Fibromyalgia Was the most chronic pain you could imagine.

Posted by tresemae @tresemae, Jul 28, 2023

I started pain management not opioids anymore. I have been getting nerve blocks 2 and next they will do ablation of the nerves that were causing my pain. I can't tell you how good it has worked for me. I'm sitting here right now pain free finally. No more pain meds I sleep all night and wake with no pain, To all of you who suffer from this dammed thing I would suggest doing it. GOD I FEEL GOOD.

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I’m interested in knowing more.

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Hello @finny4606 - thanks for your reply. I'm curious of your thoughts on Dr. Sletten's CSS video and his pain management approach? Did any part resonate with you?


How often do you do these treatments.

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2 times and he does 6 injections in my neck at a time. 3 to numb it and then 3 more which is medication. Before they do the nerve ablation it is really just to test and make sure they got the right nerve. But it last about 2 weeks. I will soon get the last injection that will burn the nerve. And I'm done. They say it can last up to 2 years hopefully.


I desperately need an ablation of my left occipital nerve but I was told insurance (Medicare) requires two separate nerve block injections (lidocaine) and only if pain is blocked two times will Medicare pay. My problem is that Lidocaine leaks into all nearby tissues notth, south, east and west, and causes pain that goes on and on. So even if I have the ablation, angry tissues are going to continue to hurt 24/7. Did u not go through that?
How long after the ablation did it take for pain from the ablation (burning of the nerve) to go away?

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No i didn't have that problem of it leaking. It has worked good for me. I haven't had the ablation yet. But no chronic pain at all. So I know I will benefit from the procedure. I had the 2 lidocaine injections. Going for the ablation next.


I am wondering if I’m going to die from torture or from sleep deprivation. My pain from tingling and burning has become all over my body and I lay in bed screaming and crying in pain all night long. No amount of pain medication works anymore because it’s been progressively getting worse for about thirty years so I’m opioid intolerant. I started taking Vicodin over forty years starting with my father handing them out like candy for every scrape, toothache to menstrual cramp. At about thirty I started taking pamalor for nerve pain along with Cymbalta. I still don’t know what I’m going to do because I’m now in a nursing home without access to a lot of medical care. My only fear is that I’m going to die a slow painful death. Thanks for sharing this information with me. foxylloyd

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Thanks for the hug. foxylloyd


I began taking Topamax. It tells the nerves to calm the heck down and also decreases the severity of the migraines I get. I hope I'll stop getting them altogether but for now, I'm breaking apart the Imitrex and can probably go down from the 100 mg to 25. As for the fibro pain, I was taking 2-3 Tramadol per day and am down to 1-2.
Oh and I've lost weight as a side effect.


I began taking Topamax. It tells the nerves to calm the heck down and also decreases the severity of the migraines I get. I hope I'll stop getting them altogether but for now, I'm breaking apart the Imitrex and can probably go down from the 100 mg to 25. As for the fibro pain, I was taking 2-3 Tramadol per day and am down to 1-2.
Oh and I've lost weight as a side effect.

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So you get those mad migraine headaches. I couldn't handle that. What nerves does the medication calm down? Is it tied with the headaches? or the spine? Neck ,Back ?


The nerves it calms are tied to the Fibronyalgia as well as what causes the migraines for me.
The migraines I get started about five years after I was diagnosed with Fibro. I started on 25mg of Imitrex and over the past 20 years have been increased to 100mg. Now on Topamax almost a month (started it on July 11) the migraines are becoming much milder. I have different triggers, stress being one and the other is the nerve on the right side of my neck that goes down my back.


The nerves it calms are tied to the Fibronyalgia as well as what causes the migraines for me.
The migraines I get started about five years after I was diagnosed with Fibro. I started on 25mg of Imitrex and over the past 20 years have been increased to 100mg. Now on Topamax almost a month (started it on July 11) the migraines are becoming much milder. I have different triggers, stress being one and the other is the nerve on the right side of my neck that goes down my back.

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Wow I still couldn't handle head aches I did have face pain though. Ouch.


Wow I still couldn't handle head aches I did have face pain though. Ouch.

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Ya bad tress comes with the pain. Have to take stress medication. Anxiety/Depression because of the chronic pain.


Wow I still couldn't handle head aches I did have face pain though. Ouch.

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What is Topamax? What's it treat?

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