Does medical marijuana work for chronic pain?

Posted by mmoss @mmoss, Mar 27, 2021

Does Medical marijuana work for chronic pain. Looking for alternatives to Vicodin.

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MMJ works for my wife's fibro and RSI. generally a strong Indica or Indica dominant hybrid like Kandy Kush.
For myself with multiple surgeries and lower body injuries that cause chronic pain, i'll stick to hydromorph contin, as i have less issues with it than i do with cannabis. Different people respond to different meds. If you are going with a THC option, start low and wait a few hours, especially with medibles that can take a while to fully work. You can always take more, but you cannot take less and a strong initial effect can be overwhelming for some people.

Growing my wife's cannabis is definitely therapeutic for me and i would encourage others who have the ability to do so, to try. It's empowering to be able to do something that helps your or a loved one deal effectively with their pain. Sites like THC Farmer are filled with forums and growers who are quite happy to show newbies what works for them


I know plenty of people that have smoke marijuana to reduce the pain. Serious back surgeries, I mean even muscle spasm will stop. CBD oil how know what strength your setting unless it tested. The researchers found that participants preferred Indica strains for pain management, sedation, and sleep while they would opt for Sativa strains to improve energy and mood. works for me too. All the horrible synthetic pain med is bad.

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Wow. 6-8 oxycodone or Percocet ? Wow. Can only get 2 10/325. Here. I take total of 7 mg a day. Less than one pill. Yes in pain but have been considering THC . No withdrawal with dropping 2? Our state would never allow more than 2 and that’s a lot. How do you deal with your BM’s.


I must agree for chronic pain it does not really help. For some people, it takes the edge off it but for me, it didn't. I only found opioids worked plus I traveled overseas a lot so medical cannabis even if it worked was not an option. My son suffers from chronic pain and finds a THC/CBD mix takes the edge off but does not really address the pain it restricts you from driving. After much searching, he found ketamine treatment was the game-changer for his chronic pain. A 150mg wafer a day and his pain went from a 7 to a manageable 4. Life changing but it does not work for everyone just like any medicine. What it does do is lower the baseline pain level, less side effects for him and he can still drive. I think CB/THC masks the impact but for chronic pain, I feel it is not a good long-term treatment option. It does not lower the average pain level which is the goal for those of us who suffer chronic pain. Why pain treatment is frowned upon for those who really need it is so frustrating being treated almost like a criminal for an issue that is out of our control. Never give up looking for the right option has been our motto as we are all constructed a little differently.


I had horrible allergic reaction to buprenorphine patches. My doctor was ingnorant of these reactions. What symptoms did you or do you know about? I had uncontrollable spasms, slurred speech, intense stomach pain (my reason for taking this patch), hallucinations, and more. Anyone else? Liz

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Goodness! You had an extreme adverse reaction. I just had body jerks. Our bodies speak to us don’t they, thank goodness 😀👏


I do not smoke anything including marijuana. You must have misunderstood what I said. I use CBD oil topically on my skin (like an ointment where I have pain) and I take a very small amount orally from the tiny spoon that is provided with the CBD oil bottle. I agree with you that filling one's lungs with smoke of any kind is unhealthy..

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I use gummies THC 10MG WITH
CBD 20mg. I feel it gives me 20-30 % pain relief. You need to take it 2-3 times a day. Ease into it with 1/2
Gummy to start. I take whole gummy at bedtime


I use gummies THC 10MG WITH
CBD 20mg. I feel it gives me 20-30 % pain relief. You need to take it 2-3 times a day. Ease into it with 1/2
Gummy to start. I take whole gummy at bedtime

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No, I have tried the kind you don't and it just gave me hallucinations. Scary stuff.


I use gummies THC 10MG WITH
CBD 20mg. I feel it gives me 20-30 % pain relief. You need to take it 2-3 times a day. Ease into it with 1/2
Gummy to start. I take whole gummy at bedtime

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I tried them and I started saying MAN a lot! I found that I couldn’t control the dosage and I was stoned or wasted! And quite frankly they make my legs ache for some reason. Everyone is different, it did help with my pain but for me I look at the management side of my care and from that prospective it was a good option.


I have used medical marijuana for about 10 years. The 1 (THC) and 1 (CBD) ratio works the best for me. I don't get the high or dizziness and it takes the pain away. If you live in a State that the distributers use Bhang chocolate for their marijuana, then buy that. I like the dark chocolate one. I break the small sections in half and get 5 ml of THC and 5 ml of CBD. I take it at night and I sleep through the night without restless legs or cramping in my legs.
Hope this helps.


I must agree for chronic pain it does not really help. For some people, it takes the edge off it but for me, it didn't. I only found opioids worked plus I traveled overseas a lot so medical cannabis even if it worked was not an option. My son suffers from chronic pain and finds a THC/CBD mix takes the edge off but does not really address the pain it restricts you from driving. After much searching, he found ketamine treatment was the game-changer for his chronic pain. A 150mg wafer a day and his pain went from a 7 to a manageable 4. Life changing but it does not work for everyone just like any medicine. What it does do is lower the baseline pain level, less side effects for him and he can still drive. I think CB/THC masks the impact but for chronic pain, I feel it is not a good long-term treatment option. It does not lower the average pain level which is the goal for those of us who suffer chronic pain. Why pain treatment is frowned upon for those who really need it is so frustrating being treated almost like a criminal for an issue that is out of our control. Never give up looking for the right option has been our motto as we are all constructed a little differently.

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Where does one obtain ketamine wafers for pain? Does one have to go through an IV protocol first?


I tried cannabis first for my neuropahy. Edible dose of 10mg with some cbd. Was effective initially, but ceased to be after about 3 months. Thank God I discovered Kratom. No drug effects, just pain relief. No fan of opiods, but you cannot "just live with" severe neuropathy. Whatever helps people, that's what people need. So called first line treatments such as Cymbalta or Gabapentin, etc, seemed alnost useless to me due to horrendous side effects. No physician will ever get it, unless they have it themselves.

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