Occipital Neuralgia

Posted by jmb73 @jmb73, Sep 11, 2019

I have been having headaches on one side of my head and have recently been diagnosed with occipital neuralgia. They recommend a nerve bloc but I wonder anyone else has this and how they handle it.. I don't want a nerve bloc. The headaches are usually mild but occasionally the pain wakes me up. They got worse after I had my Gamma surgery. Any ideas would be appreciated. Thank you.

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All one sided headache problem folks, please check out Cluster Headaches. They are called “clusters” because they come one after another usually. More severe than migraines if you can believe that. Always involve only the same side of head. Teeth, ear, jaw, all will be in hard pain. The cure is O2, yes Oxygen. At first sign of one start breathing deep and long breaths pulling air thru your nose, exhale thru mouth.. Do so until pains subsides. If this fails see you doctor and get RX for E-tanks of oxygen. Set flow meter to 8 to 10 (a lot). Clusters are the worst headache imaginable. And so simple to eliminate. Best to all. And get those shoulders out of your Ears and try relaxing some! Treetop


Hi Rachel. I too have been having occipital nerve issues. Back in 2018 I was sent to a neurologist and she automatically said it was inflammation of that nerves. So she said a block would help. It hurt so bad I cried hard. It made the pain worse at back my head and neck. Many migraine’s. Drs would have me take daily shots but they never helped. It took 8 long months just to get back to the same level I was before the block on each side. Back of my head. You mention Ablations. I’m curious how those work. I’ve been suffering with this nasty pain back curve of my head past 5 years. I had taken a bad fall earlier that year and hit back of my head on a 2 liter pop bottle. I can’t get my neurosurgeon to listen and pay attention to me bout this. He did do a Cervical Fushion at C4 through C7. Says it looks fine but he can’t explain migraines n pain at back my skull/neck. I have tinnitus screaming so loud past 10 years. If I hold my head down to read and then look up I feel loopy drunk like. I kind of get the feeling like blood supply or oxygen or a nerve pinched tight that when I walk I stumble. A lot. Head fuzzy. It’s a miserable feeling and I tend to lie down a lot and social distance myself from my family. I don’t want nobody seeing me feeling like this. I tried something not on purpose other day but by accident. Instead of taking pain pills as I have been since 15 yrs now I’ve tried the THC and CBD gummies. They help w some pain. But I just don’t wanna get to used to them. I mainly try 2 per day for pain. But I took it round noon and these r 30 min. Acting but I was coloring and had my head down few hours but I never felt any pain relief so 5 hours later I get up and after 10 min. I’m starting to feel the gummy. So that’s how I’ve come to the conclusion that a nerve or blood supply is cut off where I couldn’t feel the gummy’s. So 8 hours laters approx. I started feeling the gummy working. I started getting lil munchie then. So does this sound possible of something being cut off in order to me feeling this way? My head is drunk most of the time and I stumble where I fall. So embarrassing. Headaches are back my head and front forehead plus behind my ears. Does this sound like a ablation situation? I’m starting to loose trust in some Drs. I don’t know if they’re worried bout doing more or just settle for doing that fusion. I need help. I’m begging for help. I can’t do another year of this. How do I get a Dr to pay attention to this ? Even he gave me a shot for migraines and said I shouldn’t have anymore fore good year. Wrong. I have 50 plus a day. I’m sure that Neurologist I saw back in ‘18 knew it was occipital as she said but I was scared to go back cause I got hurt with the 1st nerve block. Any ideas from anyone here? Much thank you and Be Safe Folks.

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So sorry you’ve had to endure all that. Just suggestion, as learned thru posts many different things can be happening same time, have they evaluated for POTS or orthostatic intolerance? as many of the things you describe are what I experience with that. Hope this helped and you find healing answers soon🙂


Hi Rachel. I too have been having occipital nerve issues. Back in 2018 I was sent to a neurologist and she automatically said it was inflammation of that nerves. So she said a block would help. It hurt so bad I cried hard. It made the pain worse at back my head and neck. Many migraine’s. Drs would have me take daily shots but they never helped. It took 8 long months just to get back to the same level I was before the block on each side. Back of my head. You mention Ablations. I’m curious how those work. I’ve been suffering with this nasty pain back curve of my head past 5 years. I had taken a bad fall earlier that year and hit back of my head on a 2 liter pop bottle. I can’t get my neurosurgeon to listen and pay attention to me bout this. He did do a Cervical Fushion at C4 through C7. Says it looks fine but he can’t explain migraines n pain at back my skull/neck. I have tinnitus screaming so loud past 10 years. If I hold my head down to read and then look up I feel loopy drunk like. I kind of get the feeling like blood supply or oxygen or a nerve pinched tight that when I walk I stumble. A lot. Head fuzzy. It’s a miserable feeling and I tend to lie down a lot and social distance myself from my family. I don’t want nobody seeing me feeling like this. I tried something not on purpose other day but by accident. Instead of taking pain pills as I have been since 15 yrs now I’ve tried the THC and CBD gummies. They help w some pain. But I just don’t wanna get to used to them. I mainly try 2 per day for pain. But I took it round noon and these r 30 min. Acting but I was coloring and had my head down few hours but I never felt any pain relief so 5 hours later I get up and after 10 min. I’m starting to feel the gummy. So that’s how I’ve come to the conclusion that a nerve or blood supply is cut off where I couldn’t feel the gummy’s. So 8 hours laters approx. I started feeling the gummy working. I started getting lil munchie then. So does this sound possible of something being cut off in order to me feeling this way? My head is drunk most of the time and I stumble where I fall. So embarrassing. Headaches are back my head and front forehead plus behind my ears. Does this sound like a ablation situation? I’m starting to loose trust in some Drs. I don’t know if they’re worried bout doing more or just settle for doing that fusion. I need help. I’m begging for help. I can’t do another year of this. How do I get a Dr to pay attention to this ? Even he gave me a shot for migraines and said I shouldn’t have anymore fore good year. Wrong. I have 50 plus a day. I’m sure that Neurologist I saw back in ‘18 knew it was occipital as she said but I was scared to go back cause I got hurt with the 1st nerve block. Any ideas from anyone here? Much thank you and Be Safe Folks.

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Hello @champton (and all migraine/occipital sufferers) -

Thank you, @champton, for reaching out and sharing your health journey with chronic occipital and migraine pain. What a journey it's been for you, I'm so sorry for all you've been through. I truly understand the hardships and misery.

It might help answer your questions if I bring you up to speed. A lot has changed since I wrote the post you have replied to. I was struggling back in 2019 and had not yet gone to Mayo's Pain Rehabilitation Center for help. I had tried every drug, and embarrassingly felt some of the ways you describe. I tried injections, ablations, infusions, therapies, acupuncture, special pillows, ice, heat, etc. Ultimately, none of it stayed working for me because I was in a chronic state. My migraines, among other diagnoses like neuropathy, neuralgias, back and neck pain, stopped responding to traditional treatments. My stress levels, anxiety and depression elevated, and as a result deconditioning set in as did distancing myself from being social.

I think you have hit the nail on the head @champton with your journey in the "cycle of pain". I was there in the same cycle and feel for you and anyone going through the motions just hoping for that sweet spot of help.

Fast forward to now - I am grateful to have reset my life through what I learned at Mayo PRC and how I have applied the principles and tools over these past 2.5 years. It's taken a lot of hard work. Yep, I still have all my "stuff" = symptoms, flares, pain, but I manage it all better through things like reduction of chemicals, stress-management, deep breathing, meditation, mindfulness, gratitude, distraction, exercise, humor, moderation and balance of activity and rest, sleep hygiene, healthier diet. It seems like a lot and may be a little overwhelming, but small steps can make big changes when it comes to self advocacy and management. Honestly, I overdosed on doctors and depending on them to make things better for me when in fact I needed to learn how to help myself through life-style changes and shifting mindset.

I would love to be able to tell you that ablations did it, or migraine injections did it, but none of stayed helping me. It was all kind of like band-aids, you know? That is not to say these treatments can't help you or someone else. Everyone has the right to their own health journey, but in some cases the more fuel you keep pouring on the fire, the louder the fire burns.

I'm happy to see you've been receiving support from other members. If I can help further or answer questions about what I gained from rehabilitation, please do not hesitate to ask. Stay strong, keep the faith, and know that hope is important to hang on to. I'm rooting for you!


All one sided headache problem folks, please check out Cluster Headaches. They are called “clusters” because they come one after another usually. More severe than migraines if you can believe that. Always involve only the same side of head. Teeth, ear, jaw, all will be in hard pain. The cure is O2, yes Oxygen. At first sign of one start breathing deep and long breaths pulling air thru your nose, exhale thru mouth.. Do so until pains subsides. If this fails see you doctor and get RX for E-tanks of oxygen. Set flow meter to 8 to 10 (a lot). Clusters are the worst headache imaginable. And so simple to eliminate. Best to all. And get those shoulders out of your Ears and try relaxing some! Treetop

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Preach, @treetop, about getting shoulders out of ears! You are ever so right!! What a difference relaxation makes along with air. Pure, simple air, and breathing. I don't use oxygen but sure do use my own air and deep belly breathing. I slowly breath in through my nose while inflating my belly like a balloon, then slowly out through my nose while deflating my belly. Usually about 4-5 seconds each way. Dropping those shoulders down as far as they can go to release stress and loosening jaw muscles. Guided imagery helps too.

How great of you to share what works well for you. Keep on keeping on.


So sorry you’ve had to endure all that. Just suggestion, as learned thru posts many different things can be happening same time, have they evaluated for POTS or orthostatic intolerance? as many of the things you describe are what I experience with that. Hope this helped and you find healing answers soon🙂

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Thank you for your reply. Yes I was tested for pots bout 4-5 years back and yes I do have that. Plus Hoshimoto since 2009. From what my neurosurgeon and neurologist say from my brain MRI that it seems fine. Had to redo one cause one Dr said he saw a Blk mass I’ve done the tests where my head is wired to gizmos. That seemed fine as well. I do have RSD due to a Dr failing of cutting a nerve. I don’t take anymore pain meds in last couple weeks as I’m just leaning on the pain gummies n for sleep. I had been on morphine for about 13 years n the tramadol for 2. I’m not believing the tramadol is cause of my vibrations. And I’ve had a spinal cord stimulator implanted for bout 12 years. It didn’t help of course just more nuisance. But these vibrations feel just like the unit is turned on full blast. So those of you may understand that magnitude of vibrating inside. I’m 62, and past 2 1/2 years I just can’t get a Dr to pay attention of what I’m feeling. From foot dr to nuero to back or knee pain. I thought I was on the right track when I traced back to when these vibrations started which was 2 weeks after taking it. My pharmacist said it can mess w your Serotonin levels. I have a lot of nerve pain where I take Gabapentin for last year. If I miss one it looks like I have PD or MS. My vision is so distorted where I can’t tolerate bright lites. Seems to be getting worse. I still feel it’s Occipital nerves but I bring it up to either of my Neuro Drs that they blow it off n schedule me for a 6 month ck up just to make sure the lil do dads they put in for my Cervical Fushion. I feel like I still need to wear my neck brace just to help hold my head up n for cushioned support. I’ve tried all the deep breathing n that don’t seem to help. One dr says it’s probably time to go see the Mayo Clinic as next resort. But I have my appt that took a year to get in at U of M hosp n Ann Arbor. I sure pray they can help. I’ve got my CD in hand of my MRI’s of Cervical, Brain, Thoracic n Lumbar. The Neurologist I went to back in 18’ who said it was occipital issues I was sent there through pain management but those blocks just the 2 the Dr gave me hurt so bad that I didn’t wanna go back. Like they hurt me worse. I just feel so loopy drunk like and I don’t drink. Base my skull painful 24/7 n can’t find a good spot to lay on my pillow. These lite headed spells make me so sickly. Tinnitus screaming at me. But I wonder if the vibrations I have at my feet up to my waist could be in connection w the neck pain?? One Dr says it could be spinal n another said maybe brain. I’m starting to forget things a lot so Dr gave me something for Dementia to slow that down. But I can just feel this pain in back my head is causing me to feel loopy or drunk, depends on me hanging my head down as to read. It’s like a supply of something is cut off. I’m not too sure how compression on your spine could connect w that. I read once long ago when I first started googling bout these issues I have. I know I’m missing out on a lot of family activities by staying distance from them cause I don’t want my husband of 44 years or daughter to see me like this. I hurt, had chronic pain since 2007. I have extreme Vertigo so bad. Those pills for it don’t seem to help either. GOD Bless us all I pray 1 Dr can give me some answers! I just want to live again! I wish, But I Don’t, that just 1 Dr can feel what I’m going through for 30 seconds n say to me, I think I know what it is or We can try this or that! Thank you for your support n I hope I’ve touched base w someone here that’s also going through these things. I don’t just do 1 thing as my Dear Husband says, You have to have a bunch of things wrong. I feel for anyone that’s in this same situation. So for those of you who do know about spinal cord stimulators, like had one, imagine having it it turned up full speed. I usually say or say how Angry these r right now. I did have mine removed 2 years ago n they made sure to remove all leads so that’s been cleared of not causing the vibrations. I’m just so happy to google bout internal Vibrations that led me here cause I didn’t think I was the only one. Thank you so much for all the support there is here. I’m Not the only one, n it’s not all in my head. Thank you!


Thank you for your reply. Yes I was tested for pots bout 4-5 years back and yes I do have that. Plus Hoshimoto since 2009. From what my neurosurgeon and neurologist say from my brain MRI that it seems fine. Had to redo one cause one Dr said he saw a Blk mass I’ve done the tests where my head is wired to gizmos. That seemed fine as well. I do have RSD due to a Dr failing of cutting a nerve. I don’t take anymore pain meds in last couple weeks as I’m just leaning on the pain gummies n for sleep. I had been on morphine for about 13 years n the tramadol for 2. I’m not believing the tramadol is cause of my vibrations. And I’ve had a spinal cord stimulator implanted for bout 12 years. It didn’t help of course just more nuisance. But these vibrations feel just like the unit is turned on full blast. So those of you may understand that magnitude of vibrating inside. I’m 62, and past 2 1/2 years I just can’t get a Dr to pay attention of what I’m feeling. From foot dr to nuero to back or knee pain. I thought I was on the right track when I traced back to when these vibrations started which was 2 weeks after taking it. My pharmacist said it can mess w your Serotonin levels. I have a lot of nerve pain where I take Gabapentin for last year. If I miss one it looks like I have PD or MS. My vision is so distorted where I can’t tolerate bright lites. Seems to be getting worse. I still feel it’s Occipital nerves but I bring it up to either of my Neuro Drs that they blow it off n schedule me for a 6 month ck up just to make sure the lil do dads they put in for my Cervical Fushion. I feel like I still need to wear my neck brace just to help hold my head up n for cushioned support. I’ve tried all the deep breathing n that don’t seem to help. One dr says it’s probably time to go see the Mayo Clinic as next resort. But I have my appt that took a year to get in at U of M hosp n Ann Arbor. I sure pray they can help. I’ve got my CD in hand of my MRI’s of Cervical, Brain, Thoracic n Lumbar. The Neurologist I went to back in 18’ who said it was occipital issues I was sent there through pain management but those blocks just the 2 the Dr gave me hurt so bad that I didn’t wanna go back. Like they hurt me worse. I just feel so loopy drunk like and I don’t drink. Base my skull painful 24/7 n can’t find a good spot to lay on my pillow. These lite headed spells make me so sickly. Tinnitus screaming at me. But I wonder if the vibrations I have at my feet up to my waist could be in connection w the neck pain?? One Dr says it could be spinal n another said maybe brain. I’m starting to forget things a lot so Dr gave me something for Dementia to slow that down. But I can just feel this pain in back my head is causing me to feel loopy or drunk, depends on me hanging my head down as to read. It’s like a supply of something is cut off. I’m not too sure how compression on your spine could connect w that. I read once long ago when I first started googling bout these issues I have. I know I’m missing out on a lot of family activities by staying distance from them cause I don’t want my husband of 44 years or daughter to see me like this. I hurt, had chronic pain since 2007. I have extreme Vertigo so bad. Those pills for it don’t seem to help either. GOD Bless us all I pray 1 Dr can give me some answers! I just want to live again! I wish, But I Don’t, that just 1 Dr can feel what I’m going through for 30 seconds n say to me, I think I know what it is or We can try this or that! Thank you for your support n I hope I’ve touched base w someone here that’s also going through these things. I don’t just do 1 thing as my Dear Husband says, You have to have a bunch of things wrong. I feel for anyone that’s in this same situation. So for those of you who do know about spinal cord stimulators, like had one, imagine having it it turned up full speed. I usually say or say how Angry these r right now. I did have mine removed 2 years ago n they made sure to remove all leads so that’s been cleared of not causing the vibrations. I’m just so happy to google bout internal Vibrations that led me here cause I didn’t think I was the only one. Thank you so much for all the support there is here. I’m Not the only one, n it’s not all in my head. Thank you!

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Hi, i have those internal vibrations in my head and body and the Neurologist is clueless about it have an appointment on the 22nd of March to do some test and encefalogram. Now i also am having like anxiety very bad that can't sleep, Took a 0.25 xanax last night and after five hours i woke up at 3:30 am and with my blood pressure on 150/84 so i have to take some tea and Parcha fruit that they say lowers the BP. I am going crazy with these vibrations and not knowing what are they from.


Hi, i have those internal vibrations in my head and body and the Neurologist is clueless about it have an appointment on the 22nd of March to do some test and encefalogram. Now i also am having like anxiety very bad that can't sleep, Took a 0.25 xanax last night and after five hours i woke up at 3:30 am and with my blood pressure on 150/84 so i have to take some tea and Parcha fruit that they say lowers the BP. I am going crazy with these vibrations and not knowing what are they from.

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I did have the EEG test and of course my Vibrations was really angry that day. It was my birthday so I remembered it. Was a painful test of prickling my legs but the tests came back fine. No problem on its end. So that didn’t register these Vibrations so what could these be from? Don’t wanna did you bout the test but that’s how it came out for me. Get MRI’s all over your body. Like my Dr ordered Brain, Cervical, Thoracic n Lumbar but only thing my Neurosurgeon saw was the cyst n my spine at mid back area that may be preventing fluid to flow through properly. So I’m wondering could these be from a disturbed nerve ? Do Nerves show up on MRI’s ? I’m not sure bout that. So just wondering n will do a Dr Google search. I pray you have luck w your upcoming test. When ya get those results please respond back. Take care n hugs 🤗


I did have the EEG test and of course my Vibrations was really angry that day. It was my birthday so I remembered it. Was a painful test of prickling my legs but the tests came back fine. No problem on its end. So that didn’t register these Vibrations so what could these be from? Don’t wanna did you bout the test but that’s how it came out for me. Get MRI’s all over your body. Like my Dr ordered Brain, Cervical, Thoracic n Lumbar but only thing my Neurosurgeon saw was the cyst n my spine at mid back area that may be preventing fluid to flow through properly. So I’m wondering could these be from a disturbed nerve ? Do Nerves show up on MRI’s ? I’m not sure bout that. So just wondering n will do a Dr Google search. I pray you have luck w your upcoming test. When ya get those results please respond back. Take care n hugs 🤗

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Will let you know, they up my appt to March 8


I've had nerve blocks, which provides some relief but didn't last long. But I also have facet joint issues throughout my neck and also had a c5 c6 fusion over a year ago. I just completed a neck ablation from the c2 to c4 three days ago. So far, this has been a good decision. My pain has been reduced dramatically. Before having this procedure, I couldn't sleep in any position. Couldn't lay on my back either. Had immense pain throughout both sides of my head, face, behind my eyes, checks, etc. It hurt to even lay my head down. But, I am hopeful that this procedure will continue to provide relief. I still have pain on the left side of my head and base of neck but it is decreased quite a bit. My suggestion is to look into trying a nerve block and discuss whether or not you are a candidate for an ablation. An ablation is burning the nerve endings in the neck, making it so your brain doesn't get the messages that your in pain. I hope you find some relief soon. This condition is not fun at all.


Anyone with this condition? How was it diagnosed? It does not come up in MRI o X rays. Treatment?

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