Benzodiazepine class action law suit

Posted by shake @shake, Nov 4, 2022

Has anyone looked into a class action law suit regarding Benzodiazepines?

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Some can easily switch from one benzo to the next. I switched straight over from Xanax to Valium no problem. Some have a hard time doing a direct switch. You need to speak with your doctor about this before the switch. The majority of these doctors don’t have a good grasp on how to taper Benzos or antidepressants.

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When I was hospitalized for 2 months literally dying from internal bleeding. (story for another day). Klonopin was stopped cold turkey. After begging for Klonopin for so long they gave me an adavan. Ha! One every 24 hours! Not acceptable. " Ok, one every 12 hours. That was it. Didn't help much being so far apart from each other. So replacing one benzo for another doesn't work for me.


Does ten years count? I think so. I will see what it says when I get a chance to research it thanks!

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I was on 3mgs. per day of Xanax for 25 years. I wish I’d only been on ten years. My journey may have been easier.


I only take a 0.5 mg in the morning and 1 mg at 4:00.
It’s still too much as far as I’m concerned. Especially since it’s done nothing for my GAD.


You really need to switch to Valium. Valium has a much longer half than Ativan. As I say over and over, the vast majority of doctors do not have the first clue how to taper Benzos or antidepressants. You have to take control of the situation.

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Sears, thanks for getting back to me…you’re right he has no idea what to do with me, I will be speaking with him in July and I will run it by him again..if he has any doubts about it then I’m sure the information is out there for him to validate what I said.


Andytheman, I’m in a similar situation and I know it’s unbelievably stressful..I don’t have a lot of available medical care so I’m dealing with a doctor I’ve been with for 23 years…he’s older now and set in his ways…he’s also the doctor that helped me get addicted and now he doesn’t want much to do with me anymore…why do I stay with him you ask, well the Gods truth is that I won’t find another doctor who will help me with my problem and I am too emotionally stressed to be tough and see it through…this is a sad situation I find myself in but there is some truth in it that we find comfort in numbers so I am grateful I found this connection.


Andytheman, I’m in a similar situation and I know it’s unbelievably stressful..I don’t have a lot of available medical care so I’m dealing with a doctor I’ve been with for 23 years…he’s older now and set in his ways…he’s also the doctor that helped me get addicted and now he doesn’t want much to do with me anymore…why do I stay with him you ask, well the Gods truth is that I won’t find another doctor who will help me with my problem and I am too emotionally stressed to be tough and see it through…this is a sad situation I find myself in but there is some truth in it that we find comfort in numbers so I am grateful I found this connection.

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OMG! Your story is almost identical to mine 4 years ago. Mine is a little different because I did find another doctor.


OMG! Your story is almost identical to mine 4 years ago. Mine is a little different because I did find another doctor.

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I wish they printed a list for us naming all the doctors who care dearly for people like us and also help us with the medication we need…I willing to bet you that it’s a very, very short list lol 😆


I wish they printed a list for us naming all the doctors who care dearly for people like us and also help us with the medication we need…I willing to bet you that it’s a very, very short list lol 😆

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It took me months to find another doctor and I live in a large city. Most doctors do not want to take on another doctors benzo patient nor do they want to take over 65’s which I was also. It was a mess.


I’m really scared to take on more than I can handle…since I became a cancer patient three years ago I started slowly having a meltdown…I’m an ex smoker and I knew the risks but sadly I lacked the self esteem and mostly self love…I did however quit and I felt like a rockstar…I was clean 9 years before I got lung cancer…it’s been a rough journey made worse by the pandemic…I’m a 3 year survivor and I’m happy but I’m just mentally and physically exhausted. I’m not making excuses and I don’t enjoy being a victim so I still haven’t given up this battle, just voicing my concerns.


I wish they printed a list for us naming all the doctors who care dearly for people like us and also help us with the medication we need…I willing to bet you that it’s a very, very short list lol 😆

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Fortunately my insurance company has a list of psychiatrist but it doesn’t say how any of these psychiatrists work. They don’t have Benzo psychiatrists but it’s hit or miss.

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