Has anyone experienced internal vibrations?

Posted by redladyjoni @redladyjoni, Nov 26, 2018

I started having the only way I can explain it is internal vibrations. I've had them for 3 months now, I went to t hihe ER and they told me it was anxiety. A doctor diagnosed me at a clinic as having Lyme disease I've started a 21-day prescription of Doxycycline I'm on day 7. I went to a psychiatrist a week ago to get something because of my nerves are just over the brink. He prescribed me Gabapentin and Valium I've only been on them a few days.
Has anyone experienced these internal vibrations?I have them almost 24/7 chest neck stomach from the hips down. I have more lab tests that should be in today, but the doctor's office said that they would not call unless there was some abnormality in the lab work.

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Yes, and the doctors say it in such an off handed way. Of course, it is anxiety. Not listening!

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Hi, I have had internal vibrations daily for the past year and a half from my 2nd Shingrix vaccine. My Dr told me to get the shot, with no explanation of severe side effects. Four days after receiving the shot I suddenly started with painful neuropathy, The vibrations wake me up constantly.

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Did not have any shots but had cdiff from a hospital visit!!!! No notification friend was sick from HER or the staff. Started 5 years ago. Electrical. It can get bad like today, upper stomach was doing a polka or something. Took a Ashwagandha, calmed down more than my script. SO FAR


Did not have any shots but had cdiff from a hospital visit!!!! No notification friend was sick from HER or the staff. Started 5 years ago. Electrical. It can get bad like today, upper stomach was doing a polka or something. Took a Ashwagandha, calmed down more than my script. SO FAR

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Found out what the upper stomach polka was. Coming off Dicyclomine, taking years. I did not take a dust lick. Hate meds. But the internal shaking? Still goes on in the whole body. Could be muscle


Yes I have also and feel it is stress anxiety all blood work is good and I don’t know where else to look


I have internal vibrations from my hereditary neuropathy. I've been on atenolol, a beta blocker for high blood pressure, for 25 years. My internal vibrations and fasciculations I'd had for many years suddenly stopped for 15 years and I always wondered why. I didn't make the connection until I stopped taking atenolol for only a week a few years ago and the massive twitching (50+ at a time), muscle jerks, horrid foot/leg cramps, internal and external tremors went nuts. I started the atenolol again and it all improved about 75%, but never completely stopped again.

Now, cancer meds have caused low blood pressure and low heart rate which is the same thing atenolol does so that's a problem, but I've been afraid to stop the atenolol again. So I cut the dose in half to test the neuro issues. My blood pressure and heart rate have gone up closer to normal so that's good, but immediately all the fasciculations doubled including in both eyelids at once and the internal tremors started up again. No increase in cramps or muscle jerks luckily. Of course, it's all most noticeable when trying to rest. The internal tremors remind me of those beds they had in hotel rooms when I was a kid that you put in a quarter and it vibrates. Very annoying when there is no off switch. I would love to go off atenolol completely, but I don't dare.

My real point in all of this though is that the minute the internal tremors started throughout my body, it made me feel like I'm anxious, but the tremors are just fooling my brain. So when doctors tell so many of you that your tremors are nothing more than anxiety, my question would be, "which came first, the chicken or the egg???" Even if you are prone to anxiety, that doesn't mean that's what is causing your tremors. Hmmm. Good luck to all. I feel for you.


I just returned from Mayo with internal tremors as a major symptom. I learned about damage to the central nervous system and the various effects, one of which is the tremors. There have been changes to the brain as a result of a number of causes, including trauma. There are ways to manage, and Mayo has a self-directed course. I am going to get to work on it and expect a good outcome, although I know it will take some time.


Hello, 35 years old here.

End of July I had a dental implant followed by a dose of amoxicillin. A few days after that, I started having internal vibrations.

It’s hard to explain to anyone because they all just think it’s anxiety or in my head.

I just had an appointment with a neurologist and he set up an MRI and some tests to rule out the scary stuff. I get that next month.

Of course, using Google leaves you far more anxious than you were going in and so I decided to stop using the website completely so I’m not tempted to scare myself into looking up more bad news.

I started off feeling it when I was going to bed but now I pretty much feel it any time I am still. Feels like I am literally vibrating and nobody else can feel it but me.

Sometimes it can start in my back and in no time is radiating across my entire body, sometimes it starts in the legs and sometimes the chest. There’s just no rhyme or reason.

I started taking some b12 hoping that maybe it could be a potential trigger, so far nothing.

Weirdly, I noticed that if I stop to focus on it with all my energy, it will stop for maybe 3 or 4 seconds which I won’t even try telling my doctor because he already thinks I’m making it up lol.

No balance problems, no pins and needles, no weakness, maybe a little tired but I have sleep apnea.

I do have tinnitus, however I’ve had that most of my adult life, in fact I don’t even remember when it started, it’s just always sort of been there.

Overall, I think I need Dr. House to evaluate me and figure it out in 26 minutes including commercials.

I’ll let you know any updates

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Hey - same exact thing happened to me!! Do you have a private contact info? We should exchange notes


I honestly think time. That said, since I have no side effects from the relatively low dose of gabapentin, neither my doctors nor I are in a rush to pull back from that, considering I do still have a level of symptoms.

Interesting, I have had at least two doctors theorize that it was very early COVID that triggered my BFS, back in Jan 2020. That was before we knew about it so of course no testing. Not my personal theory (I never had a fever or cough, despite feeling like death in just about every other way), but also interesting that after my Moderna vaccines, I had BFS symptoms spike back up while my body was fighting to build the antibodies. I attribute the spike more so to overall immune system and body fatigue, personally.

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Jeff, how is it going now? I am in a similar position to your original post so wondering if there was some way you were able to cure or at least significantly lessen the internal tremors.


Jeff, how is it going now? I am in a similar position to your original post so wondering if there was some way you were able to cure or at least significantly lessen the internal tremors.

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All going ok, relatively speaking. I am at a pretty constant state where I’m happy living with where things are, and perhaps will be forever.

Not cured/gone by any means, but still fluctuating between great days and decent days.

Still walking many miles a week and yes my legs tire afterwards but no big deal.

The bad days are usually when I don’t get enough sleep or I’m sick. The calves will really act up and pop like crazy then.

It still “moves around” on me too. For example a couple of weeks ago the vibrations flared up inside my chest. Very annoying at night! Same as usual, as I regain consciousness, they calm a lot.

I’m still taking the gabakentin. Not sure if it helps or makes a difference.

One interesting thing since I’ve written here a while ago is that over the past 2 years I’ve gotten pretty bad plantar fasciitis in my one foot. A large cause of PF can be tightness in the calves. I have a hunch that the BFS is at the root cause of why I can’t seem to get rid of the PF despite lots of treatments short of surgery.

Hang in there!



All going ok, relatively speaking. I am at a pretty constant state where I’m happy living with where things are, and perhaps will be forever.

Not cured/gone by any means, but still fluctuating between great days and decent days.

Still walking many miles a week and yes my legs tire afterwards but no big deal.

The bad days are usually when I don’t get enough sleep or I’m sick. The calves will really act up and pop like crazy then.

It still “moves around” on me too. For example a couple of weeks ago the vibrations flared up inside my chest. Very annoying at night! Same as usual, as I regain consciousness, they calm a lot.

I’m still taking the gabakentin. Not sure if it helps or makes a difference.

One interesting thing since I’ve written here a while ago is that over the past 2 years I’ve gotten pretty bad plantar fasciitis in my one foot. A large cause of PF can be tightness in the calves. I have a hunch that the BFS is at the root cause of why I can’t seem to get rid of the PF despite lots of treatments short of surgery.

Hang in there!

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I see. I had a similar thing where I was traveling in Europe and during the trip every day it was getting better, where towards the end it was only noticeable when I woke up at night my legs would vibrate, but then I got back to the states and the first night was ok but every day after it got worse and worse again and now its back to how it was originally which is super disappointing. I wonder why it changes like that? If there was brain damage wouldn't that mean you could never get to the great state? So I kind of wonder if something else is going on.

I found out I have high levels of mercury, 31.8 ug/L in my blood whereas 0-15 was considered normal, so it could be that. I also wonder if it could be a pinch in my spine as my neck has always been pushed forward due to years of computer work.

When I'm tired or drink a lot of coffee it definitely is worse than when I sleep a lot. But it's hard to sleep a lot when you wake up with your whole body vibrating and then it becomes hard to go back to sleep.

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