Neuropathy Pain at Night: What helps?

Posted by Donald @donfeld, Jun 8, 2020

THC or marijuana for me relieves pain from neuropathy. It works every time takes a few minutes and a few puffs of smoke and it comes it down for some crazy reason that makes this drug so popular.

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@donfeld, good afternoon, thanks for presenting this discussion of nighttime pain from neuropathy. My goal is to sleep through the early morning pain and the itching. in addition to my evening tincture of 1:3 CBD/THC.....I add a 2:1 CBD/THC dropper just as I go to bed and I call it my morning insurance policy. I am also now taking Doxepin at bedtime to prevent the itching that has me in a stranglehold these days. I am sure things will change and I will have to adjust.

I just don't like this neuropathy stuff to get a head start on me when it changes direction. I refer to it as my friend "NP" and try to not let this friend get the upper hand.

May you be free of suffering.

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Thank you, I will look into these recommendations. The form of CBD and THC as tincture: is that over the counter available?


Thank you, I will look into these recommendations. The form of CBD and THC as tincture: is that over the counter available?

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Good afternoon @lashu

Thank you for your response. At this point these medical cannabis tinctures are not over the counter available unless you are in an approved dispensary and in some states have a physician’s approval.

If you tell me the state where you live, I can send you the laws and requirements for your state.

May you be content and at ease.


I have what I call constant burning toothachey pain in my legs and feet. It is as if I have 3rd degree burns on my legs, and I put tight stockings on over it. My pain is not intermittent. It is there 24/7, idiopathic SFN. Sometimes feels like I am getting stung by thousands of bees over and over again. I was originally on a higher dose of pregabalin and it just wasn't keeping me sane. My neurologist finally wrote a Butran's opioid low dose patch for me three years ago and it changed my life. I have not had to increase my medication and have been stable with a level of 3 pain for the past 3 years. I can sleep thru the night and function in life---- to a point. Everyone talks about addiction, but if there is no cure for this horrible disease, how would they expect us to come off of all this stuff anyway??

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I agree with you. Do what works. Opioid or not. I'm 73 so not too worried about what it takes to make me comfortable. I have less years ahead of me so my choices can be expanded.
Pregabalin works for me, but as my disease progresses I may be needing different meds. Quality of life is important. Kudos to you and to your doctor. Find joy in your life now!


am an 85 yr old female who was diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy in all four extremeities in the early 1990s, caused by pernicious anemia. I received B12 shots and then B12 pills for about fourteen years and the numbness was greatly reduced when in 2014 I was diagnosed with Small fiber neuropathy. At that time I only had pain, heat, itchiness and swelling in two toes. I declined a prescription because the pain was infrequent.

In Dec 2022 my PCP ordered a head c-t scan because I reported balance and falling issues. She then referred me to a neurologist and my appointment is in September. I have never talked with a neurologist about any of my concerns. I have never talked with my PCP, really, about bowel and bladder incontinence so I don’t know if they are related to the neuropathy or perhaps the diuretics I take for congestive heart failure. I have no sense of having a full bladder but when I stand up I have a flood. I can rarely walk to the bathroom without urinating before I get there and I rarely feel anything when I pass fecal matter. I set an alarm to remind me to go to the bathroom, I was interested to see that someone else was raising these issues. Is it neuropathy?

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I would suggest reading about SFN and how it can affect basically all your bodily functions. It certainly can affect how your digestion system and bladder function. Knowledge is power in this case! Realizing that these nerves aren’t functioning correctly will help you make a plan. You’re already setting a timer - that’s a great idea, and the type of solution to aim for. I’m sure @johnbishop can find you some articles!


I would suggest reading about SFN and how it can affect basically all your bodily functions. It certainly can affect how your digestion system and bladder function. Knowledge is power in this case! Realizing that these nerves aren’t functioning correctly will help you make a plan. You’re already setting a timer - that’s a great idea, and the type of solution to aim for. I’m sure @johnbishop can find you some articles!

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Hi @jobli0, I agree with @julbpat that small fiber neuropathy can affect you bodily functions and learning as much as you can about the condition can help you navigate and deal with the symptoms a little better. Here are a few that might be helpful:
--- What is the peripheral nervous system?:
--- When Nerve Damage Causes Bladder Problems:


I have had neuropathy for about ten years. The first couple of years I was prescribed a pain patch to use at night. It lessened the pain but did not relieve it.
The pharmacist I was using asked what the pain patches were being used for. When I told him, he said he knew of a better solution. He made up a compound with Hydromorphone. The very first night I used it I slept through the night! I use it every night to control the neuropathy pain.
I don't know if you can find a compounding pharmacy in your area. If the pharmacist is knowledgeable of dermatomes he will know what works. The strange thing is that I have to put a small amount on each wrist for it to work.


I agree with you. Do what works. Opioid or not. I'm 73 so not too worried about what it takes to make me comfortable. I have less years ahead of me so my choices can be expanded.
Pregabalin works for me, but as my disease progresses I may be needing different meds. Quality of life is important. Kudos to you and to your doctor. Find joy in your life now!

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How much Pregabalin are you taking daily that is keeping your pain away??


100mg x 3 daily. My neuropathy is weaker than some but it's increasing. I'm lucky so far.


Gabapentin has been the only thing that helps me to be able to sleep at night

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Gabapentin helps me get through the night but 1-100mg.pill does not. So I increased it to 2-100mg. and I sleep like a log. The problem is that I sleep too long. If I take the pill before bedtime @ around 11:00,pm, I don’t wake up until noon…sometimes 1:00. I do not know what is the answer! One pill does nothing and two pills do too much. I wish there was something in between. Any suggestions? Also, who is the best doctor to see for this condition. I was seeing a neurologist but he retired. He is the one who prescribed 3-100mg.


I have diabetic neuropathy. Tried gabapentin and mm which didn’t help. Currently using Susan’s CBD Super Salve (push up stick) at night on feet to sleep or if needed in day. It’s $75 per tube but it goes a long way. It works on nerves and muscles. Works on my fibromyalgia points. Also take a muscle /nerve relaxer twice a day called Baclofen. No side effects for me. Doesn’t make you drowsy or fatigued. Wear toe socks at times which helps in walking. Found some good suggestions from many especially the Tai Chi. We are all individuals and must find what works for each of us. So thanks to all of you

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