Does medical marijuana work for chronic pain?

Posted by mmoss @mmoss, Mar 27, 2021

Does Medical marijuana work for chronic pain. Looking for alternatives to Vicodin.

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I spent hundreds of dollars to doctors card and subsequent supplies. Then allowed to buy in New York and Florida. The items recommended for Lyme disease did absolutely no good.
Now NY is allowed to dispense to public. There are some gummies for sleep. Even then it doesn’t work until I take the maximum dose allowed and then waking up next morning very late and unsteady.

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I am sorry to hear that it hasnt helped. Having 10 mg or less of the Michigan gummies, about 2 times a week, does seem to "augment" the other things I take, and help keep the pain down. They are 1:1 ratio of cbd and thc. With cannabis edibles,a little is better than none, and less is more. I appreciate your sharing your experience.


Hi everyone, I can’t say enough about how medical cannabis has helped me. It does about 50 to 60% of my pain control. I only take it at night before I go to bed and it also helps me to have a really good sleep. I find CDB does not help with severe pain. But many people have said that it is good for arthritis and other types of pain. The THC in cannabis is what really helps with severe pain which has been my experience and what I have read. Recently I was in the hospital and they said I could not have cannabis even though it’s legal in Canada and within a few days my pain went into a crisis without the cannabis. My blood pressure and heart rate escalated and the morphine that they were giving me was doing very little, the hospital, then decided I needed Cannabis and asked me how soon I could get it. Clearly, this wasn’t what they expected and it was clear more morphine was not the solution. I vape cannabis, which I find is the most effective way to take it. With vaping the Cannabis it does not burn so you don’t get the nasty chemicals like like the ones in cigarettes. You just get the synergistic effect of over 300 different chemicals found in cannabis. This is because the heat is only hot enough to convert the raw THC into a form your body will recognize . I only need a very very small amount about .2 of a gram every evening. My tolerance is very low. Some people need to take more. Dosing is a big issue with Cannabis as everybody has a different tolerance, and the effectiveness is dependent on how you take it into your body. The most effective way is vaping. Oil can be good too but it takes a long time to go into your system and to go out again so you need to know what you’re doing, or at the very least start with a very low dose. Which is the advice most doctors give - start low and slow until you find the dose that is correct for you. You need not worry you can’t overdose on cannabis. It is not like morphine that can kill you if you take too much. Because Cannabis lasts so long in your body, taking it at night will still have an effect through the day. I don’t know what I would do without it. I take it at night to avoid the psychoactive affects which I find unacceptable. You can also microdose or take tiny doses under the level, where there is any psychoactive affect. I hope this helps. I believe it works well because it works on a system called the Endocannabinoid system which you have in your body and in your brain. Cannabinoids are produced in your body and help to regulate just about all the structures in your brain and elsewhere in your body. This is probably why it has such a wide ranging affect. A lot of research is now being done and what I have read recently is that there is a theory that it has a central regulatory affect which makes sense if you read about the Endocannabinoid system.


Totally agree. It has been very helpful for me. The difficulty is finding what works for you as everyone reacts differently to different strains. I was also vaping but developed a lung issue, was advised not to vape, so now use tinctures. They do take much longer to kick-in. One concern I do have is with
driving. If you are involved in an accident and your blood is tested, you could be cited as DUI. It’s not like alcohol where they can test a level. Much controversy over this. It does remain in your bloodstream for a while.


Thank you so much Chris. You are very kind. I hope you find something for the neuropathy in your hands. Although pain relief for neuropathy in the hands and feet may be entirely different, I find that my neuropathy in my feet (at night only) responds well to just putting the right weight of socks on when I get that burning ice feel. I wonder if cotton or wool gloves might help you? I sure hope you find something. Thanks again, Gayle

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I have the burning hands neuropathy as well. It can be burning ice or burning heat and can get real bad. I have it 24/7. So, I have been using wool gloves with cutout for fingers for about 2 years now. They are the most helpful thing I can do. They are probably worth 2 levels of pain reduction most of the time if you get the right gloves. I would recommend them to anyone with burning hand neuropathy. Also, when the burning is unbearable, I have some cheaper thin wool open finger gloves I will dampen, and then hold ice packs or anything else frozen in the damp gloves which helps cool my hands back down. I have also found one brand of CBD full spectrum gummy that helps. It has CBD plus a small amount of Delta 9 THC. One of the 25 mg gummies is enough for me. If I take two I get stoned, but I guess I am low tolerance. So I only take the one.


@dave130 Have you tried any prescription medications for the hand neuropathy yet? I think Lyrica helps. CBD/THC didn’t help me. Just made me woozy. Also, I now have a Spinal Cord Stimulator and it greatly helps my leg and feet neuropathy. Medicare still covers them. Best of luck in finding a solution. You are persistent and will find something!


Yes, I take 100 mg Pregabalin 3 times a day, plus 10 mg of cyclobenzaprine at bedtime. I have neuropathy in my hands-arms-feet-legs, but the burning in the hands is the worst burning by far. I have not done the SCS, I did look into it but that’s another story. Suffice it to say I decided not to follow through with the SCS as long as I can manage my chronic pain the way I have been doing. Mainly, I just saw you had mentioned using gloves and wanted to share that had instantly provided about a 20% pain reduction in my hands. I never take the gloves off except to shower. And, the particular brand of CBD I’m taking helps when I need a little extra boost of pain relief, and I can still function on one 25 mg gummy. (I tried many different kinds of CBD that didn’t do anything until I found this one). Good luck with your search for solutions.


I have the burning hands neuropathy as well. It can be burning ice or burning heat and can get real bad. I have it 24/7. So, I have been using wool gloves with cutout for fingers for about 2 years now. They are the most helpful thing I can do. They are probably worth 2 levels of pain reduction most of the time if you get the right gloves. I would recommend them to anyone with burning hand neuropathy. Also, when the burning is unbearable, I have some cheaper thin wool open finger gloves I will dampen, and then hold ice packs or anything else frozen in the damp gloves which helps cool my hands back down. I have also found one brand of CBD full spectrum gummy that helps. It has CBD plus a small amount of Delta 9 THC. One of the 25 mg gummies is enough for me. If I take two I get stoned, but I guess I am low tolerance. So I only take the one.

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I haven't had what you have but I have burning sensation s from fibro and a burning feeling inside my body. Come to find out I have too much inflammation in my body. I stopped sugar, gluten, dairy products and use no chemicals that I'm aware of. Medication only covers up symptoms and so I gave up on meds. Of course it depends on your health and what your capable of not using. I push myself to exercise and the next day I feel better. I've had Fibro and chronic fatigue for 35 years. My chronic fatigue is so much better. I take a b12 complex everyday and many other supplements. I was on pain pills for 22 years and quit those 5 years ago. After going off them I had so much pain so I went to a pain counselor and was taught how to shut your brain down regarding pain. It took me 2 years to feel normal again after stopping pain pills. It seems half my life I have fought to get better because the Drs could only have time for me in an hour once a month. They just wanted to cover up the issue. We have to keep looking for natural cures and be advocates for ourselves. Good luck


Yes. I take RSO as well as CBD/CBG/CBN. CBG is amazing for pain and if you can find a 1:1:1:1 with THC/CBD/CBG/CBN it will help a LOT. CBN is for sleep. You can also get CBC for anxiety. I take tinctures since edibles do not work with my body's chemistry. I take a CBG tincture along with a 1:1:1:1 gummy and RSO in the morning. I also smoke it for intermittent pain. I also take 7.5/325 percocets 4 times a day. Marijuana helps with pain that the percocets do not touch and voice versa. Taking both is what works for me. I have CAEBV with 13% chance of being alive in 35 more months. The pain is excruciating at times. I feel like I was dropped from a 50 story building. I may even get a couple fingers amputated because of the severity of pain in them and they have started to dislocate. Ugh


It helps me. I take a gummy with 5-7mg indica with 2mg CBN and/or CBG at bedtime and it minimizes pain that would wake me otherwise. I almost never use anything other than CBD during the day.


I recently started using gummies with the intention to back off Oxycodone. I started using amounts of the cube cut in four equal pieces. In short what I've found is the edibles affect my coordination such that I would never drive. However, after using Oxy for decades I have no issues with balance or judgement. The edibles have a similar effect in low doses for me. Lately with the cold and messy snow to move I've been more uncomfortable than back in December. I also use a 1:1 CBD-THC creme rub on called Avexia. I use that in place of Voltaren. The Voltaren makes my urine dark and I have a kidney issue. I find the Avexia works well on everything. It's pricy here in NJ at around $50. I think I'm going to split the rubs using the Avexia only on my back. The Voltaren on neck, shoulders, hands and knees. Away from my kidneys that is...

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