Where do you go when you're no longer add value?

Posted by kell4042 @kell4042, Aug 28, 2023

I've been sick for 9 years, and I'm only 43.
I've watched people come, then slowly drift away. I never needed many friends but a few very close ones and family. As my sickness lingered people drifted, moving growing in life changing as I felt stuck in the frozen in time, consumed by the pain, the weakness, even self destruction. I used to be a sunshine, spitfire extrovert pre covid, now I am the extreme opposite and my whole personality/behaviors have changed dramatically. I isolate bc I enjoy being alone after forcing it.
Malnutrition has me brain fogged, confused, unable to learn new, or do smart things I've always done. I forgot how to do my job, literally clueless, and freeze instead of fight to overcome. I can't do good deeds for strangers or community volunteering as I have in the past to help and for self gratification. I have nothing to offer. And literally lost all my skills/talents. People don't like me. I can't date due to inability to have sex, I bring no value to anything or anyone anymore, yet my illness is a slow progressive terminal one, so..what now? Keep coming up w ridiculous to do lists to keep me overly busy? Where do you go, what do you do when you no longer add value?

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I understand completely where you are coming from. I feel like I was a bad daughter because I didn't have my mom live with me. She needed help and I felt like it was more than I could do. I did take care of her but not always in my home. I had no one to help. I suffer with depression and anxiety since being a teenager. I am 71 years old.
Let's try and think that we did and are doing the best we can. I can't seem to do it, but let's keep trying. Enjoy your time with the children when you are with them. I remember all the good times with my mom.
Love and peace

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Thankyou Marlie, I am in touch with my psychiatrist on a regular basis and many times feel guilty as I feel I have become dependent on a drug, Clonazapam but cannot get my self off of it. I try to manage my circumstances and not compare myself to others. I am doing the best I can


My gi surgeon says mine is directly related to prolonged malnutrition and malabsorption. I've since had a j tube placed in my stomach. Now my fear is but what if my nutrition improves and still lack cognitive function? We will see.


I have similar problems as you. I have malnutrition from anorexia for many years. Now I believe my stomach is messed up badly from poor nutrition. I try hard , but get nausea or pain and can't eat. I hope your j tube helps you. Let's keep trying and thinking positively and praying.


I got a puppy! 😬 hope this makes everyone smile!

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Hooray for you. I got a new puppy at age 77 and hope I live long enough to keep loving him and his 10 year old "brother". Same Cavalier breed, different bredders.

Good for you. He/ she is adorable and just love him all day and all night long.


Getting a dog if you feel comfortable with doing that is what I also chose to do. I try to train with him as best I could. I also went with a small, intelligent, easy to train breed. Mine is an American cocker spaniel. He’s a rescue and his immense progress has really helped me feel better about adding value, at least to his little life.

I can’t say it’s always easy. I’ve injured my foot a year ago and it still hasn’t healed. My emotions get overwhelming sometimes, but overall, being able to see him grow from a terrified of all humans dog to a cuddle bug whose tail won’t stop wagging has been immensely rewarding.


I understand where you are coming from. I am in the same situation; however, I have NEVER given value in my life, I am a loser, nonproductive, overweight 72-year-old women. I cannot cope with my empty life much longer. I have been on antidepressants for years. My son who I live with is emotionally abusive, I am so very isolated and lonely, I have no friends or other family. No one likes me, I am not easy to get along with.


I understand where you are coming from. I am in the same situation; however, I have NEVER given value in my life, I am a loser, nonproductive, overweight 72-year-old women. I cannot cope with my empty life much longer. I have been on antidepressants for years. My son who I live with is emotionally abusive, I am so very isolated and lonely, I have no friends or other family. No one likes me, I am not easy to get along with.

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I have a 72 year old lady friend , 60 guy friend . I live in Maplewood Minnesota. I take it your son lives with you because he always has. In his fifties. I hope you live near to join our little friends group.


I understand where you are coming from. I am in the same situation; however, I have NEVER given value in my life, I am a loser, nonproductive, overweight 72-year-old women. I cannot cope with my empty life much longer. I have been on antidepressants for years. My son who I live with is emotionally abusive, I am so very isolated and lonely, I have no friends or other family. No one likes me, I am not easy to get along with.

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Your brain is telling you that you don’t, or have never added value. But, that cannot be further from the truth. Everything you contribute changes the world in some way. You brought a life into the world, and without you, he would not exist. You were chosen for a reason. Search for a small indication each day of the value you add. While you may not find worth, you’re impacting someone, somewhere. Just reading your post spurred emotion in me, and I felt drawn to respond. You do matter.



I know "sorry" doesn't help much, but, I'm sorry for your suffering.
From what I read, I couldn't make out your condition. Why are you malnourished? Are you able to get any medical help?

I wish I could help more.

Stories like yours only reinforce my belief that there is no God.


I had a gastric sleeve surgery in 2014. Surgeon made mistakes, panicked not knowing how to fix, so he did nothing and pretty much disappeared while I was left leaking all throughout. I spent 9 months in icu/hospital fighting to stay alive. Multisustem failure, septic, in a coma on a ventilator.

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