Phlegm in my throat and post nasal drip after Covid

Posted by danny2022 @danny2022, Dec 18, 2022

Ever since I had covid in January of 2022 I recovered from the virus but I was left with a constant phlegm in the back of my throat and post nasal drip that will not go away. The feeling of having mucus in the back of my throat actually gets worse when I try to get rid of it by coughing. I have been given steroid inhalers, albuterol, allergy medication, but none of these work. The mucus gets worse especially after I eat. I've never felt like this before and it all started after covid. Can anybody relate to what I am going through?

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i have that now after covid (Second round), but i dont think its just a sensation it feels like its stuck there , ive tried steam therapy, cough congestion medicines etc. its really concerning because it makes me vomit in order to try remove the phelgm from my throat and airway as it feels like im going to choke on it. it makes me gag and wretch.

has anything worked for you guys.

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yes, I have similar experience with feeling as if stuff is being stuck in my throat and also the inability to swallow it.. sometimes my meds get stuck there too. It feels like I’m constantly choking, coughing, clearing my throat, but nothing moves or resolves. Sometimes when I sleep I wake up choking on the mucus in my throat, which is very scary. My GI doctor recommended to sleep with my head raised up, not laying down after eating, and eating small portions 5-6 times a day. I have been trying to figure out this problem for almost two years now. I have been seen by ENT doctor, pulmonologist, GI dr. I was referred to get throat CT scan, fluoroscopy, swallow test, swallow test with tablet, and most recently endoscopy. Looks like Covid messed up with my esophagus muscles and brain communication which even caused choking on water at the very beginning of my covid hospitalization. Based on my swallow tests I was recently diagnosed with mild esophageal dismotility. I’m also taking meds for Acid Reflux because the Endoscopy found inflammation in my upper esophagus. Your experience seems very similar to mine, don’t you think?


For everyone who's post nasal drip started after Covid infection, maybe this is interesting. Mine started thin, then changed to thick and sticky including crusts as of today (18 months now). ENT has no clue, Staphylococcus A. was found and after antibiotics and xylitol nasal rinse the post nasal drip disappeared for a month and then returned. Next to the drip I have several other nasopharynx related symptoms and because I can't stop doing my own research when I have a real bad day (😂), I came across chronic nasopharyngitis, also known as epipharyngitis. My symptoms are a 100% match, never had that before with other potential conditions, so I'm gonna discuss this with my ENT. Maybe worth to discuss as well if you suffer from the same symptoms.

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have you found out anything more on your post nasal drip after covid???


Don't you think all that saltwater would eventually irritate your throat? it's already irritated with trying to cough up all the nasty phlegm.

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I don't know but, I will do my research on that. Thank you for your question to prod me to look into it. Blessings & Prayers....


I don't know but, I will do my research on that. Thank you for your question to prod me to look into it. Blessings & Prayers....

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Yep....too much salt water gargling can cause throat irritation and erosion of enamel on teeth. I'm cutting back to just once a day! Thank you beckyt!


have you found out anything more on your post nasal drip after covid???

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Nope, not yet. I experienced 100% relief of the drip for a month after a xylitol nasal rinse that dislodged huge semi hard yellow/bloody mucus globs. So I thought: this was it, these globs have been blocking normal drainage. But unfortunately, the drip returned after a month. Will see my ENT again next Friday and gonna ask for a referral to a more specialized ENT. My best guesses for now are: a. more mucus globs are stuck somewhere, b. It's a thornwaldt crust or cyst that's been overlooked, c. It's post covid mystery. To be continued...


i too have this thick stuff in my throat 24/7 and have tried pretty much everything, i am so sure it's coming from my gut, i have tried acid reflux med, even by a prescription and it did not work, for me that's not what it is, it gets so bad it ends up in my sinuses so i work to keep that cleared out with my navage...but it never leaves my throat..never, i have been dealing with it since i had covid over 3 and a half years now...i have slept sitting up, still just as bad sometimes to the point of gagging, does not seem to matter what i eat or drink's like i have wood glue in my throat....i can do little things to kind of calm it down but it is ALWAYS gets exhausting...hang in there...


Nope, not yet. I experienced 100% relief of the drip for a month after a xylitol nasal rinse that dislodged huge semi hard yellow/bloody mucus globs. So I thought: this was it, these globs have been blocking normal drainage. But unfortunately, the drip returned after a month. Will see my ENT again next Friday and gonna ask for a referral to a more specialized ENT. My best guesses for now are: a. more mucus globs are stuck somewhere, b. It's a thornwaldt crust or cyst that's been overlooked, c. It's post covid mystery. To be continued...

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i use the xylitol rinse too, it does help, i went to an ENT, he suggested sinus surgery......NOT doing that, first off it doesn't solve the problem, i have 4 friend that did it and now have worse problems and told me not to do it...i too have had the same type of stuff dislodged after a nasal rinse, the rinses do help, anytime my sinuses feel blocked i do a double rinse, amazing what comes out..yuck!!!


I've been having the same issues as well. Let's take it back to 2021 that's when I started with what I call hacking and It was only once in a while and it's been like that for a few months cause I had covid December of 2020 to January 2021. Now as the months went by the phlegm stared getting worse. It started becoming a everyday thing and around August of 2021. Now it wasn't as bad I was able to cough it up but months went by and it's now March of 2022 and it's getting worse and now I "hack" every few hours or so and if I don't then I start choking on heavy phlegm and sticky dirty dry big boogers the size of a pea. Now I would shoot those suckers out of both my nose and throat. And then they started getting stuck in my throat to the point I had to go to the ER 3 different times cause I was wheezing and couldn't breath.. My nose would also get stuffy then it would run. And The ER Dr's told me it's a sinus issue to see a Dr and so I did. This year I've been tto 2 different ENT Dr's. And I see an allergy DR. The first ENT DR. said that it was all in my head that it's a tick I have and I need to see a psychologist. He ordered a psychological evaluation on me because he did not believe me even after I tried showing him both video, and the pics even the actual phlegm and dry boogers but he of course did not care to see any of them.. I went to get a second opinion from a different ENT DR and he said I was clear in my sinuses. Nothing to worry about to go see an allergy dr so that's when I did. I went to the allergy dr and got lung and skin test done and they said I'm allergic to chicken. Corn, and my dog. Now I believe I may have allergies yes but no I do not believe that this what I'm experiencing and feeling is due to allergies.. this is something else that needs to be treated. I've been having this for such a long time now and no dr can truly tell ke what's the issue. Now worst part is I'm on dialysis, I have high blood pressure, and im in process of trying to get tested for a kidney transplant and my mental health isn't the best an I've been thru alot already in my personal life from past trauma, learning to cope with severe ptsd, Kidney disease and now this it's become soo heavy to the point I've had multiple breakdowns cause this is one thing I cannot handle.. it's embarrassing, annoying, it hurts, it's disgusting, and it has managed to take over and ruin my life.. now today i hack every minute an it gets so bad i make my throat bleed.. and I'm 23 turning 24 tomorrow.. and I can't even go out an celebrate due to my phlegm issue an Karen's saying I'm disgusting. I cannot work. I cannot go to school like I would love to. I can't even go out and make new friends or ho out on dates and most importantly I can't enjoy the little bit of life I got with my own family due to this phlegm problem. It's heavy on them too.. this phlegm makes me feel like I'm drowning and swimming for air but never reach the surface.. feels like something always there in my throat an the back of my nose and it feels like someone grabbing my neck an choking me with there hands and sitting on my chest and it feels like a heavy weight that I can no longer carry.. it has sucked the life out of me. So please I've looked up every single thing and my little sister found this and yalls stories so I wonder if sharing mine would maybe help.. I just pray it goes away for all of us and please if anyone sees this and has had treatment please respond to me.. I'm at that point where im exhausted of being strong and pushing through.. I'd appreciate it very much if anyone would share what they did or any medication or procedures they did to get rid of it.. t.i.a 🙏

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I know this doesn’t help… but I’m so sorry. There is no way I would have ever thought this could be an actual thing—but wow. I too have been suffering with this, and your experience is totally familiar: 3 ENT’s, allergist, it’s all in your head ( why say that?!?) and the drastic life change.
I finally found a dr who has heard of this. ( I got severe Covid in 03/20 & long haul since). I was not going to share this, because I didn’t want anyone trying this and having it fail… but you have gone through too much. I don’t know if this will help— I haven’t had it yet. I’m going to an immunologist who has treated Long Covid patients. She wants me to have an endoscopy ( G.I. Dr) to biopsy my esophagus and then proceed with treatment. I don’t know where you are in the country… I’ll private message you


I had the glue-like mucous I could scoop out my mouth at any turn me. A pulmonologist got me an inhaler and fluticasone nasal spray. (Flonase). Combined, that provided a lot of relief. You may want to ask about it- here’s a description -

Combivent Respimat (ipratropium / albuterol) a steroid? No. Combivent Respimat (ipratropium / albuterol) contains two medications that help relax and open up the airways in your lungs. It works differently from steroids, which help to reduce inflammation (swelling) in the lungs.

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