Nocturnal Leg Cramps - Help!

Posted by ashby1947 @ashby1947, Oct 20, 2019

Does anyone have a suggestion to help deal with foot/ankle/leg cramps in the middle of the night? I take plenty of calcium and magnesium and am thinking that I need to increase my potassium intake. Topical lotions (Theraworx, Tiger Balm, etc.) have not helped. I hope this is a good day for whoever is reading this! Sue

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My physiotherapist told me to sit with my legs raised as in sitting on a recliner or your heels on a stool. This tends to stretch the leg muscles. It does help


I use two tsp of mustard and magnesium before going to bed and it does help with night leg cramps, also lots of water throughout the day.

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Yes, and if lots of water doesn't do it .... add hydration help like Nuun or Ultima.


Hi, neighbor had the exact symptoms, her doctor suggested magnesium, Caltrate, weighted blanket and using a timer of 30 minutes on and 30 off and then repeat, some castor oil packs and cbd balm. IT appears to be working for my neighbor. She can at least sleep at night. Also doctor told her to elevate her feet when sleeping. Every one is different so results can vary from person to person. She also takes a very warm bath before going to sleep at night, ( there are portable whirpool machines that can be used in bath tub. everyone is different. Circulation may be the culprit also according to her doctor. She in addition used a massage electrical wand for her feet. and legs. Different Good Luck

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Hi Thanks for the advice, i have been taking Magnesium Caltrate and more for years, have no problem sleeping.
Again, the pain is in back of the knee the hamstring muscles, could also be a Ciatic nerve.
Have called one place and they suggested Stem cell injection's, the cost close to $ 4000.00 and no guarantee or insurance coverage, also kind of dangerous and money waisted.


Hi Thanks for the advice, i have been taking Magnesium Caltrate and more for years, have no problem sleeping.
Again, the pain is in back of the knee the hamstring muscles, could also be a Ciatic nerve.
Have called one place and they suggested Stem cell injection's, the cost close to $ 4000.00 and no guarantee or insurance coverage, also kind of dangerous and money waisted.

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IT's an individual choice according to your needs and budgets and experience with different treatments as we all have different body chemistry so medication has variables on how effective it is. I have spoken to researcher from a large pharm company in US and yes, it would be a miracles if medication worked the same with everyone. In same respect I know people who have been on drugs for years to no affect. Why they continue taking them when they don't help at all is beyond me. My understanding my case in particular my anti rejection meds for my kidney transplant have given me side effects other do not have. So I have given up in trying to solve my pain. I just deal with it as excruciating as it may be. Personally I believe stems cells, your own, which are clean and applied in to your body have the potential to heal. Why do stems cells from umbilical cord and other kinds of stem cells being used for heart and brain conditions? They serve many purposes? Stem cells in 2023 and beyond in my own opinion have great possibilities for many illness and if they are your own how can they harm you? Many countries around the world have innovative therapies we can only dream about. In research studies you pay nothing, IF a patient goes to a center which hopefully will be approved by FDA or hospital in research in a particular ares, Yes, it's costly but if they save. your life or that of a child in my opinion hold great promise. IF one can afford why not try them? Many athletics swear by them. Drs and those in medical research in US. also do not promise anything beyond a little bit of hope that a condition can be treated to at least be bearable if not managed so people can live a semi normal life. Best of Luck.


I want to thank everyone for all the suggestions. One thing I thought it might be is having a compression fracture in lower vertebrae. Has anyone had that or know what the symptoms are?


I find it helpful to increase water intake, drink sports electrolyte beverages and reduce any diuretics like coffee/tea.
In the throws of full on cramps I take extra strength Anacin , apply warm cloths or run warm water over the cramping area.
All the while trying not to scream the house down.


Don’t take potassium is your levels are not low as you risk severe cardiac issues (lab scientist here). If you are taking enough calcium/magnesium then you need to get tested for other causes: possible malabsorption issues, parathyroid and thyroid function. See an internist who might refer you to an endocrinologist or gastroenterologist.


Yes, magnesium, calcium, plus others mentioned by others. And, I definitely recommend buying quality products


Yes, magnesium, calcium, plus others mentioned by others. And, I definitely recommend buying quality products

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I take two capsules of magnesium aspirate before bedtime and it helps stop cramping. There is also a magnesium cream that you can rub on your legs (or in my case feet) that is immediate. Bought both on Amazon. Hope it helps!


My physician told me to take Co-Q-10. It helped me. I had severe cramps. Hope it helps you.

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