Amitriptyline 25 mg

Posted by srwolfe @srwolfe, Sep 26, 2023

Ok people my Dr has prescribed Amitriptyline 25 mg for my chronic body pain. Started on 9/21/2023 and so far no nite sweats. Instead I am really sleepy all day. Last night I took the pill at 5pm and feel a little more alert. I feel some pain relief but nothing close to the overall pain relief of using the cymbalta. Only five days hopefully the amitriptyline will kick in and help the pain. Anyone using Amitriptyline please let me know.

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I took Elavil ( amytriptyline) for 10 years. It was a total miracle for my migraines which I suffered with since age 8!!! . I was on 50mg and am a tiny lady. I slept like a baby, had no more aches and pains- it was amazing. Then after ten years I started passing out so I had to stop it. It was the best drug for me till it wasn’t. One pill at night before bed. As an elderly lady Medicare doesn’t like it now as it can be problematic for old people. I was put on just a small 5 mg dose a few years ago and couldn’t get my act together all day due to fatigue. That pill worked so well for for so long - I think our bodies change like every ten years or so. I miss it and wish it could work the way it did when I was in my 40’s.


My husband took Amytriptyline for many many years for chronic body pains from fibromyalgia. He had no bad reactions to this medication, but if he didn't take it..he would be writhing in pain.
He was first diagnosed with Epstein Barr...but that later turned into fibromyalgia. I don't remember if he ever tried Cymbalta. He did take amitriptyline twice a day..I believe the mg. was 100mg...not positive about that at this time. He passed away in 2017 from Parkinson's with Lewy body dementia....which could have masked any other symptoms like being tired and not sleeping well...this all went along with his rapid progression of his type of Parkinson's, so it's hard to tell. Whatever works for you is the only answer you need to listen to. Bless you...enjoy this day!

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Great message thank you


I took Elavil ( amytriptyline) for 10 years. It was a total miracle for my migraines which I suffered with since age 8!!! . I was on 50mg and am a tiny lady. I slept like a baby, had no more aches and pains- it was amazing. Then after ten years I started passing out so I had to stop it. It was the best drug for me till it wasn’t. One pill at night before bed. As an elderly lady Medicare doesn’t like it now as it can be problematic for old people. I was put on just a small 5 mg dose a few years ago and couldn’t get my act together all day due to fatigue. That pill worked so well for for so long - I think our bodies change like every ten years or so. I miss it and wish it could work the way it did when I was in my 40’s.

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My PCP will not prescribe amytriptyline or nortriptyline for my neuropathy pain saying that it's side effects are similar to alzheimers.


My PCP will not prescribe amytriptyline or nortriptyline for my neuropathy pain saying that it's side effects are similar to alzheimers.

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I can't seem to wake up the next day. All i want to do is sleep


My husband took Amytriptyline for many many years for chronic body pains from fibromyalgia. He had no bad reactions to this medication, but if he didn't take it..he would be writhing in pain.
He was first diagnosed with Epstein Barr...but that later turned into fibromyalgia. I don't remember if he ever tried Cymbalta. He did take amitriptyline twice a day..I believe the mg. was 100mg...not positive about that at this time. He passed away in 2017 from Parkinson's with Lewy body dementia....which could have masked any other symptoms like being tired and not sleeping well...this all went along with his rapid progression of his type of Parkinson's, so it's hard to tell. Whatever works for you is the only answer you need to listen to. Bless you...enjoy this day!

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I took 100mg for depression 30 years ago, it gave me panic attacks and anxiety attacks. I stopped taking after 2 weeks and felt like a zombie the next day. If it worked for your husband that is great.


My PCP will not prescribe amytriptyline or nortriptyline for my neuropathy pain saying that it's side effects are similar to alzheimers.

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Whoa!! Well I’ll tell you it was great when I was young, but as an elderly woman a total no bueno. Good for your doctor. My migraine doctor recently prescribed the nortryptiline one because I can’t take much for my headaches because of the meds I am on for aspergillosis . I didn’t take it!


I think it is important to understand that many drugs that are available either by prescription or over the counter can have very serious side effects that can last your entire life. I took prescribed medication to help me sleep. After 4 nights of taking the drug I developed Tinnitus with Musical Hallucination. I immediately stopped the sleep medication and contacted my doctor. There was absolutely nothing the medical community could do to reserve this side effect. I immediately stopped the medication however the side effect never went away. That happened over five years ago. I still listen to buzzing in both ears and listen to music playing in both ears 24/7. I have tried all available treatments/therapies for tinnitus and nothing has worked. The medication I was prescribed was Amitriptyline. My suggestion to all is read the information attached to prescribed medication. Read side effects. If you wouldn't mind having one or many of the side effects listed knowing that you may have those effects for the rest of your life than take the medication.


My PCP will not prescribe amytriptyline or nortriptyline for my neuropathy pain saying that it's side effects are similar to alzheimers.

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Y they may be good for pain, but I could not take them. They broke my face out must’ve been allergic to them.


I think it is important to understand that many drugs that are available either by prescription or over the counter can have very serious side effects that can last your entire life. I took prescribed medication to help me sleep. After 4 nights of taking the drug I developed Tinnitus with Musical Hallucination. I immediately stopped the sleep medication and contacted my doctor. There was absolutely nothing the medical community could do to reserve this side effect. I immediately stopped the medication however the side effect never went away. That happened over five years ago. I still listen to buzzing in both ears and listen to music playing in both ears 24/7. I have tried all available treatments/therapies for tinnitus and nothing has worked. The medication I was prescribed was Amitriptyline. My suggestion to all is read the information attached to prescribed medication. Read side effects. If you wouldn't mind having one or many of the side effects listed knowing that you may have those effects for the rest of your life than take the medication.

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I wanted to reply to your post about your long term tinnitus. I experienced this back in 2020 after a viral infection. I had the ringing and the thumping tinnitus continuously. It was very difficult. After 5 months of constant suffering from tinnitus I finally saw and audiologist at Jefferson university hospital. After testing they recommended the Widex Moment hearing aids. They are designed specifically for tinnitus. They completely eliminated my tinnitus and I have not suffered from it for 3 years. You can go to the widex website and they explain their hearing aids for tinnitus. They are expensive but they were worth it. I hope this indie is helpful.


I am having hard time with sleep since starting amitriptyline. In a fog all day. The drug is suppose to help sleep, right? Well wouldn't be the first time that I or my body is the total opposite. My sleep is disturbed is the only way to describe it.

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