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DiscussionAnyone here dealing with peripheral neuropathy?
Neuropathy | Last Active: 16 hours ago | Replies (3086)Comment receiving replies
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I have neuropathy for no real reason also. Do you have any nerve damage in your body? Or fibromyalgia? These are 2 possibilities of why I have. Have heard that if you have nerve damage anywhere in your body can cause neuropathy throughout. I have muscle/nerve damage in my lower right abdomen and nerve damage in my pelvis.
Have also been told that fibromyalgia (which I also have) can go hand in hand with neuropathy. Although I do know others with fibro that don't suffer from neuropathy.
Hope this helps a bit as I am newer to Mayo clinic chat.
Good luck
I take these also and my pain is tolerable
I just watched a video on u-tube The speaker's name is; Anne Louise shes a neuro-scientist (Harvard University) this was very helpful.
Try doing leg stretching exercise before you go to bed. Look up leg stretches on you tube therare only a few and it only takes a few minutes, it will help the spasm and calf cramping. Also Requip has been FD A for restless leg syndrome.
Hi, I have been dealing with it for the last 5 years.
I also have peripheral neuropathy starting in my legs and spreading now into my hands, especially fingers.
My balance and walking instability was improved immensely when I started wearing leg braces. While they are a bit cumbersome, I am able to walk quite well more efficiently and with much less fatigue.
I take 100mg of Gabapentin 3x/day with few side effects and much less pain in my back and down one leg.
Can someone tell me how peripheral neuropathy differs from other types of neuropothy?
15 years,
Pain and Numbness are on opposite ends of a scale, which makes finding the right balance for you difficult. For me, GABA had minimal effect at any dosage. Cymbalta worked, but gave me a distant feeling and memory issues. The third and last option, Lyrica, along with Tramadol, give me the balance. Lyrica is expensive, but a must. Stronger medications work for me, but the narcotic trade offs were not an option. I have pain and numbness from my toes to shins and both hands—all at different types of pain. Again, for me, Topical CBD ointments almost instantly calm the awful burning if used several times per day,. I also use sublingual CBD to help with the mental effect of pain producing pain, Relief is a moving target, but doable.
October 11 the pain started in the feet and left leg, I took every over the counter meds I could find. Ran through most, pain and numbness started in November and December. January went to ER..they said ARTHRITIS and x rayed my hips. Put me on TRAMADOL, I had a very bad reaction so I saw a NEUROLOGIST who after another ER pain episode.gave me GABAPENTIN and the new super vitamin METANX. I have insulin dependent diabetes now since 1995 and are 75 years old. Pain is waking me up @ night in the left leg and feet and hands are numb. Have an appointment March 10 to see the NEUROLOGIST again. Until then GABAPENTIN 300 mgs. two times a day and one at night. AND METANX which I am told takes weeks to work to help..
Hi @mattie, I have no medical background or training but I would want to know the cause or diagnosis of the neuropathy if possible. Mine was diagnosed as idiopathic small fiber peripheral neuropathy so wasn't much help other than to confirm that I have neuropathy - dead, dying or damaged nerves (my understanding of PN). A neurologist would probably setup an Electromyography (EMG) test to determine if you have nerve damage. Do you think it has anything to do with your Dupuytren's contracture in your hand? I was not familiar with the condition so I did find more information on Mayo's website here:
-- https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/dupuytrens-contracture/symptoms-causes/syc-20371943
Hopefully some others can offer some suggestions.