Pain in the butt - Can't sit down

Posted by ecalderman @ecalderman, Nov 21, 2012

I have had very intense pain at my sitz bones for over 7 months and am unable to sit down. when I sit, it feels like I am sitting on two hot pokers or rocks and it is really unbearable. So, I have been standing for seven months. I've been to a couple of spine and pain management doctors, an orthopedist, a chiropractor, a neurologist, an acupuncturist, and a massage therapist. The original diagnosis was ischial bursitis but that ha not appeared on any images. I don't have any issues with any of my lumbar disks. I'm in constant pain even when standing or lying down though those activities do not hurt as much as sitting. Has anyone heard of anything like this before?

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The pain pump trial usually involves a pain specialist making a series of 2 injections using some kind of morphine mix into the intrathecal space around the spinal cord. My first injection did nothing. The second injection caused my pain level to drop from about an 8 to a 2. It felt great. Except that I was still aware of the "lumps" in my buttocks (just not painful, which I can handle).

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That’s a big difference in pain. Did you go through with the pain pump and how do you feel now?


My goodness. Our stories are very similar. I have come to the reality that this is at good as it gets. I am home bound, as dressing and sitting are the worst things for me to do. I think I have tried too many interventions, spinal chord stimulator (twice), Calmare therapy, a peripheral nerve stimulator and numerous meds, vitamins, oils, creams (I also have allodynia on my lower back and bum. All the areas where I had the dreadful shingles. Currently, I am trying red light therapy. I haven't given up but the increase in pain has made things difficult. I am sorry you're not feeling well.

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This pudendal neuralgia feels just like shingles but underneath your skin around the anus perineum and penis. There are no visible outbreaks like shingles but it’s the same pain level. I’ve had shingles on my side once it lasted 3 weeks and it was very painful and uncomfortable so that’s the only way to describe the condition I have. Severe burning tingling numbness. Disabling


I think that you need to go to a neurologist also and be tested for CRPS. I have the burning on the whole right side of my body and hypersensitivity. It was caused from surgery. My symphetatic nervous system was damaged, which created these issues.

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Same here it was a surgery under the sacrum on my s2-s3 nerve that’s the biggining of the pudendal nerve. Very painful.


That’s a big difference in pain. Did you go through with the pain pump and how do you feel now?

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Had the pain pump installed about 2 weeks ago. They started me on the lowest possible dosage, which has minimal effect, as expected. Had the dosage bumped up last week. a little bit of pain relief, but nothing to shout about. Going back this coming Tuesday for another adjustment. It may take a few more adjustments before reaching optimal pain mitigation. We'll see.


Had the pain pump installed about 2 weeks ago. They started me on the lowest possible dosage, which has minimal effect, as expected. Had the dosage bumped up last week. a little bit of pain relief, but nothing to shout about. Going back this coming Tuesday for another adjustment. It may take a few more adjustments before reaching optimal pain mitigation. We'll see.

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I hope it works for me I have no life and no friends left. I stand every one up because I can’t make it to my appointment. At the end of my rope.


I hope it works for me I have no life and no friends left. I stand every one up because I can’t make it to my appointment. At the end of my rope.

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I’m also hopeful that it works for you too and thanks for responding I really am scared of another surgery and especially one that doesn’t work. Since I’ve been through 2 stimulators that were ineffective for my pudendal neuralgia. 2 implants and 2 explants. Surgery is difficult on the body. Recovery time takes longer each time I have had surgery. Good luck with your pain pump. I’m hopeful for you.


I've been going through a lot of surgeries because of butt problems that started with both ass cheeks being abscessed with strep B Ecoli and Mirsa and it went from there. I've been through rehabs and a lot of diseases and infections. My thoughts are you should see a colon and rectal surgeon. They save people's lives who have butt problems. Colon & Rectal clinics are a huge help with butt problems.


Thanks for the advice I appreciate that. I have seen my colon dr after my colonoscopy and he showed me photos and said my colon has no issues. Did bloodwork and poop test and everything was in order so. I’m sorry to hear what happened to you I understand butt problem are debilitating for sure.


I read with great interest all who admitted to pelvis type discomfort and pain. The book mentioned 'A headache in the pelvis' is a good read and available via the pubic library. There is a good Ted Talk on Utube by a pelvic floor physiotherapist. As a retired R.N. I was very skeptical that a physiotherapist could help me. I have seen gynecology, neurology, and urology all to no avail. The first pelvic therapist I went to actually did me more harm than good as she was certain that my pelvic floor needed to be tightened up with exercises. Wrong! I have come to understand that my pelvic floor needs to relax, and my new highly recommended physio has helped me. I am cautiously optimistic. There are some helpful pelvic exercises on Utube as well. Although I am far from being 'all better' I see small glimmers of hope from day to day. Essentric type exercises have helped too and I want to offer encouragement to all suffering with this quality of life issue. Don't give up, keep trying.


Yes, I have great pain when sitting in my tailbone. Several years ago, I fell slipping on ice and hurt my tailbone. Paste for started to grow and I had to have an operation. Now I am having trouble again and need to see an orthopedic doctor.

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