Erosive Osteoarthritis

Posted by anniebrook @anniebrook, Feb 12, 2021

I have been trying to get answers for many years to find out why my OA in my hands is so painful and debilitating. It doesn't look as bad to the eye as many other people I have met that also have OA but have huge joint nodes but say it's not too painful. I had the traditional basal thumb surgery on left and right hands,left went well 10yrs ago but right which I had one yr later has never been pain free.. About 6 mths ago the pain in the back of my right wrist became so much worse at the same time a large lump appeared.I thought this was probably a Ganglion then a few weeks later a softer round lump appeared on the dip joint on the inside of my right little finger which as made the joint very swollen. Eventually got Xrays of both hands which have now been diagnosed as Erosive Osteoarthritis which I have never heard of. Prognosis doesn't look good with this type of OA. Has anyone else been diagnosed with this and do I ask to be referred to a Rheumatologist ? How do I deal with this ? Is there any meds I can take for pain and to slow down the progression ? Thank you

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My fingers were twisting, especially the pointers. I had my knuckles toward the nail opened and cleaned off arthritis then screws were inserted from the fingertip through the knuckle to fuse it to stop the twisting. Before i finally got the EOA diagnosis, I went to five different Rheumatologists, one at Baylor Medical Center. The first three diagnosed osteoarthritis, one psoriatic without psoriasis and one rheumatoid with a negative factor. After Remicade infusions and Humira shots, I had an MRI which came back as EOA. I requested therapy looking for a way to stop or slow progression. One day a lady came up to me while I was waiting for therapy and told me about her hand surgery as hers had been like mine and I pursued surgery for myself. I still want an aggressive doctor looking for positive results before it gets worse. Photo included.


Erosive Degenerative Osteoarthritis has only been its’ own subset for about 12(?) years. I have it. I was sent to a wonderful Occupational Therapist (OT). I have compression gloves, splints & braces. Made some lifestyle changes: have unbreakable mug with handle & lid, acrylic glasses that look like glass but aren’t etc. Recently went to a wonderful hand surgeon who gave me shot of cortisone in one thumb. He really knew what he was doing because it didn’t hurt & has helped the pain & swelling. The best part of the diagnosis is that it ended the PT that hurt so much & did more harm than good! Wax treatment is great.


At 66 been dealing with different types of arthritis for a while gout osteoarthritis and now X-ray shows spondylosis all different forms of arthritis. On gout medicine and diet and is under control have had RTS, TKR and CMC surgery
Went to pcp t op see how to manage all of it voltaren doesn’t go deep enough 500 mg naproxen works but don’t want to take all the time don’t wAnt bad kidneys. Halve been doing dry needling with my pt taping and pvp is trying small dose Mobic now I also do daily exercises weights and deep water aerobics
We all have to find out what works, not a sprint but a marathon
Best if B luck


I have suffered with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis for more than 50 years. Last year I came upon something that took away all of my arthritis pain - when I was treating myself for osteoporosis. I started taking boron. Boron is a trace element. You can find it in raisins and prunes and other foods - but you just can't get enough from food. Just 3 mg with breakfast, lunch, dinner and before bed. I'm up to 6 mg at each meal and before I go to sleep. I used to cry myself to sleep every night with arthritis pain. I've had five hip replacements and two shoulder surgeries. Doctors don't know anything about boron. They say the upper limit is 20 mg per day and that is because after 20 mg, boron interacts with estrogen. I believe it aids in the absorption of estrogen. I know people who take 120 mg of boron per day for osteoporosis and EDS, so I am not worried about taking 21-24 mg per day. Everybody I have told about this agrees it gives complete relief. I cannot take NSAIDs and aspirin - I took too much and my stomach started bleeding. It is much less harmful than some of the drugs they prescribe for arthritis. I wish you good luck.

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Boron & EDS! NO victor has ever mentioned this. Just shots & surgery. So glad I read this. Started boron along with C,B12,D, collagen ii, MSM. After just two days there is much less pain. Oh and PEA for brain fog and headaches. Nutrition is key but getting enough with things like multiple EDS is the obstacle. Then there is knowing what to take but things e are re beginning to surface.
Thank you


My fingers were twisting, especially the pointers. I had my knuckles toward the nail opened and cleaned off arthritis then screws were inserted from the fingertip through the knuckle to fuse it to stop the twisting. Before i finally got the EOA diagnosis, I went to five different Rheumatologists, one at Baylor Medical Center. The first three diagnosed osteoarthritis, one psoriatic without psoriasis and one rheumatoid with a negative factor. After Remicade infusions and Humira shots, I had an MRI which came back as EOA. I requested therapy looking for a way to stop or slow progression. One day a lady came up to me while I was waiting for therapy and told me about her hand surgery as hers had been like mine and I pursued surgery for myself. I still want an aggressive doctor looking for positive results before it gets worse. Photo included.

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Has anyone ever suggested cbd balm? This works to relieve pain from bones anywhere in y our body. It' comes in different strength. You don't have to smoke anything. This cannibis balm has helped me a great deal with two bulged disc. Many approved shops will even provide. you with a sample. Had a cousin suffering from Lymphoma and her pain was unbearable. CBD balm topically applied helped her through all the chemo and meds she had to take to recover. Think about it. Let us know your outcome. IF I can avoid any oral pain killer I will surely try it. CBD balm does not interfere with other meds you may be taking, THC in not in many formulations.


Has anyone ever suggested cbd balm? This works to relieve pain from bones anywhere in y our body. It' comes in different strength. You don't have to smoke anything. This cannibis balm has helped me a great deal with two bulged disc. Many approved shops will even provide. you with a sample. Had a cousin suffering from Lymphoma and her pain was unbearable. CBD balm topically applied helped her through all the chemo and meds she had to take to recover. Think about it. Let us know your outcome. IF I can avoid any oral pain killer I will surely try it. CBD balm does not interfere with other meds you may be taking, THC in not in many formulations.

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My hands don't hurt. They get stiff but they are just twisting.


My reg Dr has done a referral to Mayo for my EOA of the hands. It's been over a year. More deformed fingers, hard for daily routines and work. Disability I guess not an option? I'm only 51. I'm still young but the pain, the swelling and loss of function has and is taking its toll. I support myself so worried about that does not help.
Any suggestions?


My regular doctor sent any referral to Mayo for my EOA of my hands that are getting worse and apparently I was denied because I'm not in their network So even have an insurance you can't get anything done So what kind of network do I need for HMO or how do I get approved to come through a referral for my regular physician with all the paperwork so I can get seen?


My regular doctor sent any referral to Mayo for my EOA of my hands that are getting worse and apparently I was denied because I'm not in their network So even have an insurance you can't get anything done So what kind of network do I need for HMO or how do I get approved to come through a referral for my regular physician with all the paperwork so I can get seen?

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@kgresh11, I can imagine you're worried about the loss of function and supporting yourself.
I'm sorry to hear that insurance is an obstacle to care at Mayo Clinic. You may wish to contact Mayo Clinic Insurance & Billing department to see what insurance is accepted or what can be done:
- Mayo Clinic Insurance & Billing

Another option may be a facility within the Mayo Clinic Care Network
The Mayo Clinic Care Network is a network of member hospitals ( that have access to Mayo experts and can get care closer to home.


I have suffered with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis for more than 50 years. Last year I came upon something that took away all of my arthritis pain - when I was treating myself for osteoporosis. I started taking boron. Boron is a trace element. You can find it in raisins and prunes and other foods - but you just can't get enough from food. Just 3 mg with breakfast, lunch, dinner and before bed. I'm up to 6 mg at each meal and before I go to sleep. I used to cry myself to sleep every night with arthritis pain. I've had five hip replacements and two shoulder surgeries. Doctors don't know anything about boron. They say the upper limit is 20 mg per day and that is because after 20 mg, boron interacts with estrogen. I believe it aids in the absorption of estrogen. I know people who take 120 mg of boron per day for osteoporosis and EDS, so I am not worried about taking 21-24 mg per day. Everybody I have told about this agrees it gives complete relief. I cannot take NSAIDs and aspirin - I took too much and my stomach started bleeding. It is much less harmful than some of the drugs they prescribe for arthritis. I wish you good luck.

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Thanks very much for this, and yes, never heard about taking boron. My sister has quite severe EO in her hands and I have mild osteoarthritis - we are definitely going to try it.
However, my main illness is CLIPPERS, a very rare disease quite like multiple sclerosis (MS). Similar to EO and osteoarthritis, both CLIPPERS and MS are autoimmune diseases that cause inflammation in the brain. I just read the book, Metabolical, by Dr. Robert Lustig, in which he discusses the role of sugar and processed foods in diabetes, heart disease, cancer, dementia and inflammation (which underlies autoimmune disease). He does not advocate a specific diet, but proposes NO added sugar and NO commercially processed food.
Although it is no solution for your severe pain, it seems like a viable long-term approach to improve one's health, strengthen immunity and hopefully mitigate some symptoms.
Kind regards.

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