Anyone have input on living with symptoms from cardiomyopathy?

Posted by retirement75 @retirement75, Apr 14, 2022

Does anyone have input on living with symptoms from cardiomyopathy, I.e., shortness of breath, angina and heart arrhythmia. Other than meds, it’s a challenge to mentally accept and live with this.

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O2 (Oxygen Percent) should be 98% or better. Mine goes up and down, from 50 to 100%. Rather frightening, I believe. oldkarl

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My o2 goes very low as well. It's so strange.


Hello @bevjune, and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. I noticed that you are posting on the Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Group, or HCM. You said you were recently diagnosed with "HTM". I am not familiar with that acronym, can you enlighten me on HTM? You mention also you are taking meds prescribed by a heart doctor, but you were given no further information regarding what else you should be doing for your newly diagnosed condition. That would be very stressful, no wonder you are concerned. Can you explain what HTM is?

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My mistake. I thought I had seen that abbreviation. I will use HCM which makes more sense.
Thank you for the info.
I take my blood pressure at least 2 times a day. Not happy with it but Heart Doctor says it's ok.
I may change doctors but That is not easy.


My mistake. I thought I had seen that abbreviation. I will use HCM which makes more sense.
Thank you for the info.
I take my blood pressure at least 2 times a day. Not happy with it but Heart Doctor says it's ok.
I may change doctors but That is not easy.

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@bevjune, there are so many acronyms out there in the world, it's no wonder we all get mixed up! I'm glad you found the Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy group. You mentioned you were recently diagnosed and then not given any more information. That would be frustrating indeed! HCM is not something that many cardiologists are familiar with. The symptoms seem to fit a lot of different heart issues...and lots of people, myself included, go misdiagnosed or undiagnosed for a long time. In this day and age, it certainly isn't easy to change doctors, but to find a cardiologist who specializes in HCM is really difficult. It is really important to learn as much as you can about your condition and to educate yourself about treatment options, medications, exercise and other life activities. If your doctor is not familiar with HCM, you have to be your own advocate. You will find a lot of information on this site. Take a poke around and read up on others with this same condition. What test or study did you have that your doctor finally decided you had HCM? Do you live near a Center of Excellence (COE)?


@bevjune, there are so many acronyms out there in the world, it's no wonder we all get mixed up! I'm glad you found the Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy group. You mentioned you were recently diagnosed and then not given any more information. That would be frustrating indeed! HCM is not something that many cardiologists are familiar with. The symptoms seem to fit a lot of different heart issues...and lots of people, myself included, go misdiagnosed or undiagnosed for a long time. In this day and age, it certainly isn't easy to change doctors, but to find a cardiologist who specializes in HCM is really difficult. It is really important to learn as much as you can about your condition and to educate yourself about treatment options, medications, exercise and other life activities. If your doctor is not familiar with HCM, you have to be your own advocate. You will find a lot of information on this site. Take a poke around and read up on others with this same condition. What test or study did you have that your doctor finally decided you had HCM? Do you live near a Center of Excellence (COE)?

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Had MRI and was diagnosed.
Being 84 yrs of age, it is very hard to get so much info from this group. To my knowledge I am not


@bevjune, there are so many acronyms out there in the world, it's no wonder we all get mixed up! I'm glad you found the Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy group. You mentioned you were recently diagnosed and then not given any more information. That would be frustrating indeed! HCM is not something that many cardiologists are familiar with. The symptoms seem to fit a lot of different heart issues...and lots of people, myself included, go misdiagnosed or undiagnosed for a long time. In this day and age, it certainly isn't easy to change doctors, but to find a cardiologist who specializes in HCM is really difficult. It is really important to learn as much as you can about your condition and to educate yourself about treatment options, medications, exercise and other life activities. If your doctor is not familiar with HCM, you have to be your own advocate. You will find a lot of information on this site. Take a poke around and read up on others with this same condition. What test or study did you have that your doctor finally decided you had HCM? Do you live near a Center of Excellence (COE)?

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I had to switch doctors
I found a cardiomyopathy
The group is great
Let me know your journey


Hi group yesterday I had my blood pressure
Go up also had a few dull pains in neck area a litter short in breathing
I was concerned I call doctor they spoke to me twice
Yesterday had to monitor both things
It’s not easy living HCM
Good today I head out to exercise
I have to pick myself up and enjoying outside
Stay strong


Had various symptoms, even while on medication. I was diagnosed about 6 years ago. Have been hospitalised for arrythmia twice, had pneumonia plus tachycardia requiring cardio version once, had 3 angiograms so far. Very important to be calm. Think positive thoughts, take it one day at a time. Rest. Dont allow stress. Take your medication. Eat vegan if possible, keep cholesterol down. Move around as much as you are able. Watch heart rate, rather use weight training and resistance for mobility and muscle tone.


Had various symptoms, even while on medication. I was diagnosed about 6 years ago. Have been hospitalised for arrythmia twice, had pneumonia plus tachycardia requiring cardio version once, had 3 angiograms so far. Very important to be calm. Think positive thoughts, take it one day at a time. Rest. Dont allow stress. Take your medication. Eat vegan if possible, keep cholesterol down. Move around as much as you are able. Watch heart rate, rather use weight training and resistance for mobility and muscle tone.

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Hi there @sueq447, and welcome to Mayo Connect. Boy! It sure sounds like you have had quite a time with HCM. I like that you say to have positive thoughts, that is so important for your mental health as well as physically. You offer good advice. One day at a time. Don't allow stress. Etc. I hope you take a look around the Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy site. There is a lot of good information being shared by other members and you may find some interesting things you didn't know before. Learn as much as you can about HCM so you can be your own best advocate.
May I ask, do you know if you have Obstructive HCM?
Is your cardiologist specialized in treating HCM? Are they aware of Camzyos, the newly approved drug for treatment of HOCM?


It is a real struggle. I just do what I can do. I decided to start walking everyday on an indoor track. Even if I can only walk for 10 min it’s better than nothing. I changed my diet, I found that greasy food made it worse. I try and reduce my stress. That’s a hard one but it does help. I am now on medication and honestly it has changed everything. I have now worked my way up to a 5km walk daily

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What medication did you start?

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