Getting new Covid booster and RSV

Posted by fmeronoff @fmeronoff, Oct 6, 2023

I have been suffering with long covid for one year--got all of my shots and boosters--my doctors say I need to get new covid booster and RSV--your thoughts?


Note from the Community Director

Mayo Clinic researchers find vaccine may reduce severity of long-haul COVID symptoms
August 23, 2023 

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Post-COVID Recovery & COVID-19 Support Group.


Here’s some recent information from Mayo Clinic specialists in long COVID and post COVID recovery

- Mayo researchers find vaccine may reduce severity of long-haul COVID symptoms
August 23, 2023

Learn more from Dr Vanichkikorn in this video

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Thank you!


Here’s some recent information from Mayo Clinic specialists in long COVID and post COVID recovery

- Mayo researchers find vaccine may reduce severity of long-haul COVID symptoms
August 23, 2023

Learn more from Dr Vanichkikorn in this video

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Thank you very much for supplying us with best information currently available!

Do the docs at Mayo know anything about Paxlovid helping with long Covid or with pre-existing autoimmune/arthritis?

My autoimmune condition improved significantly when I was on Paxlovid for Covid.

Thank you, again!


My PCP is an Internal Medicine Specialist, and he had recommended flu shots, covid booster, and RSV shots. I am nearing my 3rd year of Long Covid. He is the Long Covid Dr for the hospital, so I trust what he says.

I have received flu shots for the last 2 3/4 years. I received the booster last year. And will be getting the RSV this fall.


Listening to the comments I feel like I may give a new booster a chance. I am having alot of difficulty, particularly with the congestion and mucous running 24 hours a day for two years.
I’ll let everyone know if I get any relief.

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That would be wonderful thank you. I would love to see a follow-up on this because I feel like I'm down if I do and I'm down if I don't I'm afraid to get the new booster. For many reasons. I've had six shots already and what I'm trying to decipher is whether the last shot that I had made it worse. So please keep us posted thank you so much


My PCP suggested I do a timeline of my symptoms. What I discovered is that I came down with covid( the first time), after getting a flu shot, which caused permanent damage to my lungs. All of my other symptoms that I experience on a daily basis, muscle pain, confusion, brain fog, fatigue, vibrations, anxiety, panic attacks, ect., actually started after I received one of the boosters. I absolutely will not be getting any more vaccines. My PCP agreed that that was a very good decision. I think we need to be diligently relying on our own intuition about where our health is concerned.


I am not taxing my longcovid organs&body with any more invasions on my immune system . My defense network has been on high alert for 2&1/2 yrs. It's got all it can manage.

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I feel the exact same way. My immune system has been assaulted. I have never gotten so many UTI's, sinus infections, developed eczema, exhaustion, shingles (in the last 12 months) in my entire life until the vaccines. I worked in healthcare my entire adult life and was exposed to TB, meningitis, pneumonia, RSV, all of it and NEVER became ill. It's like my entire system has changed since the vaccines. Even when Covid was at its peak, before any vax were available and the media claimed people were dropping like flies from it, I was out and about, masking and being vigilant about hand washing and sanitizing surfaces (still am), and I didn't get ill. Within a month after the second booster...BOOM...I'm on my arse in the hospital with pneumonia and a kidney infection. There is nothing the media or big pharma can say to make me believe the vaccines are not somehow affecting our immune systems - maybe not to the same degree in everyone - but definitely worse for a lot of us.


I got the previous booster in June before my son’s wedding and a multi-day, in-person teaching gig with 100+ people. I felt better for 3+ weeks after that booster and thought the immunity boost had finally helped me kick long Covid. Gradually long Covid crashes returned, although my recovery from them is quicker and the time between less frequent. Had the same 3+ week hiatus from long Covid after getting a second round of Covid (and Paxlovid). Will get the new vaccine in a month or so. Hell, after such a good response to the last one, I’ve been tempted to see if I could get one every three months just for the long Covid relief.

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what where your long covid symptoms??


Post Vaccine Syndrome- I think some doctors at Yale (?) are studying this now. Some people seem to get sick after the vaccine, which really stinks and seems so unfair! especially since so many other people benefited from the vaccine and didn't get any kind of long-term sickness.
I hope the doctors figure this out soon and provide some cures or at least relief.

Does anyone know: if you did not get post vaccine syndrome after your first set of vaccines, then can you get it from later vaccines? Or are you "safe" for all the other vaccines?

Long Covid- It's been with me for 2 years, 11 months and 11 days.
It does exist. People need to factor this risk into their decision to get the new vax or not.

This is not an easy decision. There are a lot of variables according to individual health issues, and there still are scientific studies that haven't been concluded.

I have been impressed that most people posting here have been so UN judgemental and open to various ideas and understanding of the need for different responses.
Yea, y'all!


what where your long covid symptoms??

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Lots and very easily evoked at first: POTS, Post-exertion malaise in unpredictable ways — hard to know at first what was too much, unexplained heart palpitations, headaches, severe sleep disruptions, sensitivity to light, inability to read or use a computer screen, and probably more than I want to remember.


Hello, My doctor has also told me NO other vaccines of any kind while my body is "on fire" from Long covid symptoms. I am a retired RN and have known my PCP since he was an intern. He is also a PED dr who believes in vaccinations so if he is telling me NO vaccines of any kind while I am dealing with long covid then I am following his advice.

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