Cannabis oil and Immunotherapy: Are they compatible?

Posted by cheung @cheung, Feb 14, 2019

Are they compatible, I.e. taking CO while having immunotherapy? Any experience from anybody who use both?

***Note from the Community Director***
Research continues to indicate that CBD oil interferes with immunotherapy. Here are some references to consider:
– Cannabis Consumption Used by Cancer Patients during Immunotherapy Correlates with Poor Clinical Outcome

As with any complementary therapy, you should always talk with your oncologist. Complementary therapies can interact negatively with immunotherapy or chemotherapies and/or reduce their effectiveness.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Lung Cancer Support Group.


@cheung - Good afternoon and welcome to Mayo Connect! I'd love for you to tell me more about your history. Will you be starting immunotherapy soon? Have you discussed this with your doctor? What type of cancer is the immunotherapy For?

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Metastatic Melanoma


I am starting Keytruda infusion therapy for my Metastatic Melanoma and was wondering if Cannabis or CBD would have any positive or negative effect on my treatment


Studies have shown that THC and CBD buffer the effectiveness of all Chemo drugs. People with curable lung cancer (staged 3a and lower) must abstain from it's use during treatment. Those staged higher can get as high as they want during Chemo & Immune therapy. This revelation comes from the Mayo Clinic Oncology doctors on the Blue Team...


Studies have shown that THC and CBD buffer the effectiveness of all Chemo drugs. People with curable lung cancer (staged 3a and lower) must abstain from it's use during treatment. Those staged higher can get as high as they want during Chemo & Immune therapy. This revelation comes from the Mayo Clinic Oncology doctors on the Blue Team...

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I can’t believe I’m reading the last two sentences of your comment-…


I can’t believe I’m reading the last two sentences of your comment-…

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I was shocked too, but it is what it is...


I am starting Keytruda infusion therapy for my Metastatic Melanoma and was wondering if Cannabis or CBD would have any positive or negative effect on my treatment

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Cannabis and CBD will decrease the effectiveness of Keytruda by a large margin. Being a pot head myself, this was very upsetting news. I gave my entire stash of gummies to the mailman and UPS guy so I would not be tempted...


I was shocked too, but it is what it is...

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Well… I can’t agree with you-. That tells me: Get a new doctor/go someplace else. It also confirms the attitude and explains the lack of care by some of the Mayo onco’s-. IMO if you’re not in the business (and that’s entirely what Mayo has turned into!) to help people and do all you can for them - get out! You’ve taken an oath to help. You’re not doing anyone any favors - much less the people (& families) you’re supposed to be helping!


Well… I can’t agree with you-. That tells me: Get a new doctor/go someplace else. It also confirms the attitude and explains the lack of care by some of the Mayo onco’s-. IMO if you’re not in the business (and that’s entirely what Mayo has turned into!) to help people and do all you can for them - get out! You’ve taken an oath to help. You’re not doing anyone any favors - much less the people (& families) you’re supposed to be helping!

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Hilarious. You think that I should replace the guy that is trying to save my life with a guy that will tell me it's OK to use THC while in lung cancer chemo. Hilarious and as always; God save the Queen, man...


Hi all,
Research continues to indicate that CBD oil interferes with immunotherapy. Here are some references to consider:
– Cannabis Consumption Used by Cancer Patients during Immunotherapy Correlates with Poor Clinical Outcome

As with any complementary therapy, you should always talk with your oncologist. Complementary therapies can interact negatively with immunotherapy or chemotherapies and/or reduce their effectiveness.

I’d also like to post a friendly reminder about the Community Guidelines The Community Guidelines offer 12 short rules of conduct that help keep the Mayo Clinic Connect community safe, supportive, inclusive, and respectful.

In particular, I point out guidelines number 1 and 2 quoted below.

1. Be careful about giving out medical advice
- Sharing your own experience is fine, but don't tell other members what they should do.
- Experiences and information shared by members on the Mayo Clinic Connect are not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
- Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on the community.

Medical tips or information may be removed if a member:
- Tells another member what to do
- Attempts to provide a diagnosis for another member
- Makes a medical statement that cannot be verified clearly as coming from their own personal experience
- States information as fact or makes a claim that is not properly referenced
- References information that is not evidence-based and/or does not come from a verified medical expert source.

2. Remain respectful at all times.
- Exercise tolerance and respect toward other participants whose views may differ from your own. Disagreements are fine, but mutual respect is a must.
- Realize that sarcasm and joking will often be misunderstood.
- Be inclusive. Not everyone shares the same religious or political beliefs. Don't impose your beliefs on others.
- Personal attacks against members or health care providers are not acceptable. Such posts will be removed.

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