Overthinking and living in fear

Posted by desidawn @desidawn, Sep 26, 2023

I need help with fear and overthinking. Most of this fear centers around my health. How can I stop worrying so much about health issues. Today I have set paralyzed in fear over a medication I took. I read that it has put people in wheelchairs and ruined peoples lives. I am praying that this doesn't happen to me. Please if you have any advice for me, I will take it. I am 39 and have dealt with this since I was 16.

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For a long time after having a stroke, I was in constant terror of having another.

Long before that, I worried about my health a lot.

Now I realize that was a huge amount of wasted worry -- and wasted time. (Almost all worry is, of course. as the Bible tells us.)

Years of psychotherapy have helped me a lot. I'm not by any means a fatalist, but I now look at what's right with me instead of wrong. It's a long list.

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I’m not on my own because I have a partner and he is a good person…some people just feel awkward and they don’t know what to say, he’s always done his best to help me get around…my pain is more with my own family and extended family members, they have never been very supportive.. I was thinking that maybe having cancer would make a difference but alas it didn’t. The toughest thing I have to learn is how to shut my mind off but instead I let too many dark thoughts get inside me and all I know is I hurt myself this way by thinking about them. I’m not a young woman so I should have learned better by now but old habits are hard to break. I admire people who deal with terrible things and they still keep a positive attitude, they are truly admirable…


I’m not on my own because I have a partner and he is a good person…some people just feel awkward and they don’t know what to say, he’s always done his best to help me get around…my pain is more with my own family and extended family members, they have never been very supportive.. I was thinking that maybe having cancer would make a difference but alas it didn’t. The toughest thing I have to learn is how to shut my mind off but instead I let too many dark thoughts get inside me and all I know is I hurt myself this way by thinking about them. I’m not a young woman so I should have learned better by now but old habits are hard to break. I admire people who deal with terrible things and they still keep a positive attitude, they are truly admirable…

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People who've seen my stroke recovery videos (https://www.youtube.com/@srlucado/videos) tell me that my positive outlook is inspiring.
I don't know about that. But I do know that I stay positive because I have a wife who loves me, and I love her. She works so hard to keep us going, the very least I can do is work just as hard.
I miss the pre-stroke days when she and I could a lot of stuff together. We may never be able to do those things again, but it won't be because I didn't try.
We thought life would get easier as we got older. Nope. But we aren't giving up.


@scottrl, thank you for your words of wisdom, you truly are an optimistic man and it’s so helpful.. I also worry too much about my health and it sometimes consumes me, I have obviously not been very good to myself and I realize how detrimental it is for my health and life in general. I’m very happy to be a member here and it’s given me more strength and hope than ever before, God bless you and your wife, amen.


@scottrl, thank you for your words of wisdom, you truly are an optimistic man and it’s so helpful.. I also worry too much about my health and it sometimes consumes me, I have obviously not been very good to myself and I realize how detrimental it is for my health and life in general. I’m very happy to be a member here and it’s given me more strength and hope than ever before, God bless you and your wife, amen.

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A day at a time, right?
Hang in there.
As I pray on my worst days, when going on seems impossible:
"Not my will, but Thine be done."


I’m not on my own because I have a partner and he is a good person…some people just feel awkward and they don’t know what to say, he’s always done his best to help me get around…my pain is more with my own family and extended family members, they have never been very supportive.. I was thinking that maybe having cancer would make a difference but alas it didn’t. The toughest thing I have to learn is how to shut my mind off but instead I let too many dark thoughts get inside me and all I know is I hurt myself this way by thinking about them. I’m not a young woman so I should have learned better by now but old habits are hard to break. I admire people who deal with terrible things and they still keep a positive attitude, they are truly admirable…

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@frouke What I will say here may not be something you want to try, with no expectations except that you think about it.

I have some severe health issues, that affect the quality of my life everyday. Even 5 years ago life was a lot different. What was sad for me was to feel there was little support, that I was alone in figuring out how to live. What has been important for me was to reach out to others who may feel they are in the same boat, and to help support them on their journey. Feeling alone can be the worst. Extending a helping voice, a shoulder to lean on, for me, is so rewarding. I use experiences and knowledge gained in my life to help where I can. And sometimes, just being there is the best thing. What I get back emotionally/mentally far outweighs what someone else may receive.


I have the exact problem. I’m a bit older than you and am going through so much with my mental and physical health. My health anxiety started in my mid 20s. My biggest mistake was reading the internet. It literally has aided in my decline. Please take some advice from someone who’s walking the same path. Stop reading the internet. Find a good doctor and let him and God guide you. I’ve learned the hard way to lean on God. Please do these things before it makes you physically sick…because it CAN! Pray for wisdom and don’t lean to your own understanding. Btw I’m preaching to myself 😉.

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You got right to what I was thinking. Delete your access to social media. Just don't go there. I can't tell how many people I know who are nearly suicidal from things they've read on social media. Just stop. Have someone "fix" your phone or computer so you cannot even access social media.


Yes the ill and elderly are often forgotten in a sense. I awaited a call from my old pastors wife all day yesterday. Just wanted to ask for prayer and brief her on what’s happening….well that call never came. Can’t tell you how it hurt. I was raised in that church. My family gave loads of money to help them build a huge church. Heck, we helped build the church. Anyway enough self pity. I wish we could visit but I figure you’re no where near here. But if you ever want to chat, it would be nice.

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If you put your faith in people, you will ALWAYS be disappointed. Put your faith in God -- and leave it there. The apostle Paul said this: "Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." Sounds like you are reliving the past and that is never conducive to good mental health. Pastors (and their wives) are human. They get busy. They forget. Other things crowd into their schedule. God, on the other hand, always has time for you.


For a long time after having a stroke, I was in constant terror of having another.

Long before that, I worried about my health a lot.

Now I realize that was a huge amount of wasted worry -- and wasted time. (Almost all worry is, of course. as the Bible tells us.)

Years of psychotherapy have helped me a lot. I'm not by any means a fatalist, but I now look at what's right with me instead of wrong. It's a long list.

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The Bible tells us to cast all our cares on Him (Jesus) because he cares for you. Nowhere does it say, "then go back a few days later and pick them all back up again." Too many people live on a spiritual and mental merry-go-round. Up. Down. Up. Down. Cast, then don't go looking for what you gave away.


The Bible tells us to cast all our cares on Him (Jesus) because he cares for you. Nowhere does it say, "then go back a few days later and pick them all back up again." Too many people live on a spiritual and mental merry-go-round. Up. Down. Up. Down. Cast, then don't go looking for what you gave away.

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Stay on a vigorous exercise schedule.. whatever you do, it is, 30 mins per day and brisk, pilates, yoga, a strong walk with your dog . I live in South America in the high Andes and this has saved me. More than positive thinking ...

Give yourself permission to weep when you need to and celebrate all GOOD DAYS! Not with ETOH,( booze).. STAY STRONG, your can obsess about staying strong!


I worry a lot and have a lot of fears about the future. My counselor told me that when I focus all my thoughts on worrying about something, I am throwing my day away, and throwing my life away. He told me to "live in the moment", meaning I just need to enjoy each day as much as I can and take one day at a time.

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