Has anyone had the 2023 updated Covid shot?

Posted by lovesgreys @lovesgreys, Oct 18, 2023

Does anyone have experience with the new booster shot? If so, what has been your experience? My intergrative doctor said the booster shot will be hard on my body right now. She also said getting sick would be the same. Her treatments are helping me, and I'm improving. I don't want a shot to set me back, but also don't want Covid, which would also set me back, plus - well, Covid. I'm trying to decide whether or not to get it. I'm up on all of my shots until now. I've had LC for a year. I would love to hear if anyone has gotten the shot, and how it's affected them.

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I just wanted to add that I lost a half of my left lung and a portion of the other lung due to cancer…I had a very hard time breathing with the mask but I never took it off for fear of getting infected, the one time I did throw caution to the wind, I got caught with covid…I have long covid and worried about getting the vaccine but I took it anyway and felt that I made the right decision.


I’m referring to the mask not the vaccine for people who can’t have the vaccine…I read my previous post and it sounded like I wasn’t clear about what I was recommending.


I got the shot two weeks ago. My arm swelled for two days and that was it.


I got the Covid vax last week. My arm was sore for a day or two, but nothing else.

I am immune suppressed from my medication. I was hesitant, but now I am relieved that I got it. My primary doc and my rheumatologist both suggested that I get it. I've had Covid 2 x. It was awful.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure-- Ben Franklin (I think)

Good luck with your decision! 🙂


I got the shot 5 dsys ago. The first day wasn't bad, but on days 2, 3, and 4, the injection site was red, hot, swollen, and very tender. My arm was stiff and ached, and I was so tired, I took two long naps a day. I guess that means it worked! Today the fatigue is gone, and the redness and swelling are almost gone.


I have not gotten the most recent vaccine. I was up to date on all the Covid vaccines. I have had covid twice. The first time i got no prescriptions. It was like having a bad case of the flu. Next time i got covid i took Paxlovid. My symptoms were almost gone in 48 hours. However since having covid, i have developed some mild cardiac issues. In March of this year i developed uveitis. I got a Covid vaccine at the end of May and 10 days later the uveitis recurred. My ophthalmologist advised against getting the new vaccine. The rheumatologist was neutral. Sorry i don’t have any advice. My husband did get the vaccine in September and has had no problems.


Started having health problems two weeks after the booster shot last year. I've gone to every special known and all tests come negative but I'm still sick. I've had unusual symptoms after the vaccine.


I posted on another site that I had been sick for nearly all year 2023 and was afraid to get the booster. In fact, they tell you not to get the booster if you are not feeling well. But, I had a day when I was feeling better and decided to get it and I didn't have any problems at all. Just FYI.


We all have to do what we feel is best for us...I got both shots and 1 booster and i am done.
My biggest concern is long term.
Like most things i am concerned about what we may find out years down the road as more studies are done.
I hope i am 100% wrong but it seems we never find out the negative effects of things until yrs later.


I've had Long Covid since late summer of 2022. At the time I had had all my vaccines and boosters and always masked indoors. I think I caught it from my husband who had caught in on his return trip from Alaska. I've been struggling with all the usual-fatigue, memory loss, depression. I'm taking multiple supplements that I've gleaned from others' reports and research articles, also low dose Naltrexone and generic Singulair tablets. Doing what I can, anyway. I'm 74.
On 9/28/23 I got my flu and RSV vaccinations. The flu shot made my arm very sore for several days but I had no other symptoms. On 10/11/23 I got the Moderna Covid Booster. That evening I became feverish and went to bed feeling icky. Every vaccine or booster has made me feel like that. It also made my arm very sore for several days. After 24 hours I felt back to my Long Covid baseline.

I saw a Functional Medicine practitioner (NP and MD) on 10/23/23. I had a lot of blood drawn for multiple tests. I also sent in a stool sample. My follow up appointment is on 12/4/23. I'm really looking forward to what all that will tell them. (They also had me go gluten-free and dairy-free prior to the tests. And I have to continue with that until I see them next.)

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