Airway clearance

Posted by maryjanechilds @maryjanechilds, Aug 17, 2023

I have MAC (found along with pseudomonas in a sputum culture)and Bronchiectasis. I was treated with Cipro for the pseudomonas and have been on the Big 3 for almost two months for the MAC. Every discussion I read talks about nebulizing with saline solution and daily airway clearance. I have no cough and am unable to cough up any mucous. I use my albuterol inhaler and then my accapella but do not produce any mucous. Does anyone else have “dry” MAC? I do have slight drainage down the back of my throat but I wonder if I could figure out how to clear out my lungs if I would get well faster.

Mary Jane

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the MAC & Bronchiectasis Support Group.


I think I have the dry MAC you are talking about with the bronchiectasis. I do cough some but don't bring up much mucous so guessing my airways are a bit clogged. Also have some asthma.
My pulmonologist is prescribing inhalers - either Breztri or Stiolto. Just started and don't like some of the side effects - irregular heart beat also little fluttery. I use a device that is a little pipe (stem 2 1/2 inches, bowl 1 3/4 inches) with a ball bearing inside. I breathe in and out into it for about 5 minutes every day and am able to get some mucous up. I like there are no drugs involved and no side effects.

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May I know know the device name?


May I know know the device name?

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Efficiently loosens bronchial mucus and supports airway clearance. The PARI O-PEP is the breathing therapy device for effectively loosening mucus and with the oval mouthpiece it can be conveniently used even with repeated use during the day.

Comfortable therapy through an oval mouthpiece
Reduces unproductive coughing and shortness of breath
Includes a small bag for hygienic storage and transport
Dishwasher safe and sterilisable up to 134 °C
Item No.: 018G5000


In reference to Airway Clearance. I nebulize Albuterol then 7% Saline twice a day. I do believe nebulizing 15-20 mins, each solution SHOULD be enough time to be effective isn’t it? There is always just a little few drops left in the cup after those times for me.


I am in a similar situation: MAC, bronchiectasis and recently found pseudonomas. I just talked to my pulmonologist and she would not treat pseudonomas- she thinks its colonization not infection because I feel much better than before. I have been taking antibiotics since April and after today update I feel devastated to have another bacteria in my lungs. I was also given symbicort because of some asthma which they found on the yesterday pulmonary test. So i cough, some throughout the day but albuterol, saline solution 3% (we are changing it to 7%), aerobica and all the huffs and coughs I do not produce any mucus or phlegm. I never did even when i was very sick. So I just do what I can. So my advice is just still do what you have been doing and go by the day. Best luck to you. is anybody in the same situation and what do you do. Is having pseudonomas common in people with MAC and bronchiectasis? any thoughts on this?


I have had Bronchiectasis for the last 4 years. On August 4 I started coughing up dark colored phlegm and blood. I did two rounds of 500mg Levaquin (allergy to Penicillin) along with Prednisone. My primary doc prescribed this. I can not get into see my pulmonologist until Sept. 18th. He has no openings. I am on a cancellation list. I am told to go to urgent care if I need to be seen sooner. I am on a steroid inhaler but no other treatment. I am still coughing up dark sputum and blood. Obviously there is infection, but could it be viral. Levaquin is a pretty powerful antibiotic. Not sure what to do at this point. Had a CT Scan and X-ray. CT showed worsening Bronchiectasis since the last scan 3 years ago with pockets of debris/infection.
Any advice.


So sorry to hear this. If you have a patient portal online consider sending a message to your pulmonologist with your symptoms and ask him to please review your CT scan or have his nurse fit you in for an urgent appointment. Just a suggestion.


I have had Bronchiectasis for the last 4 years. On August 4 I started coughing up dark colored phlegm and blood. I did two rounds of 500mg Levaquin (allergy to Penicillin) along with Prednisone. My primary doc prescribed this. I can not get into see my pulmonologist until Sept. 18th. He has no openings. I am on a cancellation list. I am told to go to urgent care if I need to be seen sooner. I am on a steroid inhaler but no other treatment. I am still coughing up dark sputum and blood. Obviously there is infection, but could it be viral. Levaquin is a pretty powerful antibiotic. Not sure what to do at this point. Had a CT Scan and X-ray. CT showed worsening Bronchiectasis since the last scan 3 years ago with pockets of debris/infection.
Any advice.

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If I have symptoms such as yours I send in a sputum sample to my bronchiectasis specialist. We then know what bug it is and what it is sensitive too. Do you have somewhere to send a sputum sample? If your pulmonologist cannot help with this, I would find a better one.


If I have symptoms such as yours I send in a sputum sample to my bronchiectasis specialist. We then know what bug it is and what it is sensitive too. Do you have somewhere to send a sputum sample? If your pulmonologist cannot help with this, I would find a better one.

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Yes, thank you, I agree. I see the only Pulmonologist in Grass Valley, CA mid month and am asking him to test and see what type of infection and or virus I am experiencing. I believe that is the only way to treat it.
I may end up going to UC Davis in Sacramento at some point. There are not many resources for treatment in small towns. My Primary Care Physician has been helping to manage my infections, but this one was a doozie.
Thanks again for your input! 😊


Mary, I know what you mean. I couldn't find a good local pulmonologist either. Mine is 5 hours away but is a bronchiectasis specialist and does telehealth. I mail in my sputum samples. So far it's worked. Good luck with finding someone.

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