Airway clearance

Posted by maryjanechilds @maryjanechilds, Aug 17, 2023

I have MAC (found along with pseudomonas in a sputum culture)and Bronchiectasis. I was treated with Cipro for the pseudomonas and have been on the Big 3 for almost two months for the MAC. Every discussion I read talks about nebulizing with saline solution and daily airway clearance. I have no cough and am unable to cough up any mucous. I use my albuterol inhaler and then my accapella but do not produce any mucous. Does anyone else have “dry” MAC? I do have slight drainage down the back of my throat but I wonder if I could figure out how to clear out my lungs if I would get well faster.

Mary Jane

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the MAC & Bronchiectasis Support Group.

Is it a big deal that I have no idea what caused my bronchiectasis (diagnosed 3-30-23 at age 74) and if I might have MAC or any other complicating conditions? I am doing well, only use an Acapella valve, which is less effective for me than high intensity exercise and plenty of fluids. My only issue is mild air hunger on occasion in the very early morning or upon arising when I sleep soundly all night. I bring up only very small amounts of mucus.


I have been treated for MAC and bronchiectasis since April; I found out last week i also have pseudomonas. My pulmonologist would not treat it yet, she said, I do not have symptoms (?)despite small cough and she thinks it is colonization of this bacteria. Is airway clearance helping fighting pseudomonas too?


Mary Jane, was you pseudomonas treatment successful? How long did you take cipro? did you have symptoms ?


I have been treated for MAC and bronchiectasis since April; I found out last week i also have pseudomonas. My pulmonologist would not treat it yet, she said, I do not have symptoms (?)despite small cough and she thinks it is colonization of this bacteria. Is airway clearance helping fighting pseudomonas too?

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Yes, the airway clearance will help. Whenever I am told (or feel) I have another nasty lurking - bronchitis, flu, anything, I double up on my airway clearance. You probably will not cure the colonized pseudomonas, but at least you won't give it any new places to hide and grow.


Mary Jane, was you pseudomonas treatment successful? How long did you take cipro? did you have symptoms ?

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I had a constant cough and after 14 days on Cipro the cough is gone (has been for 2 1/2 months). I am currently taking the big 3 for MAC and will do another sputum culture after the first of the year. I will ask them to retest for pseudomonas at the same time. These bacteria are so hard to kill that I won’t be surprised to find it has returned. The MAC hit me very hard in May and I am now starting on my third month of the big 3. I’m just beginning to feel energy coming back but still a long way to go.


I was dry months 6-30 on the big 3.
At 36 months, cough/sputum/blood set in for 3 months.
Restarted big 3, later added antifungal medication.
Light cough/sputum the last 12 months.


I am in a similar situation: MAC, bronchiectasis and recently found pseudonomas. I just talked to my pulmonologist and she would not treat pseudonomas- she thinks its colonization not infection because I feel much better than before. I have been taking antibiotics since April and after today update I feel devastated to have another bacteria in my lungs. I was also given symbicort because of some asthma which they found on the yesterday pulmonary test. So i cough, some throughout the day but albuterol, saline solution 3% (we are changing it to 7%), aerobica and all the huffs and coughs I do not produce any mucus or phlegm. I never did even when i was very sick. So I just do what I can. So my advice is just still do what you have been doing and go by the day. Best luck to you. is anybody in the same situation and what do you do. Is having pseudonomas common in people with MAC and bronchiectasis? any thoughts on this?

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Lilliana I just saw a sputum result..pseudomonas Flourescens. I’m scared. Do you know anything about it?


Lilliana I just saw a sputum result..pseudomonas Flourescens. I’m scared. Do you know anything about it?

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Bon - I responded to your private message - this is not something to be overly concerned about or the doctor's office would have called you right away. I recommend you call Monday for a full explanation.

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