Any one live with an aneurysm for a long time without much growth?

Posted by kkubsky @kkubsky, Apr 16, 2023

I am trying to follow the advice of my dr and learn to live with my aneurysm. It has been about 1 1/2 yrs since it was an incidental finding on a CT. I have no idea how long it has been there or why I have it. My drs (cardiologist and surgeon) both seem to think I should go live my life, albeit with a few restrictions. I am really trying but I constantly think about the need for surgery in the future. Or if my activities are causing it to grow. Or will it dissect? I have read posts from some others that have had an aneurysm for decades without much change. It makes me wonder how long most people have lived with it, without needing surgery.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Aortic Aneurysms Support Group.

He may not respond to you but you still have the right to a second opinion
If he won’t respond to you go to your insurance company and complain about about him and tell them you want another doctor
If you make your own medical decisions you do have rights and don’t let them tell you that you don’t
The HIPPA law are to protect you and your rights and your privacy
I worked in a group and learned about the right of my patients
You even have the right to view your medical records all of them if you want you make a request in writing to where you want to see them and what you want to see
And they will set a day and a time for you to see them
There are medical laws you can contact the AMA and file complaints against Doctors
I’m just saying though you do have the right to a second opinion no matter what he says
I hope you do get a second opinion I if that’s what makes you more comfortable with what’s going on with you health
I’m here if I can help you I will
Right now you can’t do to much about because it’s the 4th of July weekend so don’t stress about it and try to enjoy your holiday weekend and after the weekend you can get something done about how you feel
And your concerns with your health
Happy 4th my friend


Although he didn’t respond to me in his portal. I will try again later today. Usually his nurse will message me or call me by the end of the day to respond to whatever I’m concerned about but the last time I got zero responses.
It’s Saturday and he is probably not open but my message will be in there Monday although I don’t know if he will be in Monday due to the July 4th holiday. But I will message him after this response from you.
Thank You

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I never thought to ask my insurance company for a list of in-network cardiovascular surgeons.
Usually they always gave me at least 3 names to choose from. If I don’t hear from my PCP I will resort to my insurance company. They are very accommodating as they would rather I fix it now than wait until it bursts because that could be a lot more expensive than putting a stent in (if I survive one). Don’t forget, it’s torn already.


Although he didn’t respond to me in his portal. I will try again later today. Usually his nurse will message me or call me by the end of the day to respond to whatever I’m concerned about but the last time I got zero responses.
It’s Saturday and he is probably not open but my message will be in there Monday although I don’t know if he will be in Monday due to the July 4th holiday. But I will message him after this response from you.
Thank You

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When discovered my aneurysm measured 4cm. One year plus a few months after being released from the doctor’s care and told I should have yearly checks, I ended up in the ER with a dissecting aorta. I was life flighted to Mayo (2 hrs away) and had surgery for an emergency aortic dissection. Exactly what we all try to avoid. My family doctor was working on getting me an appointment because I was running into scheduling problems. My aneurysm was 4.5 at the time of my surgery. I was repaired with graphs in 3 places and a stent was inserted in one of the graphs also (descending). I had no health issues previously, non smoker, no high BP, no family history, nothing. Please keep searching for a hospital or doctor that will listen to you. Give you advice. Find someone you can trust. I’m one of the lucky ones. I could have the same thing happen tomorrow but until then, I walked 2 miles and biked 6 miles today. Over the 4th I boated with my grandkids, played on the Lilly pad and rode the jet ski❤️ Keep trying to find someone that will give you more info. Yes I am on once a year checks also but this time no scheduling problems. Best wishes.


When discovered my aneurysm measured 4cm. One year plus a few months after being released from the doctor’s care and told I should have yearly checks, I ended up in the ER with a dissecting aorta. I was life flighted to Mayo (2 hrs away) and had surgery for an emergency aortic dissection. Exactly what we all try to avoid. My family doctor was working on getting me an appointment because I was running into scheduling problems. My aneurysm was 4.5 at the time of my surgery. I was repaired with graphs in 3 places and a stent was inserted in one of the graphs also (descending). I had no health issues previously, non smoker, no high BP, no family history, nothing. Please keep searching for a hospital or doctor that will listen to you. Give you advice. Find someone you can trust. I’m one of the lucky ones. I could have the same thing happen tomorrow but until then, I walked 2 miles and biked 6 miles today. Over the 4th I boated with my grandkids, played on the Lilly pad and rode the jet ski❤️ Keep trying to find someone that will give you more info. Yes I am on once a year checks also but this time no scheduling problems. Best wishes.

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Hi and thanks for your reply. First off, did you have any pain coming from or around your aneurysm? I have no pain in the abdominal area where my torn aortic aneurysm is. Do I wait for pain? Or is that kind of too close for comfort?

It’s been over a week since I left my PCP another portal message with no response. I’m wondering if he dropped me. His nurse always messages me back by the end of the day but she hasn’t.

My PCP is not responding. I have a regular cardiologist but I don’t know if he handles aneurysms. I will call him to ask.

Unlike you I had a mechanical aortic heart valve replacement done in 2015 and I’ve been on a blood thinner since. I am also a type two diabetic on no meds as I’m doing good. On June 22 I had a 10:00 appointment with my PCP and I arrived 11 minutes late due to my having to rely on a non emergency transportation company. Being 11 minutes late I missed my appointment and they said it was too late.
My ride came to my home at 9:55 for a 10:00 appointment and his office is 15 minutes away. I decided to chance it but I lost.
It was rescheduled for June 26, 4 days later due to it being a weekend. The appointment was made for 11:00. The driver arrived at my home at 12:45. Much to late so I refused the ride.
I notified my PCP that I wouldn’t make it.
The non emergency transportation company is the only one in the entire state so it’s not like I can switch to a more reliable transportation provider.
Now I looked at the portal and it’s blank regarding appointments.
It’s crazy. To day I have an 11:00 appointment with another doctor and the appointment is at 11:00 and they haven’t called me to verify yet but it’s only 9:35.
My 11:00 appointment is listed in their portal as pick up time 9:30 tonight for a morning 11:00 appointment today and it says “ to arrive at 3:30!” So they are picking me up at 9:35 tonight for an afternoon appointment at 3:30 when the appointment is at 11:00 this morning.


Hi and thanks for your reply. First off, did you have any pain coming from or around your aneurysm? I have no pain in the abdominal area where my torn aortic aneurysm is. Do I wait for pain? Or is that kind of too close for comfort?

It’s been over a week since I left my PCP another portal message with no response. I’m wondering if he dropped me. His nurse always messages me back by the end of the day but she hasn’t.

My PCP is not responding. I have a regular cardiologist but I don’t know if he handles aneurysms. I will call him to ask.

Unlike you I had a mechanical aortic heart valve replacement done in 2015 and I’ve been on a blood thinner since. I am also a type two diabetic on no meds as I’m doing good. On June 22 I had a 10:00 appointment with my PCP and I arrived 11 minutes late due to my having to rely on a non emergency transportation company. Being 11 minutes late I missed my appointment and they said it was too late.
My ride came to my home at 9:55 for a 10:00 appointment and his office is 15 minutes away. I decided to chance it but I lost.
It was rescheduled for June 26, 4 days later due to it being a weekend. The appointment was made for 11:00. The driver arrived at my home at 12:45. Much to late so I refused the ride.
I notified my PCP that I wouldn’t make it.
The non emergency transportation company is the only one in the entire state so it’s not like I can switch to a more reliable transportation provider.
Now I looked at the portal and it’s blank regarding appointments.
It’s crazy. To day I have an 11:00 appointment with another doctor and the appointment is at 11:00 and they haven’t called me to verify yet but it’s only 9:35.
My 11:00 appointment is listed in their portal as pick up time 9:30 tonight for a morning 11:00 appointment today and it says “ to arrive at 3:30!” So they are picking me up at 9:35 tonight for an afternoon appointment at 3:30 when the appointment is at 11:00 this morning.

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Absolutely no pain or warning. I no longer lift anything that makes me grunt, groan or hold my breath - it’s a hard rule to follow! I’m very active!


Absolutely no pain or warning. I no longer lift anything that makes me grunt, groan or hold my breath - it’s a hard rule to follow! I’m very active!

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No pain before your surgery to warn you of imminent surgery? And none after. How was it found?


My aortic aneurysm is 4.3 steady last 2 6month scans. But it was 3.9 in 2018 when discovered. I also have a brain aneurysm, illiac and renal arteries with aneurysms and spleen. Gene study showed LOX DEFECT. Anyone else have that? Only named in 2019 as I understand and not much info out there, but similar to Marfans, Loeys-Dietz syndrome which "is a disorder that affects the connective tissue in many parts of the body." No collagen in middle layer of arteries. But not common enough to have data other than I heard of an 11yr old that ruptured with LOX. And my cuz has had 2 surgeries for aneurysms of ascending and descending aorta. PS-mother passed at 66 and 11months from aortic rupture, didn't know she had until autopsy. Inherited from mom, and I'm 66 now. Nice to meet this group. Any other LOX gene defect people out there??


No pain before your surgery to warn you of imminent surgery? And none after. How was it found?

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No pain before surgery. I have had a fractured sternum from a car accident. I kind of felt pressure on my chest - nothing great or hurting. My aneurism in the sending arch was found by accident, like so many. I had a blood clot in my kidney and it was discovered in some tests. Doctors acted like it was no big deal, just keep an eye on it.

I have to say that my surgery at Mayo (although extensive) did not cause much pain. I had excellent pain control in the hospital and went home on Tylenol and used it three times a day for about 3 months on and off. I walked, walked, and walked as much as I could. To be honest, I had knee surgery three years ago and it was much worse than my aortic dissection surgery.


I am currently 64, and like so many others my aneurysm was found incidentally (in 2017). At that time it was 4.2, and now is 4.8.

There seems to be precious little good information on how to safely live your life as your doctors suggested. For sure, no heavy, grunting weight lifting. I work with light weights three times per week.

I used to play softball and run, but when I got the 4.8 measurement quit both and switched to walking. I am now mixing a one mile run in the middle of my four mile loop. It’s not much but at least I feel a little more athletic. We know that a spike in our blood pressure is our enemy, and I am trying to navigate doing too little vs too much.


I am currently 64, and like so many others my aneurysm was found incidentally (in 2017). At that time it was 4.2, and now is 4.8.

There seems to be precious little good information on how to safely live your life as your doctors suggested. For sure, no heavy, grunting weight lifting. I work with light weights three times per week.

I used to play softball and run, but when I got the 4.8 measurement quit both and switched to walking. I am now mixing a one mile run in the middle of my four mile loop. It’s not much but at least I feel a little more athletic. We know that a spike in our blood pressure is our enemy, and I am trying to navigate doing too little vs too much.

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I hear you. I wish more research regarding how to stay fit and not spike our blood pressure would be posted… I am being very conservative… 3 mile walk daily and that’s it! Was told to keep my BP ( systolic) below 130 by my future cardio vascular surgeon should aneurysm dissect; but, I just read that the bottom number is critical to keep down too, as well as heart rate. So I am trying to keep my heart rate below 120. When I am anxious, BO and HR spike (labile hypertension) my aneurysm is 4.2 and I am 63. I try to keep my BP at around 110/70 or less without medication except occasional anti anxiety medication low dose if I am stressed. I haven’t have my 1st follow up echo or CT, so I can only trust God that it is ‘t growing as I am doing everything I know to do… but the medical research and info is woefully inadequate in my view. It sounds like you’re doing everything well to keep yours from expanding to quickly. If you find new info on exercise, please post😃

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