Covid and AFib Connection?

Posted by cece55 @cece55, Oct 8, 2021

Hello Everyone,

I am curious and would like to ask this group a question. I have AFib but had not had an event for over a year except for last November. In early February of this year I took the Phizer Vaccine for Covid and had several Afib events with one lasting over a month even with cardioversion. I ended up having an ablation in May and the electrophysiologist found an enlarged and scarred atrium.

I have been doing well and am still on Flecainade, Metoporal and Eliquis. He is about to take the Flecainade away. It is time for my booster shot and I am scared that it will put me into Afib again. My Electrophysiologist and Cardiologist at Mayo said they don't feel that the vaccine had anything to do with my Afib events starting up again.

Has anyone here experienced this? I am debating whether or not to cancel my appointment next week or just take the shot. My doctors said it is better to take the booster than to get Covid.


Thank You...Blessings to all of you during this trying time. CeCe55

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Millions upon millions of people of all types, ages, sexes, proclivities, and education have been vaccinated with the three or four most common COVID vaccines, and most of them several times, even with changed vaccines. The hospitals have not been overrun with heart patients. However, a lot more people are aging, and age is known to be a factor in AF, as well as height, sex (males get it more than females), sleep apnea (often undetected), BMI higher than 27, and neck girth higher than 17" (yes, it's a thing with AF and with sleep apnea, which, as I said, is a precursor in many AF sufferers).

Recently, I have had both Zostavax and the two Shingrix vaccines, plus the twin pneumonia vaccines. Four years ago I also had a tetanus and diphtheria booster, which everyone should get about every ten years. I had a yellow fever vaccine 13 years ago. Sorry, no heart conditions that came as a result of the COVID vaccines (Moderna and Pfizer, both twice). In fact, my AF was diagnosed in 20-17, quite a bit earlier than any whiff of COVID.

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Yes, millions upon millions have been vaccinated with the mRNA vaccines and “most” have not experienced any problem. However, “everyone” is not the same as “most”. There are some whose health and lives have been drastically changed due to the vaccine. You may not be one of them, and you may not know anyone. But, we can’t make judgements about the possible after effects of the vaccine based on your limited sample size. The ability to capture data for those who have had such after effects was not effective. Many have discussed their issues with their doctors and may have shared their experiences on this forum. But, in many cases their situation is not accurately or effectively recorded on any global or national database. Know that there is a small percentage of people who have had significant health implications due to the mRNA vaccines, and feel blessed that you have not had to experience the difficulties that some have had to deal with as a result of their choice to get the vaccinated. What we don’t know is how that group of individuals would have faired through the pandemic without getting the vaccine. God bless you and those dealing with these after effects.


Yes, millions upon millions have been vaccinated with the mRNA vaccines and “most” have not experienced any problem. However, “everyone” is not the same as “most”. There are some whose health and lives have been drastically changed due to the vaccine. You may not be one of them, and you may not know anyone. But, we can’t make judgements about the possible after effects of the vaccine based on your limited sample size. The ability to capture data for those who have had such after effects was not effective. Many have discussed their issues with their doctors and may have shared their experiences on this forum. But, in many cases their situation is not accurately or effectively recorded on any global or national database. Know that there is a small percentage of people who have had significant health implications due to the mRNA vaccines, and feel blessed that you have not had to experience the difficulties that some have had to deal with as a result of their choice to get the vaccinated. What we don’t know is how that group of individuals would have faired through the pandemic without getting the vaccine. God bless you and those dealing with these after effects.

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Thank you for your open mind and thoughtful post.
As one who WAS injured from the covid booster shot.


Hi everyone... after the 3rd vax of Pfeizer it caused 17,000 ectopic heart thuds per day... basically an electrical problem every 4th heart beat. i am now on medication and safe to say my dr no longer is asking me to go get more vax. Just incase it helps anyone


My Husband had the Pfizer vaccine this last spring. (both shots) recently his apple watch said he was have AFIB. he has never had this and this does not run in his family. He went to have is checked out but the GP could not find anything on an EKG and referred him to cardiologist. He is 70 not at all over weight and no major medical conditions. Both his parents passed way in their mid 90s of natural causes. I am concerned the the covid shot has opened up a Pandora's box. Is this normal and have others have had this experience?

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My father's Apple watch tells him he has aFib routinely. He's had every test possible to check this out and guess what? He does not have aFib.


We are highly suspicious that young adult son, 5 weeks after the 2nd Moderna: He was previously in absolute perfect health. Was diagnosed with Acute Viral Myocarditis, Extreme Heart Failure that lead to Atrial Fib and Flutter, caused clots- and BOOM while in ICU for all this. The clots moved and he had 2 strokes.
We have never been told how or why they called it Viral Myocarditis- Was it COVID (he was teaching Middle School Math at the time- schools being the petri dish for all things germy. I can say that because I am a School Nurse for many,many years), another strange virus, or Moderna? Who knows? All I know for sure is that we are so grateful that he is still alive, and everyday we have a chance to get up and try again...but, wow...I wish we had some more definitive answers. Stroke recovery is so so hard and long.


My father's Apple watch tells him he has aFib routinely. He's had every test possible to check this out and guess what? He does not have aFib.

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Just curious. Have the Cardiologist went so far as to talk about implanting a Loop Recorder?


Just curious. Have the Cardiologist went so far as to talk about implanting a Loop Recorder?

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Yes. He is a post-ablation patient, so they are very thorough with his care. We are frustrated with the number of times he gets the aFib alert on his Apple watch, but we like him to wear it so he can reach us from anywhere, should he need help.


We are highly suspicious that young adult son, 5 weeks after the 2nd Moderna: He was previously in absolute perfect health. Was diagnosed with Acute Viral Myocarditis, Extreme Heart Failure that lead to Atrial Fib and Flutter, caused clots- and BOOM while in ICU for all this. The clots moved and he had 2 strokes.
We have never been told how or why they called it Viral Myocarditis- Was it COVID (he was teaching Middle School Math at the time- schools being the petri dish for all things germy. I can say that because I am a School Nurse for many,many years), another strange virus, or Moderna? Who knows? All I know for sure is that we are so grateful that he is still alive, and everyday we have a chance to get up and try again...but, wow...I wish we had some more definitive answers. Stroke recovery is so so hard and long.

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Hi @ruby2020, this must be so hard to see as a mom. In case it helps, you might be interested in following these related support groups:
- Intensive Care (ICU) Support Group
Intensive care is intense for all family members and often the patient and/or family members can experience post-intensive care syndrome or PICS. You might appreciate the support and experiences shared in the group.

- Stroke & Cerebrovascular Diseases Support Group
You're right that stroke recovery is hard and a long road. It can help to talk with other caregivers supporting someone recovering from stroke.


My afib started after my third Pfizer shot. I am totally convinced they are related. I had an ablation and was doing well but recently I teat d positive for Covid and now I have been having 100s of PACs a day since Covid. (About a month). Covid is the devils work I believe! I am terrified of getting another booster.


I have had AF for seven years now. Then, it acted up after two and three years, each time near Christmas and on into the New Year. Still no COVID or its associated vaccines. Finally about September of 21, and five months after my first shot, Pfizer, I had to get cardioverted when it hit me hard one day. That episode led to further episodes, none of which occurred within 8 weeks of the subsequent boosters, of which there have been five for me.

That said, we're all different, as trite as that expression is. It is quite possible that some people will react poorly to medications while others don't. Some did well on Vioxx, while a very few had heart problems, so it was removed from the market. Some swear they can't tolerate metoprolol, or amiodarone, or Flecainide, or Eliquis, while a great many of us do just fine. I guess we each have to find our pathways.

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