Nocturnal Leg Cramps - Help!

Posted by ashby1947 @ashby1947, Oct 20, 2019

Does anyone have a suggestion to help deal with foot/ankle/leg cramps in the middle of the night? I take plenty of calcium and magnesium and am thinking that I need to increase my potassium intake. Topical lotions (Theraworx, Tiger Balm, etc.) have not helped. I hope this is a good day for whoever is reading this! Sue

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I have had the Reclast infusion for osteoporosis and have been suffering from leg pain, both sharp piercing and long aching for more than a month. Ant solutions you have would be greatly appreciated.


Oh I am looking for someone who's leg cramps last for more than a half an hour, ...... I literally scream in pain, woken up from a dead sleep. I tried everything, from Magnesium spray, topical, to supplements, to water, ice, hot baths, masager, pushing down on my leg into a board, mental work like, "relax", more working out, etc. The only thing that has really worked is stretching, and I didn't believe it would help so didn't do a lot of it (which is what it takes before bed) until I suffered for years. I have been very limber most of my life. It may not work forever, but right now thigh and calf stretches held for a length of time really help.
When I lived in a condo I was afraid I'd wake the neighbors. It really hurts.
Back story is that my father had leg cramps for a long time before he died. I didn't get how painful when he would talk about it. now i do! My other complications are: one kidney, and rheumatoid arthritis. but I haven't connected them to the leg cramps, so far. When I have talked with Doctors about these cramps they have not been interested..... I guess they felt it wasn't their area of expertise?, or they didn't get pain? but I would like to know who to ask for more info.

It's good to hear from anyone what their experiences are. Thanks everyone.

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If you know, you know. Thank you for sharing. Being awakened by the intensity of calf muscle cramps is extremely disruptive and no picnic in the wee hours of the evening. Hydration-check! Vitamins-check! I too try to point my angry piggies towards my patella >knee
Apply heat occasionally when they re-occur


If you know, you know. Thank you for sharing. Being awakened by the intensity of calf muscle cramps is extremely disruptive and no picnic in the wee hours of the evening. Hydration-check! Vitamins-check! I too try to point my angry piggies towards my patella >knee
Apply heat occasionally when they re-occur

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Too much sugar


What is your understanding of how cold feet effect cramping at night? I have cold feet often, and it's a life long thing. But it sounds like your connection to cramping worked for you, and I'll try it. Thanks a lot.

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Someone mentioned keeping your feet warm helps, but I have worn socks 24/7 for decades because I start sneezing and catch a cold if I don't keep my feet warm. It hasn't helped my leg cramps though. I'm glad it works for someone and hope it works for you.


Gentle stretching during the day or as tolerated while occurring. Neurologist recommended stretching with a belt. To help pull the ball of foot upwards towards chin.knee. I have a hard time doing that. Sometimes standing up helps with feet firmly on the floor. My foot dr recommended putting a plastic bottle of chilled/iced water and roll it under my foot/feet. I have not tried the ice yet for other reasons. Stretching yes. I have to freeze a bottle as she said. I hope everyone feels better. I hope you get relief soon!


I know you said you take magnesium BUT is it Chelated-Lysinate Glycinate? Chelated helps with absorption. Just a thought.


Just read this article and saved the cite ... I calls for mag. taurate. ?????ANDanother that says Magnesium Chelate for muscles .... "This form of magnesium is especially important for muscle building, recovery, and health. " [17] ...b both are ads essentially.


I had this problem and magnesium citrate resolved it. If I run out of magnesium the cramps return within 2 weeks


I have had the Reclast infusion for osteoporosis and have been suffering from leg pain, both sharp piercing and long aching for more than a month. Ant solutions you have would be greatly appreciated.

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Thera Works for muscle cramps has helped me. When I get into a cycle of it happening, I rub it in before going to bed, but most times I use it only when I'm having cramps. It is a foam and one push on the bottle is all it takes to rub the foam it into the cramped muscle. I buy it at Walmart. Cheers, Judy


There’s this tablet call “Nunn” dilute it in 8oz of water drink before bedtime and several of those drinks you’ll stop having those cramps . It worked for me I don’t know what kind of stores you have around you but you can order it from Amazon

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