Phlegm in my throat and post nasal drip after Covid

Posted by danny2022 @danny2022, Dec 18, 2022

Ever since I had covid in January of 2022 I recovered from the virus but I was left with a constant phlegm in the back of my throat and post nasal drip that will not go away. The feeling of having mucus in the back of my throat actually gets worse when I try to get rid of it by coughing. I have been given steroid inhalers, albuterol, allergy medication, but none of these work. The mucus gets worse especially after I eat. I've never felt like this before and it all started after covid. Can anybody relate to what I am going through?

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I’ve been following this discussion for a long time but I haven’t seen any recent posts. I’m wondering if everyone’s symptoms have resolved or if they’re just being managed.
I for one seem to being better. The first 3-4 months were torturous. I am now at 10 months and doing better but unfortunately resigning to live with the dryness and sticky phlegm and still hoping it goes away entirely. Has anyone found total relief yet? I hate to see the discussion end because I still hope there’s a real finding and treatment for this!

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Mimioto, Going to the Covid Recovery Clinic in July as I was diagnosed with long covid due to GERD worsening, inflammation worsening (I am now being treated for Lupus) and this sticky mucosy saliva in the back of my throat and in my mouth....worse in the mornings. I have tried everything. I have had this thick mucosy saliva since last last October. I have been to 5 doctors and none of them know what it is. My dermatologist cultured it and it came back no thrush, just normal mouth bacteria. It isn't painful, its just annoying and I get choked on this stuff at night. I have tried everything natural, mouthwashes, prescription, etc., The only thing that has helped some is Colgate Peroxyl (It has hydrogen peroxide in it - don't swallow) rinse and spit it out. The peroxide it in helps dilute the saliva. Listerine helps for a while and so does Cepacol mouthwash. All of these last a little while and then builds back up again. Stay tuned friend.....


Mimioto, Going to the Covid Recovery Clinic in July as I was diagnosed with long covid due to GERD worsening, inflammation worsening (I am now being treated for Lupus) and this sticky mucosy saliva in the back of my throat and in my mouth....worse in the mornings. I have tried everything. I have had this thick mucosy saliva since last last October. I have been to 5 doctors and none of them know what it is. My dermatologist cultured it and it came back no thrush, just normal mouth bacteria. It isn't painful, its just annoying and I get choked on this stuff at night. I have tried everything natural, mouthwashes, prescription, etc., The only thing that has helped some is Colgate Peroxyl (It has hydrogen peroxide in it - don't swallow) rinse and spit it out. The peroxide it in helps dilute the saliva. Listerine helps for a while and so does Cepacol mouthwash. All of these last a little while and then builds back up again. Stay tuned friend.....

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Hello - Did they confirm Lupus or just suspect? Curious how they came to that diagnosis? I’m demanding more in depth blood work as we treat the GERD which I’m hoping will help. Problem is the phlegm has plugged up my ears so it’s been bad. Unfortunately feel it’s much deeper than acid reflux the way I feel or maybe it is that simple one can hope.


Hello - Did they confirm Lupus or just suspect? Curious how they came to that diagnosis? I’m demanding more in depth blood work as we treat the GERD which I’m hoping will help. Problem is the phlegm has plugged up my ears so it’s been bad. Unfortunately feel it’s much deeper than acid reflux the way I feel or maybe it is that simple one can hope.

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At first, it was being treated as bordlerine Lupus. Another test I just had done by endocrinologist definitely points to Lupus. Rheumatologist ran an extensive autoimmune disease panel. The ANA & DSANA were elevated and I have the symptoms of Lupus. These symptoms started after Covid. I'm so sorry about all the issues you are having with GERD and the mucous. I get it. I pray for answers for us both soon. God Bless You!


I’ve been following this discussion for a long time but I haven’t seen any recent posts. I’m wondering if everyone’s symptoms have resolved or if they’re just being managed.
I for one seem to being better. The first 3-4 months were torturous. I am now at 10 months and doing better but unfortunately resigning to live with the dryness and sticky phlegm and still hoping it goes away entirely. Has anyone found total relief yet? I hate to see the discussion end because I still hope there’s a real finding and treatment for this!

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Not for me, October this year 2023 will be 2yrs since I caught covid, and the phlegm start 2-3 months after.
I am still suffering, is just horrible non stop.
I seem to get from my left side of sines and throat.
Constantly producing it, when I eat is more sticky version, another time is like saliva or just white weird mucus.
Wish all the best to all suffering from this and other long covid issues.


I've had this issue for about 2 years and it started about 4 months after I got covid. I tried everything and nothing seemed to work. Antihistamine, antiacid, netipod, you name it. Just this weird white foamy spit and thick mucus all day which caused me to clear my throat every few minutes and it got worse with exercise. I've seen pulminologists, allergy specialists an ENT and have done xrays, CT scans, pulmonary tests, tons of blood work and everything comes back fine. I did find out I had developed new allergies after covid - specially mold and ragweed. The only conclusion after almost 2 years was that it was probably allergies and the recommendation was to do allergy shots which I have not done yet.

About 3 months ago I got sick with a very bad sore throat and for 2 days I couldn't sleep because the mucus was so bad I would wake up choking. While I was sick I started to drink a lot of black tea with cardimon and local honey. I noticed in the 4th day my mucus had almost disappeared. I still do have it a bit but I maybe clear my throat only a couple times a day instead of a couple times every few minutes. I'm not sure if getting sick might ve done something or the tea but I've been sticking to drinking my tea (sometimes multiple times a day as I have the odd day where my mucus comes back a bit).

My routine is black tea with cardimon and local honey plus an Antihistamine at night. If I feel a little bit of extra mucus in the morning I may have a cup of tea in the morning and an extra Antihistamine. This has reduced my symptoms by about 90%. I also switched to non fluoride toothpaste and mouth wash as I found I was getting extra mucus after brushing my teeth.

Another thing that has helped was taking extra strength clairatin allergy and sinus. This completely took away my symptoms but my head felt sluggish and I couldn't function so had to stop taking it and just take a regular strength antihistamine.

Hope this helps someone.


I have it also and it required taking Singular and Pepcid AC every morning to stop it. Also required a low histamine diet as all of what you are experiencing may also end up like me with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome. A lot more common a happening after covid or after the covid shots than is being acknowledged by the medical community but they are more aware of it for sure. I know of 5 cases personally and a friend who is a PA told me her practice has seen an uptick in this from 5% to over 20% ……it’s real! MCAS


yes, for three and a half years now from covid..


In addition, side effects from Pfizer jab…3 years, dizziness,
balance, speech, double vision.
Rehab, no help.


Not really happy to see that so many folks have the same symptoms that I do....however, like someone else said - it is a "thing". I had mild symptoms of Covid in Dec 2022. Then had the persistent cough for about 4 months. I now have the postnasal drip causing me to cough all day and particularly at night. I have tried so many medications. But the cough will not go away!! I have not been sick for the past 10 years (except for Covid) and now this. So discouraging. I hope it will eventually subside...:(


let me try this again- you will need to stop the post nasal drip- do that with nyquil vapocool- then the cough will go away. also if you have bad case of cough i was given tessalon perls to stop cough.

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