Heart Rhythm Conditions – Welcome to the group

Welcome to the Heart Rhythm Conditions group on Mayo Clinic Connect.
Did you know that the average heart beats 100,000 times a day? Millions of people live with heart rhythm problems (heart arrhythmias) which occur when the electrical impulses that coordinate heartbeats don't work properly. Let's connect with each other; we can share stories and learn about coping with the challenges, and living well with abnormal heart rhythms. I invite you to follow the group. Simply click the +FOLLOW icon on the group landing page.

I'm Kanaaz (@kanaazpereira), and I'm the moderator of this group. When you post to this group, chances are you'll also be greeted by volunteer patient Mentors and fellow members. Learn more about Moderators and Mentors on Connect.

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I was interested in your “8 pm”. Me, too! What do you attribute this to?

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Have no clue. Do you shake and Bp goes up?


Have no clue. Do you shake and Bp goes up?

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No, I wondered if my potassium might be lower because I take 160 mg KCl morning AND evening.


My potassium is ok. I eat a banana every morning.

My cortisol is now ok after a 4 min telemed, see him in 6 months! 🤪.

Seeing cardio this morning. I felt better YEARS ago when this started with PAC and PVC. University of Chicago put me on alprazalom. That’s over 35 years ago. Still have them but not taking during the day. Was warned long time ago, tachycardia could hit. Well, yesterday I said heck with it. Took a 1/2,/ pill, did not shake as bad. Now Bp in morning was up like usual, pain in body was still there but not as bad. Bp dropped after walk. Body aches like crazy as it has been. Not trembling.

Will find out. Read up on it the bad zanax. It’s stop serious cardiac events when taken toER. Reason I was given it, the other two cardiac meds did not work YEARS ago. Very sensitive to meds.

Stress, anxious ? Heck yes 5 years of pain. Will see. Ice and 1/8 of perc in me now. What meds are you on? After I took it last night I thought I will be in ER overdose, no, I made dinner and did my nails. But at 8, was shaking but not as bad.

Middle of night woke up at 1 am took 1/4?Goli sleep. IT’s melatonin.

Hate docs. If this is it, I will be extremely mad. Found out I should have never been on Dilitizem!!!!


My potassium is ok. I eat a banana every morning.

My cortisol is now ok after a 4 min telemed, see him in 6 months! 🤪.

Seeing cardio this morning. I felt better YEARS ago when this started with PAC and PVC. University of Chicago put me on alprazalom. That’s over 35 years ago. Still have them but not taking during the day. Was warned long time ago, tachycardia could hit. Well, yesterday I said heck with it. Took a 1/2,/ pill, did not shake as bad. Now Bp in morning was up like usual, pain in body was still there but not as bad. Bp dropped after walk. Body aches like crazy as it has been. Not trembling.

Will find out. Read up on it the bad zanax. It’s stop serious cardiac events when taken toER. Reason I was given it, the other two cardiac meds did not work YEARS ago. Very sensitive to meds.

Stress, anxious ? Heck yes 5 years of pain. Will see. Ice and 1/8 of perc in me now. What meds are you on? After I took it last night I thought I will be in ER overdose, no, I made dinner and did my nails. But at 8, was shaking but not as bad.

Middle of night woke up at 1 am took 1/4?Goli sleep. IT’s melatonin.

Hate docs. If this is it, I will be extremely mad. Found out I should have never been on Dilitizem!!!!

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I have been working with Mayo Connect for only a couple of weeks and already am finding out things others are facing that I have been and wasn't told about. I am going to Vanderbilt most recently for cardio care because of their reputation and it is the closest quality care medical facility nearest my home (200 miles). The local MDs where I live ( 1 million+ in population) have a good reputation locally but were not doing even basic tests -- on my first set of appointments at Vanderbilt they discovered I had had a heart attack and never knew it. I was devastated. My MD is a professor there but his nature is more "closed" so doesn't spend much time explaining things even when asked. It's disconcerting and their policy does not allow changing MDs. But he saved my life and is doing all the right things so I'm fortunate to have that quality care. I've been to Mayo over the years and am a DDS patient now. I plan to relocate in the next several months and hope I can be back at Mayo for cardio and cancer issues then. Mayo is more that 800 miles and I still work full time. I appreciate the candor of those participating.


My name is Janice. I’ve had a pacemaker for 5 years. I had an atrial ablation 2 years ago. I have limited diaphragm function. I’m on Metropolol, Eliquis, etc. After being hospitalized with COVID for a week, etc. my life has come to a standstill. I was type AAA just 3 years ago. I’m not allowed to drive and I have no energy. After a whole battery of specialists there has not been much improvement. I’m 74 years young. Sorry to be negative but I am isolated. Just need some encouragement. I have a scoliosis which is putting pressure on my left lung. Breathing is an issue. I heard that Mayo has a team which looks into diaphragm issues. Thank you for listening.


Gosh, Janice, you have a lot on your plate. Do you have help, a friend, someone to spend even 30 minutes with you every other day? You seem to need to express yourself, maybe because it helps you to think things through while you are forming thoughts and expressing them. Many of us are like that.

I'm sorry I have little to no experience or training in the conditions you cite, but I do encourage you to be optimistic, hopeful, and as aggressive as you can be to help yourself. Maybe that is your newest hobby for the time being...figuring out how to get on top of these several disabilities. 🙂


Thank you for your kind words. I do have a family which is very supportive.
I am very fortunate.


My name is Janice. I’ve had a pacemaker for 5 years. I had an atrial ablation 2 years ago. I have limited diaphragm function. I’m on Metropolol, Eliquis, etc. After being hospitalized with COVID for a week, etc. my life has come to a standstill. I was type AAA just 3 years ago. I’m not allowed to drive and I have no energy. After a whole battery of specialists there has not been much improvement. I’m 74 years young. Sorry to be negative but I am isolated. Just need some encouragement. I have a scoliosis which is putting pressure on my left lung. Breathing is an issue. I heard that Mayo has a team which looks into diaphragm issues. Thank you for listening.

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If you are a reasonable distance from a top facility like Mayo or Cleveland Clinic I would look into getting care there. I have a cardiologist close to my home in Central Florida but am also seeing a cardiologist at Mayo Jacksonville. I have a 4.8 cm thoracic aneurysm and want to be in the Mayo system should surgery be required. Driving five hours round trip for an appointment is inconvenient but totally worth it for that level of expertise.


My name is Janice. I’ve had a pacemaker for 5 years. I had an atrial ablation 2 years ago. I have limited diaphragm function. I’m on Metropolol, Eliquis, etc. After being hospitalized with COVID for a week, etc. my life has come to a standstill. I was type AAA just 3 years ago. I’m not allowed to drive and I have no energy. After a whole battery of specialists there has not been much improvement. I’m 74 years young. Sorry to be negative but I am isolated. Just need some encouragement. I have a scoliosis which is putting pressure on my left lung. Breathing is an issue. I heard that Mayo has a team which looks into diaphragm issues. Thank you for listening.

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Hi Janice
So sorry to hear what you are experiencing.
Its so hard to know the correct thing to say.
I wish you all the best!!
There are a lot of nice people on the Mayo site and always willing to listen.
You said you had an ablation and you next sentence was about limited diaphragm function.
Was the diaphragm issue the result of the ablation?
Again best of luck in all your endeavors.


I am a 69 year old married woman with SLE and strong family history of heart disease. I began having “spells” of what I thought was low blood sugar about 6 months ago. I finally consulted my family PA this past week after getting very weak, shaky, sweating and feeling bad while singing in our choir loft this past Sunday. She ruled out low blood sugar with a normal A1C. The PA then set up a Cardiology referral and had a 30 day event monitor put on me yesterday. Today I am having a carotid ultrasound. I was kind of shocked by the possibility this may have been caused by my heart. I’m wondering if any of you have had a similar situation. Thank you for your time and support.

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