Afib Questions: Is it too late to have an Ablation?

Posted by jimtazzis @jimtazzis, Nov 1, 2020

I have had Afib for 5 years. Is it too late to have that Ablation operation. I am a male 67 years old.

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Perhaps a second opinion from another EP who has seen a recent echocardiogram is a good next step.


It was useless for me. Very disappointing. I am 84 and now in permanent a-fib. My first a-fib episode occurred in 2017 following knee replacement surgery, which I was very uptight about. Cardioversion restored rhythm. It had to be repeated 10 months later. Simultaneously I took diltiazem, then sotalol. When they stopped working, I was given Tikosyn and then amiadarone, neither of which worked. Finally I was given metoprolol, which controls my tachycardia pretty well, but I I am hardly back to my old vigor. I ride a bike, walk a mile or so, try to do what I can, but the old high energy and confidence are gone. I recently got a second opinion from a highly regarded EP, who feels it's too late to do an ablation, and wonders why my primary cardiologist didn't recommend an ablation when my tachycardia first appeared. I wonder, too.

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Feels funny to jump in when you’ve been in the company of professionals but was AV node ablation with pacemaker? A guess if I went back into full blown AFIB with the same old symptoms I would petition my dr’s.
Best of luck to you


Just curious ... why aren't u a candidate for abliation? Currently, what meds are u on for AFIB, are they helping?

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I have HCM and the upper left chamber of my heart is severely thickened. Not a candidate for an ablation. I’m now on bisoprolol and diltaizem.


I had afib for about 7 years before I had an ablation. As far as I know, I no longer have afib symptoms 4 years after my ablation. On Eliquis for I suspect life but that’s okay with me. It’s not too late but your doctor should say for sure.


I am 81 with afib for at least 15 years, maybe more. I had an ablation at age 63. I have developed mitral regurgitation and mitral flutter. The cardiologist at Mayo did a mitralclip. It did not work. I had a cardioversion last Sept and I felt better but it worked for one week and I was right back in afib. Now they are discussing an ablation. I am fatigued constantly, short of breath, unable to walk very far and have to sit down. The only med I take is warfarin and my INR's are right in range, 2.0-3.0. I have an appointment at Mayo Cardiology in January - Couldn't get anything sooner. Has anyone had a mitral valve replacement? They mentioned it to me. Thanks for your reply.

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I'm age 81 and had a successful Cardioversion at the Grand Rapids Meijer Health Center last Monday. Four days later, I'm back in A/Fib again. I've been on Eliquis for two years because of an irregular heartbeat, which my new IWatch later alerted me to A/Fib. My family doctor and cardiologist missed the A/Fib, but not my IWatch. Go figure. I'm waiting for my cardiologist to set me up for the next step. Side note: These smartwatches are credible for A/Fib; now, even my doctor believes in them.


Hi maryahs,
I am 79, have apical hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and presented with persistent Afib with rvr in March 2023. First on Metoprolol which caused fatigue and dropped blood pressure, then on diltiazem which did the same. In September I did the hospital loading of Tikosyn (dofetilide) and cardioversion. Have been in sinus rhythm since. It has only been seven weeks but so far so good. I was scared to do the loading, but there was nothing to it. Feel so much better. Good luck with your decision.

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If I continue to have AFIB break throughs, they want me to go on Tikosyn. I'm reluctant to thru the process of 3 days in the hospital. It must be an unusual med to have to go into the hospital for all those days. Keep me in the loop with your progress because I may have to go on it. I would like to know if u experience any negative with Tikosyn. I find Tikosyn a bit scary!
Thank u.


I also noticed my energy level is not what it use to be but Sotalol slows your heart rate down and everything else. In addition, I can't lose any weight ... hate the meds and having AFIB.


I also noticed my energy level is not what it use to be but Sotalol slows your heart rate down and everything else. In addition, I can't lose any weight ... hate the meds and having AFIB.

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I am glad I made the decision to try Tikosyn before an ablation. I know sometimes more than one ablation is necessary especially when you have hcm. I definitely need to be in sinus rhythm. Rate control did not work and I had 6 months of heart rate spiking as high as 165 to 175. Rate control meds did keep it partially under control. It wasn't always high but most days had many hours with rate over 120. Not fun. The hospital stay to load Tikosyn was easy. Just hung out in my street clothes, visited with nurses, read, played games with my daughter. Had blood work done every morning and ecg after each dose. Did end up having a electric cardioversion on last day as meds did not convert me. However, after 9 weeks, I am still in sinus rhythm and feeling good. Had visit with my cardiologist in Oct. and will see EP in December. Return in year to cardiologist and hoping for same or to released by EP unless Tikosyn stops working. Good luck to you. Don't be afraid to try Tikosyn.


If I continue to have AFIB break throughs, they want me to go on Tikosyn. I'm reluctant to thru the process of 3 days in the hospital. It must be an unusual med to have to go into the hospital for all those days. Keep me in the loop with your progress because I may have to go on it. I would like to know if u experience any negative with Tikosyn. I find Tikosyn a bit scary!
Thank u.

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I did the Tikosyn trial in mid September . It was easy peasey, you can walk around and wear your own clothes. Unfortunately it has not held for me, I still have episodes of afib. Have an appointment next week to see what next step will be. The hospital stay was a breeze. I'd recommend trying tikosyn as it does work for some.


Thank u ... u have encouraged me. I was reluctant to start the process for tikosyn ... seemed scary to me. Again, thank u for the info.

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