Benzodiazepine class action law suit

Posted by shake @shake, Nov 4, 2022

Has anyone looked into a class action law suit regarding Benzodiazepines?

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I haven’t had a problem with my endocrinologist prescribing Kolonopin. Ben taking 1 mg a nigh since 1991 and no word I have to stop.

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Hope and pray your doctor never dies or retires. Ask him what you would do if he should die or retire. Who would continue to prescribe for you?


That's what I was afraid of, once again they stick it to the people to find their own way to cope. I don't know what to do anymore, I personally have a lot of problems and I'm older and very life weary, I'm not saying that I want to die anytime soon but if I have to go through a forced withdrawal, I'm not so confident that I have the strength to succeed... the majority of my fears are primarily based on cancer coming back, I admire people who are strong and fighting back with all their might...I too was always a fighter. If a lawsuit was started against big pharma, it will take many, many years to see some results, in the meantime more people will get into trouble or perhaps die and frankly I think that's exactly what they want. I apologize for sounding so morose, I'm not at my best right now and I do enjoy being more encouraging to others, I shall try harder to get it together, amen.


Klonopin/Clonazepam has been an absolute nightmare trying to get off of 3mg after 4 1/2 years, However do not give up, try to find a practitioner who will use a shorter acting benzo and very gradually taper down. It has taken 9 months to nearly taper completely off. These Benzodiazepines are an evil drug that will hook you directly to hell if used longer than a couple months. These manufacturers should be sued over the severe addiction issues and taken off the market after a $100 Million dollar lawsuit. Money over people is what this drug is all about.

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In what country are they taken off of the market? I am in Canada and I am on Clonazepam.5 four times a day. Where is there a class action suit on this? I haven’t seen anything about it and I think my doctor wouldn’t know I’ve been on it since January I really wish I wasn’t but there’s nothing else that’s worked for anxiety even though this still doesn’t totally work either. I’m not on any anti-depressants. It’s just to help control my anxiety. For those that didn’t get off of it what did you take instead? Or did you just go without him? How do you manage your anxiety?


In what country are they taken off of the market? I am in Canada and I am on Clonazepam.5 four times a day. Where is there a class action suit on this? I haven’t seen anything about it and I think my doctor wouldn’t know I’ve been on it since January I really wish I wasn’t but there’s nothing else that’s worked for anxiety even though this still doesn’t totally work either. I’m not on any anti-depressants. It’s just to help control my anxiety. For those that didn’t get off of it what did you take instead? Or did you just go without him? How do you manage your anxiety?

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Klonopin has been an extremely addictive and very difficult drug to get off of but I was lucky enough to find a prescriber who is very knowledgeable on using a benzo with a shorter half life and gradually tapering and after 9 months I getting closer to stopping it altogether. There were a few days years ago when I was on a higher dose and ran out for 3 days and ended up at the emergency room.
Take care,
John J
On Friday, June 16, 2023 at 09:11:22 AM PDT, Mayo Clinic Connect wrote:



Klonopin has been an extremely addictive and very difficult drug to get off of but I was lucky enough to find a prescriber who is very knowledgeable on using a benzo with a shorter half life and gradually tapering and after 9 months I getting closer to stopping it altogether. There were a few days years ago when I was on a higher dose and ran out for 3 days and ended up at the emergency room.
Take care,
John J
On Friday, June 16, 2023 at 09:11:22 AM PDT, Mayo Clinic Connect wrote:


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I am seeing my doctor Tuesday. Did take something else for anxiety.

How long I did take you to wean off?? Please. I will listen to his instructions just curious


Will try to keep this short: I was and still am on Clonazepam / Rivotril for O OVER FIFTEEN YEARS. Two family dr. took over prescribing after a visit with Psychiatrist and just kept on renewing prescription every 3 months for 90 pills!! Feb.2019 I had a bit of b reakdown after C.Diff year before, went to hospital and new trainee psychiatrist took me off it after my last 5 pills from fam. dr. !!!! My fam. dr later said, too soon and put me on half the small dose but it was horrible. I am in Canada and the Province I live in have recognized the addictive nature of this drug but no one tells the Patient and in those days I didnt have Internet and also trusted the Dr. and Pharmacist. When fam dr left and moved I was going to emerge. dept. to get these pills and I told one dr. I feel like a drug seeker: YOU ARE she said *at age 78) give me a break. I have pharmacy records for last 10 yrs to show they were prescribed but now it's a huge deal to get them (Ontario) We dont have a lot of class action suits here.


- sorry I meant to keep it short!


You’re correct that doctors know about tapering. The fact of the matter is that most want to taper much, much too quickly. The docs don’t want to deal with patients who have been on Benzos for decades and require very long tapers. They give ridiculously short taper schedules that are harming people horribly. Doctors don’t want to be in the tapering business, they just want to make a whole lot of money writing scripts. Long time PRESCRIBED benzo patients are treated like dogs by the same doctor s that prescribed them in the first place. The exact same doctors that said they weren’t addictive and safe. Benzo patients are in a bad place right now. The doctors don’t want to prescribe them anymore but don’t want to do what’s necessary to help their very addicted patients come off these drugs in a humane manner.

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You described this epidemic so well. I was on a high dose of Alprazolam for 10+ years- 2mg bars 2-3 times daily. The doctor (M.D.)lost his license and left me scrambling to find another Dr to prescribe it. It was not easy at all, but I finally found a psychiatrist. Currently I am getting 0.5mg 2× daily for 3 months now. It's been hell on Earth. From what I've read, there has never been a lawsuit brought forth in the U.S.
I feel like this would be the only way to stop some Dr's from prescribing high doses for long periods of time. I don't think it will help me directly, but I believe it's 1000% necessary.


Will try to keep this short: I was and still am on Clonazepam / Rivotril for O OVER FIFTEEN YEARS. Two family dr. took over prescribing after a visit with Psychiatrist and just kept on renewing prescription every 3 months for 90 pills!! Feb.2019 I had a bit of b reakdown after C.Diff year before, went to hospital and new trainee psychiatrist took me off it after my last 5 pills from fam. dr. !!!! My fam. dr later said, too soon and put me on half the small dose but it was horrible. I am in Canada and the Province I live in have recognized the addictive nature of this drug but no one tells the Patient and in those days I didnt have Internet and also trusted the Dr. and Pharmacist. When fam dr left and moved I was going to emerge. dept. to get these pills and I told one dr. I feel like a drug seeker: YOU ARE she said *at age 78) give me a break. I have pharmacy records for last 10 yrs to show they were prescribed but now it's a huge deal to get them (Ontario) We dont have a lot of class action suits here.

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Thank you for sharing your experience. This is so unacceptable, no matter where in the world.


You described this epidemic so well. I was on a high dose of Alprazolam for 10+ years- 2mg bars 2-3 times daily. The doctor (M.D.)lost his license and left me scrambling to find another Dr to prescribe it. It was not easy at all, but I finally found a psychiatrist. Currently I am getting 0.5mg 2× daily for 3 months now. It's been hell on Earth. From what I've read, there has never been a lawsuit brought forth in the U.S.
I feel like this would be the only way to stop some Dr's from prescribing high doses for long periods of time. I don't think it will help me directly, but I believe it's 1000% necessary.

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I am so sorry this has happened to you. I just don’t know where to go from here. The doctors have gotten so many in a terrible mess with the opioids and the benzodiazepines.

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