I'm just tired. . .so tired of this everyday battle

Posted by silverfox1455 @silverfox1455, Jul 21, 2023

Hello. I'm new here, but I thought it would help me to vent. I have been struggling with depression for 5 yrs, and just recently got diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder. I have been on 4 different meds, and will soon be 5 with this new medicine not working. Daily I struggle to get out of bed. . .hurting and wondering about the daily life future. I also battle PTSD which doesn't make matters any better at all. I'm just so tired. I'm tired of feeling a little better, and then just getting worse all the time. I'm tired of constantly hurting 24/7. I'm tired of feeling like I'm not good enough, or do enough for anyone in my life. I'm tired of constantly wondering if one of the following days in the future I finally bite the bullet. I constantly work and do projects to try to keep me busy, but I know the projects can't last forever...I'm so tired of constantly breaking down emotionally, and everyone in my life just doesn't understand. This isn't a cry for attention, this is a scream for help. Thank you to all took time to go through a glimpse of what I'm enduring.

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I can relate to what you are going through. I myself have been on this roller coaster and I just want it to stop.
I am a widower with no family. What few friends I had disappeared during the the of COVID.
I have very little support and no one to talk to. I feel like I’m losing my mind.


I can relate to what you are going through. I myself have been on this roller coaster and I just want it to stop.
I am a widower with no family. What few friends I had disappeared during the the of COVID.
I have very little support and no one to talk to. I feel like I’m losing my mind.

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God Bless You! These past almost 4 years of Covid have added so much isolation and stress to us all. You aren't losing your mind precious one. You are lonely. Please reach out to a church for support, friends to get you out of the house, get a hobby if you can, walk outside, don't watch too much news, garden if you can, take up painting, do crossword puzzles, etc. Our mind closes in us on often times when we are alone and our ailments are so magnified and it can pull us down. You are loved and precious in God's eyes. Praying for you right now and I care!


Depression meds never, ever helped me. I'm prone to panic attacks and nothing helped. They come and they go on their own, and sick of it. I haven't had a panic attack in a long time but dealing with other issues which is horrible!


I am the same way meds don't really help. I just want to feel good so much


I am so sorry. I feel your pain. I have had GAD for years now. This latest bout has been over a year straight with my body in fight or flight mode, waking up in a panic every morning. I also often think that there is no way this can end well. The thing keeping me alive is, I don't have the heart to leave my 77 year old mother alone. After she is gone, who knows. But every day is a terrifying struggle. Hour by hour. I am also so tired. Maybe we will both find something that works.


I understand. I wake up everyday so depressed. I just want it to end . I am sooooo tired too love and peace to you


I am the same way meds don't really help. I just want to feel good so much

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Im like that too. Some of my family think I am being lazy. That breaks my heart. I hope there is an answer for us! Thank you for the post!


Im like that too. Some of my family think I am being lazy. That breaks my heart. I hope there is an answer for us! Thank you for the post!

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Sorry to hear your family thinks your lazy. If they only knew how much we want to feel good physically and mentally and do all kinds of activities to feel useful, productive and able to enjoy ourselves. I have a lot of tummy problems because i am depressed then i get more depressed because i feel physically sick, a horrible vicious cycle. Best wishes to you .


For me what seems to have worked to keep me from depression and anxiety is having a REASON to to get up BEFORE going to sleep. A reason like if wish a life that I seek then how do I get it?
I start from things in My Control, to keep me in optimal condition: Eat food that gives me nourishment (I'm sure Mayo too has some info on it or there are reliable sources such as Harvard Health, Cleveland Clinic, NIH....
Then I make sure I us my body is strong, flexible and has right posture. I stand each day for hours,,,even when travelling in subways with empty seats. But I feel MORE energised, as I take steps than escalators, I walk on Uneven surfaces whenever possible, all cuz it's more fun first,,,U get the idea.
Let's take care of Ourselves First...with others Who are of same mindset. Otherwise we create More Morbidity. Heath Begets Health!

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