Phlegm in my throat and post nasal drip after Covid

Posted by danny2022 @danny2022, Dec 18, 2022

Ever since I had covid in January of 2022 I recovered from the virus but I was left with a constant phlegm in the back of my throat and post nasal drip that will not go away. The feeling of having mucus in the back of my throat actually gets worse when I try to get rid of it by coughing. I have been given steroid inhalers, albuterol, allergy medication, but none of these work. The mucus gets worse especially after I eat. I've never felt like this before and it all started after covid. Can anybody relate to what I am going through?

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I have extreme post nasal drip after COVID, kept me up at night as any movement would trigger drainage, a tickle in my throat and then coughing, blowing my nose all night long. After discussing with my chiropractor, they recommended I try the Standard Process brand Antronex, it is a liver health supplement as when the liver is having trouble(I didn't have any blood tests that revealed my liver was having trouble except my Alkaline Phosphatase was low). you will have sinus issues. I took 3 in the morning and 3 at night until my symptoms got a lot better (about a month for me). Now I just take 2 mid day.

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Can I ask where you get the Standard Process brand Antronex?


I got mine at my Chiropractor. , but various Natural medicine places sometimes have it as well. I googled it and found a link but for reason I can’t paste it here. Just go to standard and there is a link on the homepage that says “where to buy standard process supplements “, click on it.


What do you think it is? Do you think it’s allergies or from acid reflux triggering the mucus to be produced. I guess if we knew the answer it would be easy to treat. If gastro meds don’t work and allergy meds don’t help I can’t imagine what else it could be

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I take pantoprozale for acid control. Been taking it for years due to gastro issues.
I can’t see where acid reflux is a cause, at least in my case.


Do you think it’s allergy related.?


I have had a very similar experience for about 8 months now. Chronic feeling of having to clear my throat because it feels like I can't breathe well. I am able to hack up whitish-clear, foamy mucus, but it seems there is an endless stream of it, that I cannot get rid of. It is magnitudes worse after eating/drinking. Occasionally, small amounts of cottage cheese like stuff will come out, but mostly the sticky, clear to white-foamy stuff that feels like it coats my throat and blocks my airway. It is very annoying.


Do you think it’s allergy related.?

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I have been on Singulair, been to allergists, nasal prep, irrigation, just about everything you can do. Nothing has helped.
I have had this nasal congestion for two years, nothing has even slowed it down I am sorry to say…


So sorry nothing has helped. I’m assuming you’ve also tried ppis
This is such a mystery. So hard to figure out where the drip is coming from and why.


Is anyone still having mucus in throat after Covid? How long did it last? Did it just stop or is it still on going?


Is anyone still having mucus in throat after Covid? How long did it last? Did it just stop or is it still on going?

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yes, it's always there..out of all my symptoms it is the one i wish was gone,it can get really bad and it is NOT post nasal drip...i have had it since i got covid when i flew to see family in december of 2019.....


Is anyone still having mucus in throat after Covid? How long did it last? Did it just stop or is it still on going?

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I still have it and have had it since August 2022. I even had a culture done and it came back normal mouth bacteria. I have long Covid. I am presently doing IV infusions with an Integrative Medicine doctor and I pray this helps with the excessive mucousy saliva in my mouth and other Long Covid issues. I get some relief from the following:

1) Guafenesin (Over the counter) mucous thinner 600 mg....1 every 12 hours....extended release
2) Salt water rinse.
3) Asteline (Sp?) Prescription Antihistamine nasal spray.
4) I find that eating high sodium foods makes it worse such as pizza or chinese food.
5) Drinking water thins out mucous.
6) I irrigate my sinsus every day with NeilMed Sinus rinse which comes with the packets to put into the distilled water.
7) Lemon Ginger Tea helps.

Please consult with your physician before trying these. Blessings & Prayers for you to get better.

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