Does medical marijuana work for chronic pain?

Posted by mmoss @mmoss, Mar 27, 2021

Does Medical marijuana work for chronic pain. Looking for alternatives to Vicodin.

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Is severe neuropathy your most concerning issue health wise? I hope this helps you!

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I have significant peripheral neuropathy, as well as peripheral nerve injury and incomplete spinal cord compression due to being hit and run by a driver breaking the law. And there’s also the bone pain from MGRS (MGUS with stage 3a chronic kidney disease), chronic pain from CKD, and bowel pain from inflammatory bowel disease (ulcerative colitis). Besides the old fractures that never healed properly, and the severe osteoarthritis in spine and lower body. I have a lung condition where parts of lung tissue are collapsed due to scarring/fibrosis (old impact chest injury), which just hurts for hours sometimes.
Besides that, I have a relatively recent disc injury in my neck that gives a constant 24/7 pain down both arms into both thumbs.
Otherwise, all good.


I have been using medical pot for 3 years. I only use edibles-gummies, tincture, capsules & drinks. I was using Oxycontin and Oxycodone but the breathing problems and the constipation problems it caused got to be too much. I also tried gabapentin and that did not help pain at all but did make me feel physically sick. It's hard with edibles because they take awhile to get into your system. They do not totally get rid of pain but help my body to relax & deal with the pain better. I also started taking B-complex which seems to help with pain also. Most of my doctors do not agree with my decision but at 74, don't really care what they think.

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Yes, I understand..I don’t need something to ‘take pain away’; I just need something to help me manage it a bit better (ie: the joint destroying neurologically instigated spasms that cramp my legs straight from my hips down for an hour or so at a time, which feel like I’ve run a marathon the next day, etc), and maybe help a smidge to get to sleep when my back goes stiff from mid chest down and I’m unable to move till it decides to stop trying to fold me in half backwards.
And I hope you don’t mind I say this, however imho the person paid to help you isn’t entitled to an opinion; their job is to give advice, recommendations suited to the needs of each individual’s situation, and respect your personal choices - not be a dictator and then admonish someone for making their own decisions. If any doctor attempts to disagree with my choices, I do not hesitate in reminding them of their place in the grand scheme of things..these people have a job to do, and that is to help us; they are not gods in requirement of offerings and placating from patients 🌺


Would you be willing to provide more information on the edibles and capsules you take, and what amount of THC, CBD or CBN they contain? I'm just starting using medical marijuana for sleep and pain but it's not helping much. I wonder if I'm not taking a high enough dose. Thank you

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The gummies have 9.4mg THC & 4.5mg CBD per serving. I take 2 after breakfast & 2 after dinner. Capsules are 9.99mg THC & 4.96mg THC no CBD-I take one of each at 8PM for sleep. Tincture is 5.0mg THC & .15 CBD per serving. I take this about 3AM along with 2 Tylenol. The Sinfully Good drinks are 9.94mg THC & .11mg CBD per serving. They are the best because they don't take hours to come on. The drinks I just use during day as needed. I know this seems like a lot but this seems to work for me.


I’ve tried CBD cream and oral oil without THC and not found that it does much, if anything, to help with the pain of arthritis. I’d love to get recommendations of brand, dosage, with or without THC, external or oral use, etc., from folks here who have used CBD to successfully control pain. Even with online research, it’s hard to tell which companies are making high quality, safe, and effective products. Thanks in advance!

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Plain CBD gummies and oil had no effect. I bought gummies with the lowest THC they had in medical marijuana at a 2 to 1 ratio with CBD. The first time I thought it was magic so I only take a half. Helps me sleep so I love it. My problem is living in a state you need an rx and license. Besides the additional costs I think the government shouldn't be able to control it especially since your doctor can prescribe meds which make you crazy and are stronger and worse side effects.


The gummies have 9.4mg THC & 4.5mg CBD per serving. I take 2 after breakfast & 2 after dinner. Capsules are 9.99mg THC & 4.96mg THC no CBD-I take one of each at 8PM for sleep. Tincture is 5.0mg THC & .15 CBD per serving. I take this about 3AM along with 2 Tylenol. The Sinfully Good drinks are 9.94mg THC & .11mg CBD per serving. They are the best because they don't take hours to come on. The drinks I just use during day as needed. I know this seems like a lot but this seems to work for me.

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Does any of this make you sleepy during the day? Did you build up slowly to these doses? Thank you!


I've been experimenting with THC for about six months for my post-stroke neural burning pain in my legs. Fortunately, I've always slept well and don't need it for sleep, but I don't think I know anyone in their 70's who doesn't take a THC/CBD gummy for sleep! They seem to prefer the Indica strain. It seems they take a 1:1 ratio with 10 mgs of THC and it works like a charm. I will take a gummy in the evening when the pain has just worn me down. I take a 1:1 CBD/THC ratio--usually just 2.5 mgs of THC, which my physiatrist calls microdosing. I use the Sativa strain which isn't supposed to make you so sleepy. It seems to make the pain go more into the background. Sometimes I try 5 mg of THC, but it can make me wobbly in my balance. I do not want to get high or feel or out of it. I intend to keep experimenting--always appreciate people sharing what works!


Does any of this make you sleepy during the day? Did you build up slowly to these doses? Thank you!

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It really does not make me sleepy during the day. It was really a matter of experimenting with different products and dosages. What I am using now seems to be the right dosage for me. I did build up to these doses. At first I did try smoking but that really just made me stoned & basically not able to function. For some reason edibles, probably because they take 1 to 2 hours to take effect, seem to work the best.


Just read, can be helpful CBD/THC ratio for neuropathy


My friend in California swears by thc salve she buys at a marijuana dispensary


I spent hundreds of dollars to doctors card and subsequent supplies. Then allowed to buy in New York and Florida. The items recommended for Lyme disease did absolutely no good.
Now NY is allowed to dispense to public. There are some gummies for sleep. Even then it doesn’t work until I take the maximum dose allowed and then waking up next morning very late and unsteady.

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