Nocturnal Leg Cramps - Help!

Posted by ashby1947 @ashby1947, Oct 20, 2019

Does anyone have a suggestion to help deal with foot/ankle/leg cramps in the middle of the night? I take plenty of calcium and magnesium and am thinking that I need to increase my potassium intake. Topical lotions (Theraworx, Tiger Balm, etc.) have not helped. I hope this is a good day for whoever is reading this! Sue

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Hi……well I upped my calcium to 1800 on Caltrate which includes 1500 of D. I then added a weighted blanket…..and have nothing but great sleep, including taking Relaxium!


B12 fixed most of it for me. I hope this helps you.


There’s this tablet call “Nunn” dilute it in 8oz of water drink before bedtime and several of those drinks you’ll stop having those cramps . It worked for me I don’t know what kind of stores you have around you but you can order it from Amazon

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Thanks for the suggestion. My pain isn't really a cramp. It is more like a toothache with a piercing pain once in a while. So far only painkillers has helped. It just relieves the pain for a few hours, but it always come back!


Thanks for the suggestion. My pain isn't really a cramp. It is more like a toothache with a piercing pain once in a while. So far only painkillers has helped. It just relieves the pain for a few hours, but it always come back!

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Oh ok wishing you well


Thanks for the suggestion. My pain isn't really a cramp. It is more like a toothache with a piercing pain once in a while. So far only painkillers has helped. It just relieves the pain for a few hours, but it always come back!

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Think it might be sciatica? When I had that the pain went down the leg. Or possibly hypermobile SI Joint movement? knee to the chest might help that.


I’ve had sciatica and it doesn’t feel like it. My legs burn on the surface and ache inside the muscle.


Guess that leaves nerves and veins, not muscles. Good wishes for finding an answer, maybe with a vascular doctor?


Hi……well I upped my calcium to 1800 on Caltrate which includes 1500 of D. I then added a weighted blanket…..and have nothing but great sleep, including taking Relaxium!

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Hi, neighbor had the exact symptoms, her doctor suggested magnesium, Caltrate, weighted blanket and using a timer of 30 minutes on and 30 off and then repeat, some castor oil packs and cbd balm. IT appears to be working for my neighbor. She can at least sleep at night. Also doctor told her to elevate her feet when sleeping. Every one is different so results can vary from person to person. She also takes a very warm bath before going to sleep at night, ( there are portable whirpool machines that can be used in bath tub. everyone is different. Circulation may be the culprit also according to her doctor. She in addition used a massage electrical wand for her feet. and legs. Different Good Luck


I use two tsp of mustard and magnesium before going to bed and it does help with night leg cramps, also lots of water throughout the day.


I have had the Reclast infusion for osteoporosis and have been suffering from leg pain, both sharp piercing and long aching for more than a month. Ant solutions you have would be greatly appreciated.

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Gynecologist recommended CoQ10 along with magnesium and vitamin D+K. I haven’t had leg cramps since taking these, make sure you take quality supplements though! Even my pharmacist told me, don’t buy the ones sold in the supermarkets!
Hoe this helps you.

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