Benzodiazepine class action law suit

Posted by shake @shake, Nov 4, 2022

Has anyone looked into a class action law suit regarding Benzodiazepines?

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I am so sorry this has happened to you. I just don’t know where to go from here. The doctors have gotten so many in a terrible mess with the opioids and the benzodiazepines.

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...a doctor at emerge said to me, my age group, the family and other doctors gave it to us as "unhappy housewife syndrome" although I worked out for a living! Also read somewhere reason doctors didn't take us off but kept prescribing is because they had no Plan in place to help us with withdrawal symptoms! Sad Many years ago I did not have computer to check all this and just kept taking ... NEVER ever asked by family dr. whether or not I was even taking - could have been selling it on the street !! Am sure many meds are similar - not criticizing all Dr. but its for SHORT TERM use not "forever" Ugh


...a doctor at emerge said to me, my age group, the family and other doctors gave it to us as "unhappy housewife syndrome" although I worked out for a living! Also read somewhere reason doctors didn't take us off but kept prescribing is because they had no Plan in place to help us with withdrawal symptoms! Sad Many years ago I did not have computer to check all this and just kept taking ... NEVER ever asked by family dr. whether or not I was even taking - could have been selling it on the street !! Am sure many meds are similar - not criticizing all Dr. but its for SHORT TERM use not "forever" Ugh

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My GP knew I was prescribed 3 mgs. Xanax and 40 mgs. Paxil per day for 25 years. I asked a few times what he thought about the meds and the doses. He always said “you’re not on too much medication you seem to be doing just fine.” So I have two doctors turning me into an addict and now we’re being hung out to dry and treated like street addicts.


In what country are they taken off of the market? I am in Canada and I am on Clonazepam.5 four times a day. Where is there a class action suit on this? I haven’t seen anything about it and I think my doctor wouldn’t know I’ve been on it since January I really wish I wasn’t but there’s nothing else that’s worked for anxiety even though this still doesn’t totally work either. I’m not on any anti-depressants. It’s just to help control my anxiety. For those that didn’t get off of it what did you take instead? Or did you just go without him? How do you manage your anxiety?

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@vsby I also live in Canada and haven't read or heard anything about a class action lawsuit over here. I was warned long ago by my doctor that he felt they would possibly take these meds off the market, this was about 5 years ago. I read about it here and how brutal they're being to people that use this med and not doing very much about the chaos they're causing for innocent victims. I continue to try and reduce my meds but it's very random, on good days I'm doing well but I have more bad days so I don't stay on the same program when I feel so bad because I can't. My doctor also said he would never do this to a patient but truth be known, I don't believe and I only base this on how unavailable he's been for the past three years, thus I have very little faith in him and the medical system.


I'd just like to post my experience as it might help someone. In 2004 I was prescribed .5mg of Xanax for nocturnal panic attacks/insomnia and laryngeal dystonia. I slowly increased to 1 - 1.5mg over time. My internal medicine doctor was fine with 45 pills per month, which I never used all of - until she wasn't. That was bout 6 or 7 years in. She then sent me to a psychiatrist. He switched me over to Klonopin as he felt it was a safer drug. He told me if I ever had to increase to 2mg/day, that would be it. Any more than that would be bad. I listened and continued taking 1-1/2mg Klonopin at bedtime only. Eventually, I was discharged and went back to my internist. She agreed to continue the Rx but had me sign a form swearing I would not have anyone else prescribe it. I moved from Florida to Georgia in 2018, 14 years after taking a nightly benzo, and not thinking anything of it. My new doctor gave me a serious lecture about the terrible addictive nature of this drug and it was affecting my CNS. She asked about my use of it; so I told her 1mg at bedtime and if I woke at 2 or 3 and couldn't fall asleep, I would take .5 (maybe once or twice a week) so she gave me only 35 pills instead of 45. She left the practice and the next doctor lectured me again. He left and several nurse practitioners that followed lectured me again. Then they suddenly stopped prescribing them to anyone and referred me to a psychiatrist. He lectured me on the dangers of the drug and told me I should get off them. I argued and he did a lot of psychoanalyzing why I was dependent on this drug. I started feeling like an addict because I realized my dependence. Even though it was just at bedtime, I would panic if I didn't have them, or forgot to take it. I started researching benzos and decided it was best if I weaned off. He promised me a very slow taper and held to his word. I started with him in July of last year. He did not force a taper, but got me to the point that I accepted it (with some hesitancy) . We started in January and he cut back to 30 pills per month (no more 1/2) I stayed there successfully for 2 months. We then went to .75mg (using .5pills but with splitting, I could take 1 1/2) I found that the second month I stopped the 1/2 pill and couldn't tell much difference. Month 5, I tapered again to .5, and mid-way through Month 6, I reduced to .375mg on my own. Next week I will be at .25mg and I'm doing fine. It actually feels empowering to finally be free of the dependence on this drug and by August I should be free. I do want to mention some supplements I've been taking that help. Magnesium L-threonate 400mg, Zinc 50 mg, L-theanine 200mg and occasional .5 melatonin. I have had some sleepless nights along the way, not much anxiety, and no other side effects. I think the key is having a doctor who doesn't push and goes very slowly to let you CNS recover and get used to being without the drug. I wish you all the very best. I'm looking forward to turning 65 in August and free from Klonopin. It doesn't have to be painful if done humanly. 7 1/2 month taper for me. I can see the finish line!


@vsby I also live in Canada and haven't read or heard anything about a class action lawsuit over here. I was warned long ago by my doctor that he felt they would possibly take these meds off the market, this was about 5 years ago. I read about it here and how brutal they're being to people that use this med and not doing very much about the chaos they're causing for innocent victims. I continue to try and reduce my meds but it's very random, on good days I'm doing well but I have more bad days so I don't stay on the same program when I feel so bad because I can't. My doctor also said he would never do this to a patient but truth be known, I don't believe and I only base this on how unavailable he's been for the past three years, thus I have very little faith in him and the medical system.

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hi, no I don't think Canada has many lawsuut but that could be re our relatively small population? Well if you Dr. told you 5 yrs ago they maybe would take off the market, why was I given them for so long I wonder. I did read of a man trying to take action/maybe suing for a doctor here, recently, who had him on them 5 weeks and hadnt told him could be addictive, well me its over fifteen years and one a day a bedtime! OMG I feel it takes a "special person" to be a Doctor and findtime to deal with mental and physcial issues.. rare where I live. I think it's better in USA - many years ago in Florida for first visit and Dr. there very good !


I am so sorry this has happened to you. I just don’t know where to go from here. The doctors have gotten so many in a terrible mess with the opioids and the benzodiazepines.

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... I think years ago, too, it was an "easy fix" for doctors... psychiatrist put me on for sleeping and turned me back to fam. dr. who , as I say, kept prescribing for 15 years plus... no questions asked: now you have to try and take yourself off; although nurse practitioner now gives one a day, 30 per prescription, I will never be off them unless they quit making them and infact the Rivotril brand is now made in a different "factory" maybe due to patent run out?


hi, no I don't think Canada has many lawsuut but that could be re our relatively small population? Well if you Dr. told you 5 yrs ago they maybe would take off the market, why was I given them for so long I wonder. I did read of a man trying to take action/maybe suing for a doctor here, recently, who had him on them 5 weeks and hadnt told him could be addictive, well me its over fifteen years and one a day a bedtime! OMG I feel it takes a "special person" to be a Doctor and findtime to deal with mental and physcial issues.. rare where I live. I think it's better in USA - many years ago in Florida for first visit and Dr. there very good !

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I have to agree with you, after reading how many doctors people have, my God, we have a shortage here of both doctors and nurses, lots of waiting for an appointment and surgery cancelations…when my cancer surgery was delayed a nurse told me that they have three units in the hospital that are empty due to lack of medical workers. I can remember for years that our medical professionals were going to work outside of Canada because they could earn more goes to show you that not all doctors and nurses are in the profession because they have a great concern for humanity.


... I think years ago, too, it was an "easy fix" for doctors... psychiatrist put me on for sleeping and turned me back to fam. dr. who , as I say, kept prescribing for 15 years plus... no questions asked: now you have to try and take yourself off; although nurse practitioner now gives one a day, 30 per prescription, I will never be off them unless they quit making them and infact the Rivotril brand is now made in a different "factory" maybe due to patent run out?

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I really don’t think benzodiazepines will ever be taken off the market. The problem is more and more doctors have stopped prescribing to new patients for more than a few weeks and the doctors are forcing existing patients to taper. The CDC and DEA don’t like opioids or Benzos. The doctors are being pressured. My own personal physchiatrist was banned from Walmart several years ago due what they felt was an overprescribing of benzodiazepines. This is what it’s coming to. I have been tapering Xanax for almost 4 years now.


@vsby I also live in Canada and haven't read or heard anything about a class action lawsuit over here. I was warned long ago by my doctor that he felt they would possibly take these meds off the market, this was about 5 years ago. I read about it here and how brutal they're being to people that use this med and not doing very much about the chaos they're causing for innocent victims. I continue to try and reduce my meds but it's very random, on good days I'm doing well but I have more bad days so I don't stay on the same program when I feel so bad because I can't. My doctor also said he would never do this to a patient but truth be known, I don't believe and I only base this on how unavailable he's been for the past three years, thus I have very little faith in him and the medical system.

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Thank you. I don’t know what to do. I have tried to many and they all get me sick. Stomach or plugged up to the point of pain.

Today is not a good day in pain, high stress, moving ina few weeks.

I wish the pains would all go away


I hope you feel better soon..moving is very stressful so I truly sympathize with you…try to take it easy and relax, the moving will be better to deal with, good luck 🤞

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