How about a laugh, (hopefully)

Posted by Leonard @jakedduck1, Dec 31, 2018

I believe laughter is the best medicine. Laughter has actually been scientifically proven to help people with depression issues.
Let’s give it a try so we can all get happy and feel better. Many Epilepsy forums I’ve been on had joke sections. I was probably the biggest joke of all since I didn’t get a lot of the jokes. They said the jokes couldn’t be above 4th grade level for me to understand them so my jokes may be rather simplistic but let’s give it a try.
Have a lovely day everyone,

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Another Horse story:
The farrier was at the barn the other day clipping hooves and attaching shoes. I asked him if he knew why the mares took longer to shoe than the geldings. He took a much needed break, stretched his back and said he had no idea. I said "On the mare, after each shoe is put on, she has to hold it out and admire it first before you can continue."
My "neigh"-bor told me that one.


You are not annoying.

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You don’t know me!!! 😂 That “pretty annoying” isn’t too far from the truth!


William Tell- grooooan! Great!

"Ask not for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee."

Anyone remember if this quote is from John Donne? "Meditation 17"? No cheating by using the google- haha. Let's see if we still can work our retrieval brain cells.

Frankly, as maybe you can tell, I've given up on retrieving correct English spellings!
Es mucho mas facil el deletrear en espanol!

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....ask not for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee
as an aside from the joke (funny),
as not having a very good education, basic, I dont know of a lot of famous quotes etc.,but this one, really hit home: .... it does mean, doesnt it, that whatever befalls others can/will/might happen to all of us? e.g. illness?
in any case, very nice play on words! 🙂


You don’t know me!!! 😂 That “pretty annoying” isn’t too far from the truth!

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Hope your not expecting an argument.





You don’t know me!!! 😂 That “pretty annoying” isn’t too far from the truth!

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Frankly, people who are annoying are like Socrates who try to Understand what the other side is saying/doing....
In fact I've annoyed librarian and book club organisers because I'd ask: But HOW do we know that this group is really making participants gain-to-make-life-richer than before. There need to be something like parents of KG classes who insist on being shown progress through vocabulary, play participation and socially acceptable behaviors etc.
So, cheers, you made me feel good that at least there's one person annoying-enough-for-the-right reasons!


....ask not for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee
as an aside from the joke (funny),
as not having a very good education, basic, I dont know of a lot of famous quotes etc.,but this one, really hit home: .... it does mean, doesnt it, that whatever befalls others can/will/might happen to all of us? e.g. illness?
in any case, very nice play on words! 🙂

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I think Donne meant death that church bells alert us,,,in that we mostly forget we, too, will be gone one day. Could it mean other trying hardships? Possible. But I truly believe reminding oneself of our own death can give us jolt of energy to get one's life in order. It really does for me if I am using 'too much' time amounting to wasting it. Actually in psychology it's known as TMT (terror management theory) a therapy that helps people who endlessly ruminate, do cleaning or talk without much thinking (because they likely wish to deceive Themselves int thinking that they matter, that they are somebody important. These are the ones who fall for 'likes' and 'friends' as self-image boosters, a terrible mistake. If you do want to feel good, put yourself out there and then find out your worth. I do some 'wordle' word game puzzle that tests one's vocabulary as well as logical thinking. If I get an 'impressive' on find the right word, I pat myself but discount it for pure-chance possibility. similarly for Sudoku puzzles, both logical and hard on you if it belongs to Hard category from new york times.


Fair warning, another groaner!

According to Greek mythology, a centaur was half horse, half human doctor.

Therefore. . .

Wait for it. . .

He was the Centaur for Disease Control.

Sorry. Erm, no, not sorry. < wink, wink>

In reply to @jakedduck1 "Deleted" + (show)

Hi, Leonard/jakeduck,

What's up with the "deleted" posts?

Are you deleting yourself before you post a thought b/c you are pretty sure that a moderator will delete it if you do post it?

If so, that's pretty funny in and of itself!

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