember when I worked as a nurse on a cancer unit, we asked all of our patients to have their supplements reviewed by the pharmacist. Some of these supplements contained the same elements as the chemotherapy drugs we gave! This gave all of us a wake up call.
I’m sorry if I upset you. I just wanted the best for your wife.

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No no , you didn’t upset me at all . I just wanted you to know that I don’t make any moves for me or Gerri without checking things out as much as possible ! Sadly it is becoming worse about what we are told and what is really true ! For several days on the lion’s mane sup , Gigi was moving bowels 4 times a day and in large quantities! Since stopping the using of them she does only a normal 1 time per day or less ! I am so glad for that LOL ! She tried Turmeric for awhile as advised by a couple of doctors , all that produced was bad breath and no other results! We eat seafood twice a week because it is supposed to be good for dementia ,plus we like it . Thank you for your concern ! SI


I wrote a more detailed reply But it disappeared?? I did do much much research before we tried lions mane . It all looked safe , so we tried it . Gerri did not have diarrhea just very frequent bowel movements . We prayed for help and answers to the problem! I started going over all changes in food or anything that we did differently ! Gerri has also been on the same meds for years.I was getting mad that GOD was not helping us !! THEN .... I remembered the word that kept coming into my mind ...mushrooms!! I apologized to GOD and we quit the lions mane supplement.... problem GONE ! BTW the lions mane did nothing for her dementia problems

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Warning, Lion's Mane has been found to be an EXTREMELY DANGEROUS product which is devastating every day more lives, this is a very serious topic that should be NOT ignored, I'm the moderator of the "LionsManeRecovery" Reddit community and everyday there's new people asking for help desperately, until when this nightmare will continue? How many lives needs to be destroyed before somebody does something?


Thanks for the update and warning ! Makes you wonder if anyone or any government department checks out anything sold as help products


Thanks for the update and warning ! Makes you wonder if anyone or any government department checks out anything sold as help products

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You're quite right @slysi. The FDA doesn’t regulate supplements in the same way as prescription drugs, so it’s not possible to know if if they are safe or work well or even how much of the main ingredient they contain.


I star taking lions Mane and I started to have really bad pink attacks.
I take it for 9 days and ready to return the product 😌 if anyone want to use this product do some homework before start.
Be safe.


I asked my primary about Lion's Mane and she takes it daily! I did what I thought was good checking on its safety, side effects and benefits...after about a month of both of us taking it, he started not feeling well...nothing specific, just unwell. I stopped his dosage but I continued taking it. We are well advised to stop. I canceled my discounted subscriptions with company. I had ordered from a company that had the highest evaluations...verified on several sites. Like so many other cases (Travel insurance, for instance), these evaluations that purport to be neutral evaluators can actually be investors or are paid by the company to evaluate.


Warning, Lion's Mane has been found to be an EXTREMELY DANGEROUS product which is devastating every day more lives, this is a very serious topic that should be NOT ignored, I'm the moderator of the "LionsManeRecovery" Reddit community and everyday there's new people asking for help desperately, until when this nightmare will continue? How many lives needs to be destroyed before somebody does something?

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What evidence do you have to support your post- "extremely dangerous". Is that a fact? If so please reference that in your discussion. When I mention evidence, I'm talking about actual credible scientific or documented information. Thank you.

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