COVID vaccines and neuropathy

Posted by cue @cue, Feb 15, 2021

I am 85 with small fiber neuropathy that is getting worse. My neurologist thought it would be a good idea for me to wait with the covid vaccine and not be first in line to see how it affected other people with neuropathy. Probably because it is a new technology. Has anyone had a problem with neuropathy after receiving the vaccine? If so, which vaccine?

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I believe that COvid vaccines that were rushed to the public without adequate testing could have triggered my neuropathy. I had numbness in my right foot only for a few years and now its both feet cramping so bad that I have to walk on my heels. The electric shocks only started after a traumatic accident that gave me three broken ribs. So its safe to say that my nervous system has been through a lot of trauma and there is no going back. Pregabalin only helps a little some days not at all. I am exhausted from lack of sleep I am itchy and feel like I am being pinched in the middle back mostly but sometimes every where. Its too much all the time. I just want to get some relief. Please God stop the pain.

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The vaccine definitely made my foot neuropathy worse. I had two unfortunately and would never ever have another one ALA b1 and b12 as well as ensuring I eat a healthy anti inflammatory diet helps


My husband had no neuropathy except for restless leg syndrome occasionally. After his first Covid vaccine he had some thinking in his tongue. Unfortunately he received the second vaccine and now the inside of his mouth on the right side always feels like he has been to the dentist and they froze his mouth. Doctors feel it was a coincidence. He would have got that anyway. I do not agree.


I believe that COvid vaccines that were rushed to the public without adequate testing could have triggered my neuropathy. I had numbness in my right foot only for a few years and now its both feet cramping so bad that I have to walk on my heels. The electric shocks only started after a traumatic accident that gave me three broken ribs. So its safe to say that my nervous system has been through a lot of trauma and there is no going back. Pregabalin only helps a little some days not at all. I am exhausted from lack of sleep I am itchy and feel like I am being pinched in the middle back mostly but sometimes every where. Its too much all the time. I just want to get some relief. Please God stop the pain.

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Strictly anecdotal, but I had terrible foot cramps until I started taking 1oz Braggs Organic Vinegar, mixed with 4 oz of lemonade, three times per day. I've been doing this for about a month & have had no cramps since. Also helped with some gut issues. Worth a try. Cramping is a horrible thing to live with. Good luck.


I have to throw my two cents in! Here's my take on this. Peripheral neuropathy has been around long before covid 19. So, could getting covid cause PN? Who knows. So, can the covid shot cause someone without PN to develop PN after the initial shot or booster(s). Who knows for sure. Finally, if someone has PN....could getting covid or the shot make the PN worse. Some think it's possible or is it all a coincidence. I've had PN for 7 years, boosted, etc so is my PN now worse due to the shots? These are questions for which I doubt we'll ever know the true answers considering the fact in many cases, the cause of PN remains a mystery to many of us on this forum.


I was a very healthy person until after the vaccines and now I have idiopathy peripheral neuropathy, tinnitus, and m-spike. I was told by neurologist and audiologist that vaccines most like had nothing to do with it. It is quite a coincidence that this all happened to me at once. However, just recently in an article in the Epic Times were neurologists emphasizing how they are seeing a much higher neuropathy issues with patients including tinnitus and M-Spike and contribute it to the Covid vaccines. The problem is there are no real solutions to reverse the damage. Some doctors are now willing to come forth with this information, which is good to see, but I hope that someone starts looking at some cures because I have run into many people that have neuropathy during the pandemic.

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Tengo neuropatía que se fue manifestando de manera lenta a través de los años. Eran pequeños síntomas que se manifestaban en mis pies al caminar. Nunca dolor. Tampoco he tomado medicamentos a lo largo de mi vida. Creo que alguna vez amoxidal por problemas odontológicos. Y hace aproximadamente 17 años tomé (durante 4 años y medio) tamoxifeno. Pero sí recuerdo que antes de comenzar a tomar tamoxifeno ya tenía grandes y dolorosos calambres en mis piernas. Coincidian estos calambres con la época en que me eran aplicados rayos por un tumor de mama. Los calambres fueron casi simultáneos con el inicio de la aplicación de rayos. Nunca permití que me hicieran electromiograma por lo que mi neuropatía fue diagnosticada por descarte a través de análisis de sangre interminables . Tengo una espasticidad que no fue muy importante al principio pero sí durante y después de la pandemia por falta de movilidad. Lo peor es el equilibrio que se agudizó por medicamentos que estoy tomando ( flecainida) a causa de una Fibrilación Auricular que se manifestó al comienzo de mi contagio con COVID. Inclusive una flecainidad más moderna de liberación lenta agudizó la neuropatía Por lo que por mi cuenta he vuelto a la forma tradicional de ese medicamento.
Tengo muchísima suerte como ya lo he manifestado en este medio, de no sufrir ningún tipo de dolor. Solo cuando camino se manifiesta mi problema. Pero noto que la insensibilidad al tacto que tenía hasta la rodilla, ha ido avanzando lentamente.Y mi espasticidad también.


My husband had no neuropathy except for restless leg syndrome occasionally. After his first Covid vaccine he had some thinking in his tongue. Unfortunately he received the second vaccine and now the inside of his mouth on the right side always feels like he has been to the dentist and they froze his mouth. Doctors feel it was a coincidence. He would have got that anyway. I do not agree.

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My nerves were on fire after th 4th vaccine so I agree with you.


I was recently diagnosed with SFN but started having symptoms in 2018. I got very sick with every covid vaccine and lost 20 pounds because of the 1 and only booster I got. The SFN diagnosis explains a lot about the last few years but especially that.


Thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience. They have been extremely helpful to me as I continued to battle my pain and other symptoms. After the second Pfizer covid vaccine, I too developed a debilitating pain starting two weeks after. The pain began in my feet and over the course of several weeks traveled up to my legs, buttuck and upper body, affecting mainly my muscle and tendon. Thinking that a massage would help, I did foam rolling on my extremity and areas with pain and the next day the pain was so severe causing inability to walk or sit for several days as foot, leg and buttuck pain were unbearable. It's been over two and a half years now and my condition hasn't gone away. I feel more fatique, anxious, and am very sensitive to pain, loud noise, and light. The sore in my feet and hands are now accompanied by tingling and numbness that is worse at night and morning and reduces with movement. My upperback and neck are also in trouble now due to pain. Light exercise and stress have made me feel fatique. I cannot engage in a long conversion because it causes breathlessness and fatique. I also have stomach issue and frequent urination at night and when pain is severe. I've consulted with many specialists in town and done many tests (EMG, rheumatoid factor tests, autoimmune disease tests, various vitamin, metal, infectious diseases, allergy, etc) which did not detect anything abnormal. This condition has drastically changed my life at home and work as I cannot sustain long walk, standing and sitting. I've tried several drugs (GPB, cymbalta, Ibuprofen, tylenol, low dose naltrexone, CBD) and supplements but they seem to cause stomach upset. I've also tried acupuncture several times and it didn't seem to help. I've been managing the pain (poorly) with lidocaine cream, herbal ointment, and warm or cold compress and rest and follow the recommendations of my doctors. My recent visit with a neurologist specializing in peripheral neuropathy revealed that I may have SFN. I was wondering if anyone will be willing to share the experience of skin biopsy in terms of pain and duration of wound healing required for SFN biopsy. Also, is skin biopsy necessary to make this diagnosis? How do one deal with pain on a daily basis at work and daily life as I don't see that this condition will go away anytime soon and I am highly concerns that it will progress to the point of inability to do anything. Thanks so much.


Thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience. They have been extremely helpful to me as I continued to battle my pain and other symptoms. After the second Pfizer covid vaccine, I too developed a debilitating pain starting two weeks after. The pain began in my feet and over the course of several weeks traveled up to my legs, buttuck and upper body, affecting mainly my muscle and tendon. Thinking that a massage would help, I did foam rolling on my extremity and areas with pain and the next day the pain was so severe causing inability to walk or sit for several days as foot, leg and buttuck pain were unbearable. It's been over two and a half years now and my condition hasn't gone away. I feel more fatique, anxious, and am very sensitive to pain, loud noise, and light. The sore in my feet and hands are now accompanied by tingling and numbness that is worse at night and morning and reduces with movement. My upperback and neck are also in trouble now due to pain. Light exercise and stress have made me feel fatique. I cannot engage in a long conversion because it causes breathlessness and fatique. I also have stomach issue and frequent urination at night and when pain is severe. I've consulted with many specialists in town and done many tests (EMG, rheumatoid factor tests, autoimmune disease tests, various vitamin, metal, infectious diseases, allergy, etc) which did not detect anything abnormal. This condition has drastically changed my life at home and work as I cannot sustain long walk, standing and sitting. I've tried several drugs (GPB, cymbalta, Ibuprofen, tylenol, low dose naltrexone, CBD) and supplements but they seem to cause stomach upset. I've also tried acupuncture several times and it didn't seem to help. I've been managing the pain (poorly) with lidocaine cream, herbal ointment, and warm or cold compress and rest and follow the recommendations of my doctors. My recent visit with a neurologist specializing in peripheral neuropathy revealed that I may have SFN. I was wondering if anyone will be willing to share the experience of skin biopsy in terms of pain and duration of wound healing required for SFN biopsy. Also, is skin biopsy necessary to make this diagnosis? How do one deal with pain on a daily basis at work and daily life as I don't see that this condition will go away anytime soon and I am highly concerns that it will progress to the point of inability to do anything. Thanks so much.

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So sorry to hear about all your pain. I feel your pain believe me! Some days I'm not all that much pain but those days are too few. I'm on Cymbalta mostly for anxiety and depression because of my pain. I'm also on Lyrica. I find if I don't move the pain goes away. Are you like that too??? That's a heck of a way to live. Not moving!!!

Good luck to you. Maybe one day all this will stop.


So sorry to hear about all your pain. I feel your pain believe me! Some days I'm not all that much pain but those days are too few. I'm on Cymbalta mostly for anxiety and depression because of my pain. I'm also on Lyrica. I find if I don't move the pain goes away. Are you like that too??? That's a heck of a way to live. Not moving!!!

Good luck to you. Maybe one day all this will stop.

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Thank you so much for your kind reply hello2. It's certainly soothing to hear that you also feel and share similar experience as me. I do find rest and doing nothing to help me. I tried Cymbalta for over six months. Like you I found that it did help me improving my energy, anxiety and depression, but at the end it also caused severe dry eyes and difficulty urinating. So I stopped. Did that happen to you as well? I hope our conditions improve each day. Thanks again.

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