Nocturnal Leg Cramps - Help!

Posted by ashby1947 @ashby1947, Oct 20, 2019

Does anyone have a suggestion to help deal with foot/ankle/leg cramps in the middle of the night? I take plenty of calcium and magnesium and am thinking that I need to increase my potassium intake. Topical lotions (Theraworx, Tiger Balm, etc.) have not helped. I hope this is a good day for whoever is reading this! Sue

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Hi, everyone. Was struggling with the cramps a while back.
Increased my exercises, and that's made a big improvement: walking 45 minutes 5X/week, and doing squats and deadlifts w dumbbells 2X/ week (besides upper body weight training).
Also my watch reminds me to stand up every so often while I watch TV or read, do puzzles, play bass, etc.
Hope this helps... please adjust your exercise to your own physical status and current level of fitness / health. And if any exercise hurts as you do it, stop doing it... and search for another one in its place that doesn't.
All the best!



Hi, everyone. Was struggling with the cramps a while back.
Increased my exercises, and that's made a big improvement: walking 45 minutes 5X/week, and doing squats and deadlifts w dumbbells 2X/ week (besides upper body weight training).
Also my watch reminds me to stand up every so often while I watch TV or read, do puzzles, play bass, etc.
Hope this helps... please adjust your exercise to your own physical status and current level of fitness / health. And if any exercise hurts as you do it, stop doing it... and search for another one in its place that doesn't.
All the best!


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I had a similar problem and found that HYLANDs pills (PM) for leg cramps worked for me...


My experience with leg cramps is that they come and go irregularly and its completely coincidental if they stop when taking a supplement or altering behavior.


My experience with leg cramps is that they come and go irregularly and its completely coincidental if they stop when taking a supplement or altering behavior.

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I disagree. I had cramps for weeks. Then started using Hyland cramp medicine. When I stopped using it, the cramps returned. It is certainly worth a try. I had used rub on cramp meds -- which worked. But I was awakened every night -- and this seems like a better solution.


Everyone might be different. I had worst cramps ever, my calf muscles hurt for days after, bought biotin, never took it any, and didnt have another cramp for more than a year. For me they come and go. Glad something worked for you. They come for a month or two, and then not again for a year or so. Cyclical without explanation maybe.


Wherever I have leg cramps, I drink lots of water and they usually go away. Make sure u r hydrated.


Oh, those horrible leg cramps and who ever heard of ankle cramps but when you get them, you sure don't forget them. I have found hydration is the key to my issues. I do have a banana each day and during the afternoon I drink a tall glass of water or more. That has helped a great deal and I rarely have the cramps any longer.

To ease the ankle cramps, I stand on that foot and eventually the cramp relaxes and the ankle leans in toward the arch of the foot where it belongs! These cramps are so weird it feels like the ankle joint has become mis-aligned.



It's somewhat comforting to know others suffer from extreme cramps as I have for many years. I have tried dozens of remedies, everything mentioned in these posts and more, none of which helped. I exercise 4-5 times a week, drink lots of water, take calcium, magnesium, eat a varied diet. I do stretches before bedtime. Sometimes 5 times a night a very painful cramp feels like a knife in my calf or the outer side of my leg beginning at the ankle. Occasionally I've almost passed out from the pain. Sometimes it's the toes that are involved and the joint that lets you flex or point your foot. If I'm able to walk to the bathroom, a hot washcloth on the area eventually eases the cramp. The one and only change that has reduced the number and severity of cramps is I've quit sitting with my feet up in a recliner in the evening. Why??


Cramps and cures in my opinion are totally random-both in cause and cure. They come and go, sometimes coming daily, sometimes gone for a year or more. I walk when I have a cramp til it eases, usually within 3-5 minutes. I get in arch under foot, and calf occasionally. I don't believe there is any supplement or exercise that will really make a difference.


Oh, those horrible leg cramps and who ever heard of ankle cramps but when you get them, you sure don't forget them. I have found hydration is the key to my issues. I do have a banana each day and during the afternoon I drink a tall glass of water or more. That has helped a great deal and I rarely have the cramps any longer.

To ease the ankle cramps, I stand on that foot and eventually the cramp relaxes and the ankle leans in toward the arch of the foot where it belongs! These cramps are so weird it feels like the ankle joint has become mis-aligned.


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Oh, my gosh. Yes, ankle cramps!!! Horrible. My nocturnal calf/ankle cramps started up about a year ago. At one time we thought it was the statins, so changed doses and milligram. That helped for a while.

Then cramping started up again about four months ago. I sleep with a heating pad by my bed, when the cramp wake me up, I turn on the pad and put it on my calf and/or wrap it around the calf and ankle. Stopped statins again for two weeks (only 10 mg). No cramps for two nights. Maybe the statins build up over time and contribute?

I exercise 5 days a week, walk my dogs daily, eat a banana a day, take calcium and 400 mg of magnesium at night. Lead a healthy lifestyle.

It “seems” wearing compression sleeves during the day helps. Though it seems all suggestions help for a while and the cramps come back. So maybe it is just coincidence.

Only thing I haven’t try is suggestion i’ve read online and from cardiologist - get on my peloton bike for ten minutes of easy pedaling before bedtime to get the circulation going. Being relaxed for bedtime and getting on my bike sounds horrible, but maybe I’ll try it some time.

Will keep watching these postings! So glad they are there M

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