Grid/Net shaped rash

Posted by karenamara @karenamara, Sep 19, 2020

My boyfriend gets these net-shaped patches on his back once in a while, according to his mom it's been happening since he was a teen. What is it? It doesn't hurt or itch. He takes a medication called Modecate.

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Hi, I also have the same pattern on my back. Noticed it yesterday, it doesn't itch.
I also live in Israel.
6 weeks ago I started having urticaria rash and went to a dermatologist 10 days ago, the dermatologist also diagnosed dermograpism. The urticaria rash didn't itch as well.
ever since this appointment I take anti histamin twice a day (active ingredient: bilastine. Before the appointment I took once a day since the rash started), and the rash is gone, but I still take the medicine just to be sure.
Also, Yesterday I was also in a dog's park for the first time in my life, since we got a dog, maybe I leaned my back on something, Or maybe it's from the dog itself? What are the chances that everyone here have a dog?


Tiny ones on my knees. I’m a complete home body. I haven’t been out of the house for long in ages. I’m hyper aware of my surroundings, having sensory issues. I would know if I touched something or had something on my lap that could have caused it. I noticed today when I leaned on my knees and felt this non painful burning sensation which felt really strange, almost like I was feeling another humans sensations. I immediately felt really uncomfortable and knew something was off. I’m so glad I found this forum!
I have extremely traumatic dreams/nightmares often so I can’t say if it’s anything to do with that
(In the UK)


Loads of info of this exact same rash at various places on the body, it is not caused by aliens. It is a documented medical condition, read this blog in completion and also do your own internet searches.

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I have read the comments in the post and have exhaustively searched the internet for information regarding this mark type. You are the only person that I have found in nearly two years of searching that have claimed medical documentation of this mark type. I have read this blog in completion and have conducted my own internet searches. Further, I have discussed this topic with a Harvard trained plastic surgeon who also experienced the mark. Perhaps I have simply missed the documentation as I am not a doctor and you could point to it for me?

I assume that you are referring to medical documentation of the puss caterpillar, which is obviously not related to this mark because of the geometry of the mark and the lack of geometric precision in the caterpillar, in addition to the already noted difference of symptomology. How can the caterpillar bite in precise circles set within a hexagonal grid, while also being able to bite diamond pattern marks similarly set within a hexagonal grid?

What documented sources are you referring to? Please provide direct links to such documentation if you have it, otherwise, I must assume that you misapprehended the essential qualities of the mark that is discussed in the comments here.


I have this grid-pattern rash of sorts on the underside of my chin. I don't believe I was resting my chin on anything that would cause this mark. It isn't raised and doesn't itch. I do experience other auto-immune issues (though I am not diagnosed with anything due to not having a doctor), and have high anxiety, as others have mentioned here. A week or so ago I did have a lump in the same location, which I chalked up to a lymph node swelling in response to cystic acne.


Mine appeared during the day.

My partner notices probably 1-2 hours after I sat on a chair with very similar markings. It was metal and I only leant on the back for 5 mins.

I haven't got any illness or condition that I'm aware of (digestive issues, anxiety but nothing chronic)

I was wearing a knit sweater that has small holes in the fabric. The markings seem to stop on my bra line (which makes me think it was contact issue.)

I went back to that chair later and sat on it again, touching it with my arms and got no reaction.

I have had similar markings happen before a few months ago but they weren't a grid, they were straight lines (also on my back).

Don't know if this has always happened but definitely 2 or 3 times in the last year.

I will update if I can think of more relevant information

Edit: I am in Australia. The marks are not raised, itchy or painful


Hello guys!

I have come to contribute another possible instance of this phenomenon.

Found it when I was going to bed yesterday. Does not itch nor hurt in any way. I’ve had the same markings before (always in the back), but I am unsure if it was the same size.

I used a foam roller the day before. I am unsure if that is the cause for the marks, as I have used it many times without noticing any marks.


I've had an identical red grid pattern twice, both times on my back, just below my bra line. I have never been able to find a cause. It happened twice, both times in my twenties, once while I was living in NY, and once after moving to GA. I don't have any known health conditions and wasn't on any medications. I have always had seasonal allergies, but this mark was never raised, indented, sore or itchy.

All my research has never led me to anything besides the alien theory. I won't say that I believe that, but I will say that it hasn't happened when I've ever had pets, or have been sleeping with a partner.

I thought of some kind of contact dermatitis, but the perfect grid makes it hard to imagine what contact would cause it, and moreso because I've found SO many people with the same pattern across age ranges and locations.

I would love to find a proven cause though.


I get theses on occasion some itch some don't. Anywhere on my body. My six sons have too. One of my sons during a dangerous fever 106 at age six half body covered in half exactly and chest covered in patterns grid like shaped like a bunch of pasileys and soon after looks like bruised pasileys all over his chest and stomach. Dr's couldn't find out what was wrong amd couldn't catch the virus they nvr experienced this everytime his fever spiked they drew blood but it wasn't soon enough. Fever jumped all over the place for 5 days. Then he was fine and rashes were gone. Usually more than one son at same time get patterned gris marks one possibly to of them. NOTHING NEW UNDER THE SON HERE TRUST ME IN THAT LOL!

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