Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) Surgery Options

Posted by wpasternak @wpasternak, Aug 4, 2020

I had a Urolift procedure last February for my BPH symptoms and it was a total failure. The implants are still in position though. I am looking for a different procedure to alleviate my BPH problem and Rezum seems to be a good alternative. Can it be done considering my prior Urolift procedure. If not, what would be your recommendation.

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Hi @rfherald! Yes, I do live in Florida, I did not have any at home tests. I obtained an appointment through the Mayo Clinic, and met with the Urologist ( Dr. Dora ) at that appointment. I had provided MRI and sonogram records the VA had imaged on the prostate and bladder. It was decided at that appointment that HoLEP was right for me. All other tests were accomplished while at the Mayo Clinic the day prior to having the HoLEP procedure performed, and some the day after HoLEP was performed.

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Great. Thank you. I live in Colorado and my UD is trained in Rezum but not HOLep. I am hoping that if I get to go to Mayo that I don't have to stay in a hotel for week or two while they re-do the pre-ops, that they accept all test results results that my current doctor has.


Hello @rfherald! There was minimal testing for me when I went for my HoLEP procedure. I had submitted the images and report collected when the VA did the Cystoscopy and found that my prostate was enlarged and protruding up into my bladder. This was pretty much all I needed to obtain the appointment. Following the initial visit on the first appointment, I reported to the Mayo Clinic on the day before surgery. During that visit, they took blood samples, did an EKG, and an ultrasound of my bladder, and a before surgery bladder emptying test to benchmark how well I was urinating. That was pretty much it on day one. Day 2 was the actual surgery. Day 3 was removal of the Foley and perhaps a test to see how well I was urinating. Because of my distance from the Mayo, I stayed one more night….on the last day I did a urine test, spoke with the Urology Team, and then wet home. You’ve had Rezum, it might be that they require more than what my pre-surgery condition required. You’ll just have to ask about that when you speak with them! We’re all interested in how this goes for you so please keep us posted friend…..we’ll be thinking about you!


To answer your question about having any severe pain following the procedure…..I did not have any severe pain. I did have the Foley in place when I woke up. That was the worst of it for me. I was very sensitive and I was uncomfortable with that Foley…..but….it was removed the following morning! As for bleeding…..there will be some blood in your urine for 1-2 weeks….and I would pass bloody scale when urinating as well. All of this is completely normal. It went away in about 8-10 days for me. I was able to urinate a few hours after the Foley was removed! Because I live 160 miles from the Mayo, both the Doctor and me wanted to insure things were good before I went home….so I stayed at the Hotel for another night. I will tell you that for me, I couldn’t believe how well I could urinate on the very first day. I’m not kidding….it made me smile!

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Kayak461. I am 6 weeks out from my HoLEP procedure. My flow decreased at week 3 and I started having discomfort in the urethra urinating. My flow was really good up to week 3. What was your experience during that period?


Kayak461. I am 6 weeks out from my HoLEP procedure. My flow decreased at week 3 and I started having discomfort in the urethra urinating. My flow was really good up to week 3. What was your experience during that period?

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Hi Panacea15! I’ve had good success….my flow was/is very good. I did not experience the discomfort or decreased flow you speak of! If you haven’t already done so, either call or email the Urology Department and tell them what you are experiencing! Could be something going on that you need to address !


Hi Panacea15! I’ve had good success….my flow was/is very good. I did not experience the discomfort or decreased flow you speak of! If you haven’t already done so, either call or email the Urology Department and tell them what you are experiencing! Could be something going on that you need to address !

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I did and they said my symptoms would vary for 3 months while I heal.


I’m sorry to hear of your troubles. For what it’s worth….you might keep a log of your discomfort and flow rates. I think I had a follow up appointment at 3 months…that included a flow test! Having a record is always a good thing when you can think of it…..helps Doctors as well. Dog gone it….I wished you felt better!


Hi @cent66! I’m pretty sure we’ve been in the same string of messages before and you’ve probably read some of my posts about how I feel about HoLEP! Two words…..completely satisfied. If you have any specific questions, I’ll be happy to try and respond. My HOLEP procedure was performed at the Mayo in Jacksonville, FL. Where will your procedure be performed?

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With my Holep coming up....wondered how long the recovery takes. How long till I feel healthy, I have a long anticipated vacation coming up , and wondered if I would be well enough to go. Thanks..for information.


With my Holep coming up....wondered how long the recovery takes. How long till I feel healthy, I have a long anticipated vacation coming up , and wondered if I would be well enough to go. Thanks..for information.

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Although each of us are in a different health situation, for me….I could tell a huge difference as soon as they removed the Foley and I urinated for the first time following HoLEP. The positive results were immediate for me. There is a recovery period that you’ll follow….but I felt great after the Foley was removed. I contacted the Mayo once or twice after I went home to ask if something was normal….you might be taking it easy for 6-8 weeks post surgery! Keep the faith pal, listen to your body, don’t over do it!


Although each of us are in a different health situation, for me….I could tell a huge difference as soon as they removed the Foley and I urinated for the first time following HoLEP. The positive results were immediate for me. There is a recovery period that you’ll follow….but I felt great after the Foley was removed. I contacted the Mayo once or twice after I went home to ask if something was normal….you might be taking it easy for 6-8 weeks post surgery! Keep the faith pal, listen to your body, don’t over do it!

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Thanks...had Foley in/out for 1 year....drivin me crazy. Hoping we can get this thing cleared up.


I am 60, I developed BPH in my early 40s. I had the Green light laser treatment in 2012. It worked well, but I now have bleeding issue. I need help. I take Tamsulosin .4 mg and Finasteride 5 mg nightly. The local Urologist wants to do TURP. I'm 60, I plan to live into my 80s (Lord willing) and have had BPH for 15+ years already and need a truly lasting solution.

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u cant do another round of green light? did it gave you retro? Thank you

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