Has anyone seen a reduction in their CAC score from taking vitamin K2?

Posted by hikerguy62 @hikerguy62, Mar 31, 2023

I was told earlier this week that my CAC score is 2534. I considered myself to be a very healthy 60 year old male. I've never drank or smoked, always maintained my weight right around 155 lbs. (at 5'7"), hiked all my life (and still hike, but not as much or as far). I ate primarily chicken, pork and salmon the last 8-10 years (VERY rarely red meat) and no family history of heart disease except an uncle who had a heart attack (and was a heavy smoker until that wake-up call) and my dad who passed away from a heart attack at 84. So to say I was shocked when my doctor called and told me the score is a big understatement.

I've been doing a LOT of research on CAC scores since I got my results this past Tuesday. It's been a roller coaster of emotion because one article gives you hope, then another takes you back down lol

I've started on K2 (in addition to the D3 I started about 3 weeks ago).

I'd love to hear from anyone who's been on K2 (and especially the MK-7 "variety" of K2) who has seen improvement in their score.



Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Heart & Blood Health Support Group.

Please be careful when you see medical advice dispensed by casual forum users - statements like, "Probably nobody needs a statin." are potentially dangerous and likely violate the rules of this forum - not to mention being grossly inaccurate.

There are also a LOT of "YouTube Doctors" and "doctors who write books" whose advice should be carefully considered and checked with you own doctor.


Just found this critique of Sten Ekberg. "Dr Sten Ekberg gets fact-checked by MD PhD Doctor

YouTube Channel - Nutrition Made Simple! He makes some good points about statins.


I know about LDL particle size. Evidently that test is expensive and may not be covered by insurance. As an alternative, I am cleaning up my diet, as per Robert Lustig, and hope the small particle LDL will eventually be cleared out.

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Walk in Lab. Online. You can get any heart test you want. Pay for the orders and choose Quest or Lab Corp. I did my lp(a) which my Dr. would have never recommended. I tested HIGH? WT?!? Highly recommend.


Can you give us an update on how your scores look on this regimen? Interested to follow.



"Not decrease plaque, remove calcium from the arteries" - I know of nothing that does this.

"When speaking about plaque, soft plaque that has been stabilized, becomes calcified. They are not a danger." - my understanding is that if the calcified plaque is inside one's arteries, it is indeed a danger.

"angina... That is what I have once in a great while." If you have had angina episodes most cardiologists would recommend a heart angiogram and if restrictions seen then catheterization to assess and perhaps stent.

"I would like that to be out of the arteries and have been led to believe that K2 + D3 and Magnesium will reduce calcium and put it back into the bone." - I am not a medical professional, but, again, once the plaque has calcified it cannot, per my reading, be removed in a manner such as you suggest.


Can you give us an update on how your scores look on this regimen? Interested to follow.

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I can't really say if the K2 and D3 have done anything because I haven't gotten another CAC scan. I most likely won't get another CAC scan for several years, if even then. The reason being I know I have a lot of calcium and I don't want to keep exposing myself to radiation.

I CAN say that Crestor is a great drug in my case. I started 20mg of Crestor after my first cardiology visit (April 2023). The statin did an amazing job in 7 weeks: Total cholesterol dropped from 221 to 137, trig. from 69 to 48, LDL from 126 to 48. My HDL dropped just a little (83 to 78), but not a big deal. Still a good HDL lvl.

I still feel healthy and still completely asymptomatic. Let me know if you want to know anything else.


My results with atorvastatin mirror those of hikerguy62 with rosuvastatin.


As far as I know getting a repeat CT Scan for calcium is not recommended due to radiation. Does calcium get lower, I didn’t think so. The best you can do is harden it so it doesn’t break off as easily; taking a statin is supposed to help achieve this. I do take K2 with vitamin D3 and hope it is doing its job to help keep my heart as healthy as possible.


Hi hiker, please keep us updated with your checks. I appreciate this forum since I learn a lot each day and I have to protect my health so as not to be disabled. Aging really builds up plaques in the arteries. I came across a doctor who was on the same situation as you (holding off statins). He took a low dose and it worked wonders on his plaques to a point of being reversed. Hope this link helps and there is no danger in taking K2 with Vit D as long as you are not on blood thinners.

He has medical tests to prove the reversal. youtu.be/QOWF0KTNu2g?si=2bsaqg1-PaZg2zGL.

Sorry being a new member I am not allowed to post youtube links


Hi hiker, please keep us updated with your checks. I appreciate this forum since I learn a lot each day and I have to protect my health so as not to be disabled. Aging really builds up plaques in the arteries. I came across a doctor who was on the same situation as you (holding off statins). He took a low dose and it worked wonders on his plaques to a point of being reversed. Hope this link helps and there is no danger in taking K2 with Vit D as long as you are not on blood thinners.

He has medical tests to prove the reversal. youtu.be/QOWF0KTNu2g?si=2bsaqg1-PaZg2zGL.

Sorry being a new member I am not allowed to post youtube links

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I just removed the https in the link I posted above. Hope this helps people who need the statins.

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