I have a very high calcium score. What next?

Posted by dpframing @dpframing, Aug 24, 2018

Just joined the site and I'm looking to share with others who have had a high calcium score. I found out today that mine is 2996 and I am scared by this. I am 61 and I am totally asymptomatic. Now I feel like a walking time bomb. I am thinking of requesting an angiogram to see if there's any narrowing anywhere and if it can be corrected with a stent. After a second heart doctor told me that the plaque buildup might be uniform over the course of years with no big problem areas, I am encouraged. But the score still freaks me out, specifically my LAD at 1333. I don't smoke or drink but I have to lose 40 lbs.

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Interesting. Have you asked your cardiologist about Dr Lown?
Wonder what Mayo Clinic would say

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I thank you for pointing us to Dr Lown's musings # 28 & 31. Yes I did read them. It gave me so much hope and comfort because of his qualifications. I would recommend these writings to anyone dealing with Cardio issues.


Are you exercising now and how much and how strenuous? Are you on statins?

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Thank you for asking. I will post full details of my lifelong cardio, yoga, & meditation routines in couple of weeks. Yes, I have done had cardio 3x / week for 50+ years. I was just put on 5 mg / day Crestor by my primary care doc. I'm scheduled for this noninvasive CT Angio Hrt W/Cont W/3D W/FFRCT. Fractional Flow Rate CT measures flow rates of arteries with a 3D simulation. What I was told is that FFR will be done if they see a partial blockage to measure flow rate on both sides of that area Only two hospitals in Phoenix, AZ does this test.



Yes sometimes diagnosis itself can be another disease! Calcium score would just mean be more watchful in your life style. It shouldn’t drive you with fear and hence over treatment.
I as a cardiologist was supposed to give a talk on calcium score to the drs of my city, when I casually checked mine : 746!
No symptoms no risk factors. Nuclear test was done and was fine. That was 4 years ago. Now I am 57.
I take rosuvastatin 20 a day and I jog about 60 miles a month. ( one half marathon every month, in around 2 hrs 15 min)

I did have butterflies for few months and slowly I have reduced thinking about it.

Best wishes to all🌱🌱👍

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What was the nuclear test and what is a 'fine' rating? I'm at 700 CAC at 64. I gained about 30 pounds during covid and hurt my knee running. Been slowly jog/walking to get back into shape but worried if I would have an event. Sounds like I can push myself. Highest beats/minutes on my apple watch was 177. Any concern about pushing that higher? I only breath harder but not dizzy.
Plan to lose 20 more pounds after dropping 30. Otherwise good health. Lipitor increased to 40mg from 20. My goal was to go to 10mg and doctor agreed but said get a CAC. I was casual too thinking I would ace it.
Good to hear these stories..thanks. On 10/23 is my first cardiologist appt (long wait). I hope to get in better shape by then so if I do a stress test they don't rush me to ER.


Could some of the folks who posted on this thread provide updates on their condition - and, especially if anyone has new info re CAC?


Hello all - I just joined after reading all of the interesting comments on a high Ca score. I just tested at 536. Otherwise healthy male. No symptoms. Never smoked. I've been taking 10mg of Atorvistatin for years, since 2008 maybe. I have been about 20 lbs overweight for years, but I just lost that. BMI of 23 now. Was 26-27. I drink a few drinks a week. Eat fairly healthy. Needless to say, I am confused as to how this has happened. Probably genes, but my dad lived to 85 and my mom to 91. Both smoked for 40 years. My dad 2-3 packs a day!! What the heck? I see the cardiologist for a followup tomorrow. I'll update.



Your parents may also have had high calcium.

What has been your LDL, HDL, and triglyceride numbers over the last 40 years or so?



Your parents may also have had high calcium.

What has been your LDL, HDL, and triglyceride numbers over the last 40 years or so?

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The last 40 years? I'm 61 now, that's going back a ways.
Up until my 40s - Total was < 200. I don't have specific numbers.
From my mid to late 40s to 53 - Total was ~190-225, ~LDL 110-132, ~HDL 55-65, TG 110-135 - No statins because I was going to "control it with fitness and diet". Sigh

Starting at 53 when I had a very very poor carotid artery scan I started taking 10mg Atorvastatin every day. From 53 to now (61) it has been Total 170 to 190, LDL 80-95, HDL 55-65, TG 80-110, one TG outlier at 194 (2018)

From April (bad scan) of '16 to August of '16 my LDL went from 132 to 69, TG 131 to 71. I lost 20 lbs too. Gained 15 back. Have just finished losing 25. Now 195. BMI 23. Mostly I weighed around 215 (BMI 26 or so)

Generally fit the entire time. I Hike, Bike, Ski, Snow Shoe, Mountain Climb, Lift Weights 2-3/week, walk 2-3 miles most days with the pupper dog. 10-15 pounds overweight.


The last 40 years? I'm 61 now, that's going back a ways.
Up until my 40s - Total was < 200. I don't have specific numbers.
From my mid to late 40s to 53 - Total was ~190-225, ~LDL 110-132, ~HDL 55-65, TG 110-135 - No statins because I was going to "control it with fitness and diet". Sigh

Starting at 53 when I had a very very poor carotid artery scan I started taking 10mg Atorvastatin every day. From 53 to now (61) it has been Total 170 to 190, LDL 80-95, HDL 55-65, TG 80-110, one TG outlier at 194 (2018)

From April (bad scan) of '16 to August of '16 my LDL went from 132 to 69, TG 131 to 71. I lost 20 lbs too. Gained 15 back. Have just finished losing 25. Now 195. BMI 23. Mostly I weighed around 215 (BMI 26 or so)

Generally fit the entire time. I Hike, Bike, Ski, Snow Shoe, Mountain Climb, Lift Weights 2-3/week, walk 2-3 miles most days with the pupper dog. 10-15 pounds overweight.

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I may be reading wrong, but you say statin started in 2008, then you say 2016 (eight years ago following your poor carotid scan)?

My sense is that you have done well by starting statins when you did. Did you start statins initially due to the carotid scan, or because of high blood pressure, or both?

LDL and triglycerides down - great news! CAC high reflecting calcification of the soft, deadly cholesterol - great news! Better lifestyle - great news!

So, maybe on the list?
- treadmill based stress test with echo (they check heart function prior and immediately after stress test)
- advanced lipids test (some call it Cardio IQ)
- ask your cardiologist or PCP about adding icosapent ethyl (Vascepa) to your meds
- further peripheral artery tests
- maybe keep working on the LDL and triglycerides


I may be reading wrong, but you say statin started in 2008, then you say 2016 (eight years ago following your poor carotid scan)?

My sense is that you have done well by starting statins when you did. Did you start statins initially due to the carotid scan, or because of high blood pressure, or both?

LDL and triglycerides down - great news! CAC high reflecting calcification of the soft, deadly cholesterol - great news! Better lifestyle - great news!

So, maybe on the list?
- treadmill based stress test with echo (they check heart function prior and immediately after stress test)
- advanced lipids test (some call it Cardio IQ)
- ask your cardiologist or PCP about adding icosapent ethyl (Vascepa) to your meds
- further peripheral artery tests
- maybe keep working on the LDL and triglycerides

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Started statins in 2016 after the carotid scan. Should have started in 2008.
Stress test completed - No problems, no sign of ischemia, HR > 140, >10METS
Echocardiogram completed - No problems, ejection rate >75%, no valve troubles.
Carotid scan still to do
Advanced lipids test in 8 weeks
LDL goal is < 55 - upped lipitor to 20mg, added 81mg aspirin daily - but I will probably do every other day. Daily aspirin makes me nervous for some reason, can't just quit and have to taper off.


Started statins in 2016 after the carotid scan. Should have started in 2008.
Stress test completed - No problems, no sign of ischemia, HR > 140, >10METS
Echocardiogram completed - No problems, ejection rate >75%, no valve troubles.
Carotid scan still to do
Advanced lipids test in 8 weeks
LDL goal is < 55 - upped lipitor to 20mg, added 81mg aspirin daily - but I will probably do every other day. Daily aspirin makes me nervous for some reason, can't just quit and have to taper off.

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Cardiologist have any thoughts on Vascepa?

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